This is playing every road trip that I make from here on out.
This is playing every road trip that I make from here on out.
This was really fun to listen back to. Thanks for having me on.
It's really amusing how Viva is not impressed with the entirety of the discussion.
This was really fun to listen to. The best part in my opinion was hearing you say how stupid it was. I got a good laugh out of that part.
It's what you say when you go into Walmart!
Dad's are people too...
I still have to watch all of the Sublo and Tango series.. I didn't have any clue what was going on in the Chutney animation. Is it a series I need to watch to understand? I've missed so much of the newgrounds that I never have a clue about these highly popular series.
The collabs are really exciting for me right. I'm happy to see the community coming together again. I owe my motivation to you for that.
It is crazy how involved Mr. Fulp is with the community.
Love leaking from other orifices.... Nice!
Damn, that not enjoying art, but only doing it to be visible to others was sad stuff... I hope they're doing ok. And I hope you are doing well also.
Mist was a terrible story movie...
I thought maybe it ended abruptly, but actually realized that it was the good old newgrounds player having trouble with playing loops that gave it a weird delay.
I actually think of Legend of Dragoons with this one. It has that feeling of getting to a story in and old RPG that wasn't big enough to get a cutscene and it did the whole click to continue the text box thing.
Extremely calming and relaxing.
More migraines? You still not drinking and getting hang overs from not drinking?
I love your talk about just creating things and not to stress too much about it. Sometimes we get so worked up in whether thinking something is creative or interested that we miss opportunities that people would love to see or hear.
The child like sense of wonder and seeking knowledge for it's own sake are absolute truth in growing as not only a person, but as a content creator. The wondering thing is something that I love to do. I love to take my daily run and just go down a random path, I love the fact that those random paths often lead me to paths that I know and I make amazing connections of the area. I love being able to say, "Wow, I never knew this was here."
Lists may actually be gay, but Xin.. it's ok to be gay.
100% great to be gay~!
I'm a doofus because I meant to say lame in order to be politically correct, but my vocabulary was failing me HARD yesterday so the dum dum side of me kept spilling out T.T
That was really fun to listen to. Great job on this! A cool original sound and loved the transition between the 30 and 40 second mark.
That's when Neo puts on his sunglasses ;)
A trip is a good way to explain that @RealMrSnuggles!
This is like nothing I've ever heard before. It got really crazy in some parts, but others just blew my mind. I just wasn't expecting the variety and experimental sounds. Chaotic, yet beautiful and memorizing all at the same time.
An amazing listen that I highly recommend!
I heard this when Krinkels submitted the animation. It's like in a world of it'self to listen to this without the animation. Extremely cool and original sound to it that could be used in a multitude of ways or just enjoyed as it is.
Dad, coach, fan of eating food.
Age 36, Male
New Of Grounds
Grounds of New
Joined on 4/12/04