Hey everyone.
I competed in my 3rd strongman competition this week and produced my 3rd 1st place trophy. That is the end of my strongman career...
for this year...
and as a lightweight...
I have marked off 6 total competitions for next year (plus a 7th because I was invited to the national championship for 2022 as well) I also am going to move up a weight class. I was competing as a 90kg (under 198 pound), but would like to compete as a 105 kg (under 231 pound) competitor next year.
My reasoning? Even though I would perform better at the lower weight class, I just want to be bigger and stronger. So I'm slowly going to gain weight this year and start participating in the next weight class. I fully expect to not take any 1st place trophies for a bit, but still have a goal of coming in the top 3 whenever I compete. Of course, I'll go for a win if I can.
Third Comp Results:
1st Place
Log Press 250 pounds
Deadlift 600 pounds
Top 40 in the world
Don't get hurt
Actual results:
Log Pressed 230
Deadlifted 600 pounds (picture below!)
41st in the world
Only hurt my ego
This was a globally ranked competition. For my weight class I was top 11 in the United States and top 41 in the world. If I would have performed towards my goals those numbers would have been 8/36. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.
On my first log press attempt I blacked out. It was a routine lift, but something just didn't agree with me. I went dark and it threw me off for a solid 30 minutes. Sadly instead of going 210, 230, 250 I actually ended up going 210 (black out), 220, 230.
The deadlift went exactly as planned, 505, 555, 600. A 10 pound personal best. Also a vein PR. (again, picture below)
Now I eat, lift, sleep, and get big for the next year + until I'm around 225 pounds. Slow and steady wins the race with this one and insures that I build mostly muscle. It's going to be heck of a year.