Pretty good.
Really good. Maybe there could of been something a little added to make this audio seem more complete, but other then that it was good. I loved the piano throughout the entire thing. Keep up the hard work.
~ Review Request Club ~
Pretty good.
Really good. Maybe there could of been something a little added to make this audio seem more complete, but other then that it was good. I loved the piano throughout the entire thing. Keep up the hard work.
~ Review Request Club ~
thank you so much im glad you loved it
Oh man.
This made me want to go back and play my old RPG games that I had for the PS1, but sadly I don't have those games anymore. You really hit it right on the nose though. Great job.
~ Review Request Club ~
thanks im glad you liked it yeah thats what it reminded me of
That's a hell of a long song you have there. I was doing stuff around the house while listening to it and I just thought it was a really good loop. Good job on it too! Your only 80 percent done though? What else do you plan on adding to this to make it better? I hope that the DJ friend of yours likes it and uses it.
~ Review Request Club ~
thank you very much :D , well im still thinking what else to add to it, since you know working on that its like draining your brain with ideas, then its harder to figure out what else to be added to make it better, got a list right here, but im still adding stuff :P thanks for the comment :)
Very nice demo.
This is well done and also pretty long for a demo. What exactly do you plan on adding to it to make a final version because I really don't see too much that could be done, but obviously you do. It does seem to get repetitive, but that might be something you can work out in the final version also. Overall great job and keep up the good work.
~ Review Request Club ~
Really good.
The build up is really good and you almost hit this one right on the nose. I say room for improvement though since there seemed to be just a little something missing. Great job though overall. Keep up the good work.
~ Review Request Club ~
Funny again! If I may ask what did this Jason ever do to you? Or is he just one of those guys that's pretty much a complete douchebag? Either way it's funny stuff. Has Jason ever heard any of this stuff?
~ Review Request Club ~
Hes just a dickhead sometimes.
But yeah he has heard all of our music.He doesnt care..Although if we crank it he gets pissed.
This made me laugh so hard and on top of that the guitar is pretty good too! Thanks for the good laugh man.
~ Review Request Club ~
No problem.
I liked it.
Sleepless Nights is the perfect title for the audio. It's exactly what I imagined when I listened to it. The piano is great in the song also. I really don't see what you could do to make this much better so good job and keep up the hard work.
~ Review Request Club ~
Thanks for the review, glad I used the right title :D
I really liked it.
It put me in a really good mood for some reason and I really enjoyed listening to it. I liked the entire thing. I almost put me in a trance and I let it play time after time again. Keep up the good work and good job.
~ Review Request Club ~
Dad, coach, fan of eating food.
Age 36, Male
New Of Grounds
Grounds of New
Joined on 4/12/04