Animation/Graphics - You all had your own styles, which were all done very well. I love collabs of this size because of all the different animation styles that you can see in one movie. Some were better then others, but the overall quality was great.
Story - FUNNY SHIT. Well I didn't find them all funny, but I did find two extremely funny ones. The one where he was in the box and he just about shit his pants, which resulted in him throwing up was pretty funny, but when the guy in the mask threw up and filled his mask up.. FUCKING HILARIOUS. I don't remember who did that scene, but props to you. Also, the finishing scene (Why am I attracted to fart jokes? I'm 20 years old..) when he could barely hold his shit in was absolutely hilarious also. Props to made that one as well.
Audio - All of the voice acting and everything else audio related was great. There isn't much to comment on other then that really.
Overall - I can't wait till the next one guys! It's funny as hell and movies like this really make watching the portal worthwhile. Great job.