Alright, I told myself that I was going to wait until I have all of the medals before I reviewed this, but I get the idea of the game and it's going to be quite a grind for me to get the rest of the medals. (I will, but I only have a few down times during a day and not enough to do it in the near future) Anyways, on to the review.
~ Animation/Graphics ~
Extremely basic, but awesome nonetheless. You great that great old school style of graphics with a new modern color scheme and feel. I love the combinations of blue and purple against the dark color of space. At times the screen can get busy with bright colors, think when you have those wide green laser things... they can take up so much space on the screen and are in such a constant stream that enemy bullets can hide behind them and you never see them coming. Not really a downfall, it's just something that comes along with the shootem up bullet hell type of game such as this.
Everything runs smoothly with no lag. Nothing to complain about here at all.
~ Gameplay/Content ~
I usually call this gameplay/story, but there isn't much need for a story behind this and hence there is not. The difficulty level is perfect in my opinion. Anyone with a couple of hours to sit down and play can get the 50 wave medal without having to reset too many times. P DOES NOT PAUSE IT LIKE YOU SUGGEST, I REPEAT P DOES NOT PAUSE THE GAME. The only way that I can see to pause the game is when playing on mobile and lifting your finger off the screen. I thought that perhaps if I clicked away on the desktop the same way then we would get a pause. I even convinced myself a few times that when I minimized it for a couple of minutes to do something really quick that it had worked because when I pulled the game back up I was still alive. Apparently I got lucky a few times by accidentally hiding in a corner and coming back on because this only worked the first few times.
The mobile version is much more difficult to me. I think I don't have the dexterity to move my finger on a phone screen as well as I do a computer mouse. These damn young kids and their dexterity.
On to some questions/concerns/comments/whatever else I may think of in the next few moments of this review...
Half of the buttons don't do anything on the main menu. I didn't test again on mobile, but do they do something on mobile and not on the desktop version? Are they buttons of the future that have no use right now? Are they not buttons at all?!?
Clicking the free tokens thing doesn't work. Basically same questions about that... I just noticed that I can continue from the same wave as long as I only spend 3 lives? That's awesome.. perhaps I will be able to finish this game a lot sooner than I thought! I see that it doesn't add to your highscore, which is expected. This is a great feature.
I know people don't like to do tutorials, but I feel like this game could have benefited the old folks like me who always had games come out with tutorials. A lot of things I discovered through your comments on reviews or by realizing I missed it over in the game description. Perhaps even just having a short description pop up when you hover your mouse over something, but I could see that not being compatible with a mobile version. I'm just old and have a learning curve, forget about that..
I was confused by the faster shooting button for a long time. I had no clue that using it took tokens so of course I always switched it on. I couldn't see a reduction in score or any negative side effects, but I came to the realization one day when I clicked on it and saw my score go down. After that the token collection was a lot better than I had originally thought during the game.
I'm confused when the power up comes down that makes you invincible and shoot a ton of bullets for a bit and how I know how long it lasts for. Does it appear completely randomly? Sometimes I get it 4-5 times in a game, sometimes I'm lucky to get it once. I just want to make sure there isn't a way to produce it by doing something specific in the game. I also don't always understand the mechanics. Am I actually invincible during that moment? Sometimes I go into it with a shield, come out of it with a shield and it seems like it lasted forever. Some other times I feel like it lasted half the time. That may just be a perception depending on the type of enemies that approach me, but I guess that's why I'm asking. Other times I go in with no shield, leave with a shield. Or go in with or without a shield and leave with my ship one shot away from being destroyed. I really don't get it, there seems to be no pattern to it.
I like the variety of weapons, but I feel like the missiles should be a little better than they are. Perhaps you made them the way they are so they aren't over powered. I think they aren't the best heat seekers. They miss a lot and have very little turning ability. I also don't like that the spread makes them lose their seeking ability. Oh shucks. :(
The ships are... weird? I guess you took the comedic route with them, but for some reason I just don't think I would have went that direction. I would rather have more epic looking ships as they go up in power and/or have ships with different attributes. (One with high attack and speed, but low health or one with high health, low speed, medium attack, etc.. etc.. etc...) I'm also slightly confused on the wording of how to buy ships to get an increase in attack.
If I wanted to buy the gameboy ship, would I have max attack power since it's the last ship or do I get 1 more attack power for every ship that I buy? For example, if I buy the banana last is that now the most powerful ship that I can get or is the gameboy the most powerful? I was assuming the gameboy was the most powerful, but I couldn't quite be sure with the wording in that section and really found no reason to purchase them out of order to test it anyway.
~ Audio ~
The sound effects are actually really amazing in my opinion. They kind of caught me off guard because I had played the game on mute almost the entire time. In fact, I didn't listen to the audio until I realized I needed to review every aspect of the game. The sound effects were well done and the music was awesome. They are a little overbearing for my office so muted them again, but I could see playing this with the sound as a fun extra.
~ Overall ~
I really liked it. At the end of the day it's just a vertical shooter, but it seems really well balanced and you've improved it greatly since I first played it on day one of submission. Great job and thank you for taking your time to improve it based off of reviews. Again, P does not work for pause. At least on chrome it doesn't, I haven't tested it on other browsers, but with my discovery of the continue button this shouldn't be so much of a problem anymore.