
230 Art Reviews

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~ Review Request Club ~

Joshsouza, you're color blind man. That's purple not red. It's closer to a pink then it is a red by any means.

The first thing that I notice about the picture is that even though he's wearing armor you made it more like his skin or a leathery surface. You can see the details of his emotions on his face and it kind of gives him a non-human look as the armor is really his face.

You did a good job at showing his emotion. I feel that his emotion here is a really happy pumped up feeling. You're happy, but your adrenaline is pupping so much that you just feel anger like you want to scream and keep destroying.

That all being said the picture itself is pretty good. I would have liked to see one improvement though and that would be the background or lack of it. I've never played the game, but I have some ideas of what would look cool in the background of this. I can see a long field where dead bodies lay and the crumbles and ashes of a castle lay in the very far background with smoke rising.

As the picture itself, it's drawn pretty good, but there really isn't anything that's too exciting to go with it.

~ Review Request Club ~

lgnxhll responds:

yes thanks you for the info it is purple :)

~ Review Request Club ~

Looking at this as the size newgrounds gives it you really don't see the detail and effort that you put into it. I mean I would have still given it a 10/10, but when viewed at full size it really is done rather well.

The sky had a great combination of white, gray, and light blacks all swirled together. It gave the picture that feeling that it was about to snow, but as of now it was very peaceful. The calm before the storm. This is very representative whether you knew you did it or not. I'll talk about that later in my review after I go through all the visuals.

The two trees are very pleasing on the eye and they give it a bit of a balance. You did a great job using the white powder like snow on each of the trees giving the overall picture a nice calming touch again. The tree in which snow is dropping from almost gives the impression that somethings about to go down.

The snow that the dragon had it's one claw (or is it paw?) looks like it has your initials on it. I couldn't quite tell, but that's what it looked like to me. Whether it was or it wasn't, when viewed from further away you really get a nice feel that the snow pile is really there because of the shadow detail.

The hat on the dragon is really needed in my opinion. Without it you would have just assumed it was an older experienced dragon who was licking the ice. With the hat you realize that it's a younger dragon getting his tongue stuck on the ice. The dragon itself is done rather well and the colors/details that you used on it gave it a very innocent look/feeling.

What I really didn't like was the snowman. It wasn't very proportionate. At first I though, hey maybe the dragon is just really big and the snowman was made by normal size humans. I thought about it again as the trees, which are very close to it, wouldn't be that large to make the snowman seem that small. So yeah, I didn't think it was very fitting at all with it's size or location.

Perhaps instead, you could have moved it back towards the middle of the picture off centered to one of the sides to fill in the empty space of the sky. Either that or completely getting rid of it would make more sense in my mind.

Now to some technical things. I'm assuming the dragons tongue is stuck am I right? Well, don't dragons breath fire and everything? Even a younger dragon has hot breathe enough to melt the ice. Even if it's not one of those dragons that can breathe fire I'm sure it's strong enough to break the ice around it, even at a younger age.

Putting the technical stuff to the side though and still assuming that his tongue is stuck there is a lot of reference to problems or troubles ahead. Like I mentioned earlier in my review the calm before the storm type clouds tell me that everything may be alright now, but in the near future they also not be alright. Hence the dragon being alright now, but getting his tongue stuck causes a small problem.

Well, I really enjoyed this piece and I really enjoyed analyzing it. Great job all around. Like I mentioned before, the snowman being out of place was the only thing that I disliked about the picture.

5/5 and 10/10

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Review Request Club ~

It's not what I would consider a Self Portrait. In my opinion (and it could be/probably is wrong) it's a false perception of how you either think you look or what you wish you would look like. I'll point out a few reasons why I feel this.

The eyes of you (which I'm assuming is the middle character) are huge. The eyebrows are very thin and have a very weird curl down to your nose. I know my eyebrows go the opposite direction with their highest points in the middle next my nose and the lowest parts on the outside.

The mouth is very small compared to the nose and the chin/face structure isn't something that looks like would be on a human without plastic surgery. Perhaps you are very muscular, but the portrait of yourself looks like you weight well over 200 pounds with no fat at all.

So yeah, as a drawing I think it's great and that's how I'm going to rate it, but I myself can't consider this a true self portrait. Of course, that's all being said without me knowing what you look like at all.

