I'll be done someday... But when you get the opportunity to be 1 of the 10 men in the WORLD in your weight class to fly out to Ireland and compete....
See you guys in Ireland.
Dad, coach, fan of eating food.
Age 36, Male
New Of Grounds
Grounds of New
Joined on 4/12/04
@Simoes1000 it is about powerlifting, the competition is about lifting weights
It's about Strongman, but close enough lol
The center it's being held at just happens to have powerlifting in the title
Wow, blessings! 🍀
That's a hell of an opportunity man, congrats! And always remember to lift safely!
There will be zero safety involved in my decision
What this is about?
I'll be competing in my 4th Strongman world championship. This competition goes out to the top ten men in each weight class in the sport.