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Welcome to the first episode of the Dom and Fro Show. The show where two different guys, living two completely different lives, on completely different sides of the country, still manage to be best friends.
In this episode we introduce ourselves and talk a little bit about how we are dealing with the shelter in place orders in our areas.
We go on to talk about multiple movies and games that we've made, conveniently linked here in the description for your viewing pleasures. Please feel free to watch these/play the games before you listen to the podcast!
A shout out to @MonoFlauta for programming the Pyroscape series.
Please stay tune for the next episode! If you enjoyed this episode, vote 5, leave a review, give us a fav and follow! Please consider donating to our Patreon or make a one time donation to our PayPal. (First thing we'll do is get better equipment!)
A special thanks to @Xinxinix for giving me the inspiration to finally make my own podcast after I've been talking about it for years...
Also a special thanks to @Dadush for making us some music!
Feels like everyone's starting a podcast these days, but hmm, yeah, seems like one it might be fun to tune into. Heads up, user account links with a www in them apparently give a security risk error thing: https://www.domandfroshow.newgrounds.com/
Weird, I dont get any security risks, but I'll fix it tomorrow.
Mine is a little different. Its not a newgrounds based podcast. It would be great if you gave it a listen!