That was awsome.
I think I caught a Boondock Saints reference in there. "why don't you act like a tree and go fu*k yourself." From the bartender that has turrets.
That was awsome.
I think I caught a Boondock Saints reference in there. "why don't you act like a tree and go fu*k yourself." From the bartender that has turrets.
that was alright...
i wish it was longer i thought it was getting good
yeah it was but i ran out of time to do the rest.
you added a little bit of humor also
good job
I like how it started slow and got more intense as it went along.
Nice ending it acutally makes alot of sense.
it started good
but i was sure as soon as hank turned his back he was gonna get shot
this was really cool. well done.
Not to bad... in fact I like it.
If there characters were well animated and you had voices instead of words this would be a series that I could add to my favorites. But before I do that you need to make your characters look alot better and tweak the movie so its more fun to watch.
I liked it.
These are pretty funny.
Not to bad.
Good humor but it could be funnier.
Dad, coach, fan of eating food.
Age 36, Male
New Of Grounds
Grounds of New
Joined on 4/12/04