Go here to read about it if you want: https://fro.newgrounds.com/news/post/1147746
I link to another newspost in that one. Maybe I'll just keep linking these forever so people have to go back 10+ newsposts to see what I'm talking about.
Anyways... topics for this newspost:
1) Strongman
2) Coaching
3) Modding
Competition is May 22nd, it's coming fast! I haven't been able to go to actual strongman training because of the coaching season I just went through, but that's over and every Saturday I'll be making the hour drive to train for the day, eat something fast food like, and make the hour drive home.
Here's some small highlights. The rest are on my twitter account. Follow me there if you'd like to watch my butt a lot in the camera. It's mostly my butt. I barely even get the weights in there sometimes.
Bench Press PR: (355 pounds)
The guy spotting me (ready for this mouthful) is the Junior Super Heavy Weight Bench Press World Record Holder. There's 2 Junior bench press record holders in my gym. Kind of cool. Maybe someday I'll be as big and as strong as him. Probably not lmao.
OHP PR: (240 pounds)
My pressing motions are getting much stronger. Each week I get a little bit better. My lower body lifts are moving a lot slower. I'm content with the progress. I'm just more upper body than lower body at this point. I'll work on it. I am working on it...
Got through two seasons of coaching forced into one. Track and Field and Football (American/Hand Egg)
Covid had me coaching both sports in a condensed manner. It was difficult and I often felt stretched too thin, but hopefully that's the last time that has to happen. Hand Egg starts again in just 2 months. The seasons are all messed up right now.
The school also asked me to be the weight room coach. Woo, there's no off season for that, but that includes something that I'm already doing. I'll get paid to workout and teach people how to workout and not have to pay for the local gym.
Nothing much to add here. Things are clearing up. I missed banning people. Tom said I could be a mod again.
Woah, those kids are so lucky to be coached by a Newgrounds moderator!