Have you listened to the first episode of the Dom and Fro Show yet? It can be found where ever you listen to podcasts. Breaker, Google Podcast, Radio Public, Spotify, and even here on newgrounds. Thank you to the 400 people who have listened in so far! Everyone that listens in and shares it helps us out so much.
If you enjoyed it please consider become a patron or donating to Paypal to help us get newer/better equipment to improve the quality of the show.
The next episode is in the works and will feature a segment called "Karen is Sharon" where we talk about customer service and retail experiences.
It will also include an interview with @Phobotech, who is a professional voice actor, a published author, and was the preproduction artist for Cyanide and Happiness.
Nice, going places already! Wasn't expected you'd be taking the interview route with this one too. And a large NG focus no less...
There will definitely be guests. This one is more of an interview, but quite a few will most likely just be guests that I feel can chime in about a subject. This is actually the only newgrounder I have scheduled. I have 5 more people lined up that arent newgrounders... That I know of..