Yeah, in all of the pictures the eye brows seem to be backwards to me. There were some pictures which had more detail than others, but in the ones that didn't have the details you've could have put a lot more in. Specifically the guy with spikes (in his hair and his body) has great detail put into his hair, but the character right to the right of you doesn't have detail in his hair.

You did a really good job with the longer hair on the girls. All around you did a good job with details and everything, but I find a few things here and there that I picked out. Nothing major by any means though.

~ Review Request Club ~

AkujinRuukasu responds:

I pretty much made a manga version of myself, which I aimed for. I see that I made my neck a little bit too wide. To this day, I actually weigh around 165 lbs. I also had my head a little bit downward. I have to agree, I kinda made my eyebrows too thin and too downward. Now that you mentioned the eyebrows being bass-ackwards, I did some comparison among the manga version, live version, and my drawing version. I guess I had them the wrong way without realizing it! I think I see where you are going when you compared Akujin's and Akiyoshi's hair. I was afraid of overdoing the hair and putting it off-balance. Thanks for the compliments and suggestions. I'll be sure to keep these in mind. Oh, one more thing, there's only one girl in the picture.

~ Review Request Club ~

First thing that caught my eye before anything else was how the road ends by rising into the air above the ground level in the horizon. Tisk Tisk, we should have gotten out of the drawing floating roads in the air when we were small children. ;)

I like that there isn't any color other than gray and white in this piece. It does give it a certain feeling. Not really a sad feeling, but almost the feeling of an old routine that someone is bored of doing time after time. It just kind of drains your energy and makes you "not happy." The picture does a good job of giving that feeling.

Did you use a regular pencil or some graphite drawing kits? Either way don't push down so hard to get the darker colors like we see on the road because the bottom left of the road gives off a nasty glare. This can be avoided by using layer after layer of a 2-B graphite pencil or one of similar shade. I know that it takes longer to do the layer on top of layer technique, but it does get rid of the shine.

I felt that the shading was good for the most part, but on some of the buildings that are closer you have these random dark lines that really stick out and don't look that good.

Other than that though I really like the picture. I always loved drawing cubes. I think you did a really good job on proportions and positioning of all the buildings. Nothing really sticks out like it's not the right size or that it's out of place.

A couple of things that you might think about adding to this piece could be a city on the other side of the horizon with buildings rising. They would be relatively small, but they would do a good job at covering up some of the empty white space while at the same time sticking with the cube style.

I also wouldn't have minded seeing some shadows thrown into the picture where the buildings would be casting them. On one last note, take better care of your art. I can see the wrinkles and lines of where you folded this and threw it somewhere. :P

~ Review Request Club ~

ZJ responds:

Thanks, bro!

~ Review Request Club ~

It's cool that there is a story behind the picture, but the better thing to do is to do is to create a picture that instead can create a story for each individual person that looks at it.

When I look at this picture I don't really get much from it. I think it has a lot to do with it's simplistic nature and major lack of detail. The color black might have been too dark in this case. I feel that if the color was a bit lighter that you could have really put a lot of detail into the creature at hand. A mixture of colors would also be better fitting.

So yeah, more detail and a better array of colors would have made this more appealing to the eye. I also would have liked it better with some sort of background.

~ Review Request Club ~

Celx-Requin responds:

I guess if I ever do use the character again, I should have more going on.
But for this specific piece it is what it is...

- Celx

~ Review Request Club ~

To get full respect from this picture I suggest that the viewers click on it to view it at it's full size. It really shows how much work and detail was put into it.

It's a great picture, but I think that the change is too sudden. Is there a way that you could have made the change a little more subtle because it's really just one face and then another face, but at a much deeper level we know it's not like that in real life. If someone is double faced in real life then there are the two different sides, but somewhere in the middle it's more of a mix of characteristics and emotions. It can almost represent a struggle for a person to find out who they really are and it's as never as clear as you have represented it here.

Where it splits also isn't directly down the middle. I don't know if that was on purpose or if you meant it by there is more good in a person than there is bad in a person. If it wasn't meant to be like that then I guess I am complaining a tad bit about how it isn't split down the middle of the face.

Off of the negatives though. I really love the use of red in the hair far to the right. It's almost out of place, but yet at the same time very fitting. It's hard to explain, but maybe it can be explained that even with good there comes some bad, but it's not always a bad thing.

The face structure made me a little confused as I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a guy with really long hair and girly like features.

So overall, I feel that it could have been a bit more symmetric and that a more subtle blend in the middle could have given it a deeper meaning. I do feel that it's a piece that people can allow themselves to imagine what it means to them and it might be different for everyone. I won't take any points off for the minor things that I spoke of.

