I thought it was fitting.
Even though all you have to do is write two more audio reviews and pass me back up, I've decided to write this audio review, which will allow me to pass you in total audio reviews. Don't get me wrong. It's not bad, but what you need to understand is that I could go to the Trance section of newgrounds, close my eyes, and not be able to tell the difference between this song and most of the low scoring trance songs. It really lacks in originality and structure. It's just so simple and.. well just boring. I do see that it was your first trance song. I would have given this submission a 5/10, but since it was your first trance I will bump it up to a 7. Sorry I can't give you any technical tips on how to make your audio better because I don't really know anything about audio itself. I just know that this is pretty short, boring, unoriginal, etc.. Also, congrats on having it used in a submission. Now pass me pack. =P