~ Review Request Club ~

InsertFunnyUserName responds:

Subtle blend is a good idea and yeah, the face is a bit disproportionate.

Thanks for the review :]

~ Review Request Club ~

There is some that I like about this and then there is some that I don't like about this. I'll start with the negatives so we can end on a more positive note. First, I don't really like how it's presented. I understand that it wasn't done on a computer, but if you are going to take a picture of it then you should present it better.

I think I would have sat it on some sort of surface so the device would have been straight. The presentation of a crooked picture with a lot of black space around it really doesn't look that good in my opinion. I would have also zoomed in to the point where all you would see in the picture would simply be the pictures that you drew instead of the empty space around it.

Even if you didn't want to do that you could have perhaps cropped the picture out and turned it a bit so it did give the illusion of being straight and more professional looking.

Another thing that I didn't like was how small the drawing area is. I feel that if this was done with some other sort of program then you could have shown more of the face. It's really hard to review it that way though since you used the space you had. I also wouldn't have minded some color being added to this, but the black isn't really that bad.

The top picture is my favorite overall because I felt like the eyes were done rather well and everything around it was decent. I felt that you could have done a much better job on the eyes on the lower picture, but that you did a much better job on the hair.

For what you had I was impressed with the amount of detail, but yet again on another program perhaps you could have added even more. The background does cut it for what you have in this situation and the angle that you have the white space in the background does really bring it apart from the main attraction of the face.

The top picture gives me a feeling that the person is surprised or wasn't expecting something to happen, which in return made his eyes more round. The bottom picture almost makes me think that the character is sad, but not exactly sad. Perhaps more of a worried than anything else, but also with a sign of confusion as well.

Overall, you did a good job working with what you were given, but simply cropping out the extra black space and straightening the picture up would have gave it a much better presentation in my opinion.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Review Request Club ~

Very nice picture all around. I thought that the background that you used actually went with the picture quite well, but updating to add a background will also be pretty cool as well.

My favorite part would have to be the color that you used in your shirt. I felt that that area of the picture was done rather well and is the best part of the picture. I also enjoyed the way the hair was very fitting with the entire thing.

I love the way the face is pointing, but it seems to be shaped quite odd and not like it would appear in a real picture or in real life. The right side of the face (when looking at it not your actually right side) it the side that seems to be shaped odd.

The left side eye also seems to be shaped unrealistically and doesn't fit with the picture overall. I wasn't too thrilled about the color used in the face, but I really don't know what I would recommend to make that better either so I can't say too much about it either.

All in all though I feel that you did quite a good job.

~ Review Request Club ~

Scarifying responds:

Sorry I probably should of updated on the author's comments that I actually did add the background which is that black one. So this whole piece is finished now and is going to be entered into a contest my teacher told me to participate in. I also did not like the face as much as the rest of the drawing. The left eye is one of the parts that I was mentioning in the author's comments that I did not like. To me it is very noticeable but hopefully it is not too bad. Thanks for writing a review and I am glad you liked it.

~ Review Request Club ~

Very simple, but yet very creepy at the same exact time. I think this would make a very cool animation style and I love how the white and the black really look good together.

The picture itself looks like he could tear someones face off in a matter of seconds. All around, it's a very simple piece, but I really like the way the color was used and the simple style. I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of background here such as a building or the outline of a dark room.

~ Review Request Club ~

Celx-Requin responds:

I was going for something a little darker, the finished product will have cool dark settings, I just need to work on making the backgrounds seem polished.

Frankly creating buildings, and streets isn't one of my strengths, but I'm working on it. Anyway thanks for the review, and glad your back in the club...

- Celx

~ Review Request Club ~

You have recommended this user!

You may only have two pieces of art, but I still recommended you to the art portal. (Even though you need 4 pieces of art to become scouted and everything)

So what do we have here? Do you like fishsticks? Well your a gay fish. WE HAVE A GAY FISH HERE. No way is this fish gay looking. In fact it looks pretty dangerous with them razor sharp teeth there.

The mix of black and lighter colors give it a feeling of electricity for sure. I also get that small feeling that it would invite others in with it's bright colors just to tear them apart. It has that evil look to it.

I don't have anything to critique this on. It looks awesome and I really loved the colors that you used. *Adds to favorites to go along with the praise*

~ Review Request Club ~

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