
377 Game Reviews

158 w/ Responses

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I agree with dmonkoff

The games are good, but the thing is there just isn't much to them. It goes to show that the Pyroscape series really wouldn't be any good if it wasn't for the funny videos in between.

I did a quick play through of all the games and I do agree with the winners. I haven't finished ThePigeonMaster's game quite yet because I didn't have time then and I don't have time now, but it looks very promising. Seems that the timer didn't work right though for some reason?

Ugolegend94 did a couple of good small things. I almost think you should have included his second game that he made even though it was very small and really didn't have much of a point.

The fire stomp game wasn't too exciting as it didn't actually do anything. I didn't have the time or the patience to stomp out all of the fire so maybe something happened when you did. I don't know.

The quiz was made by me so I'm not going to comment about it. :P I'm telling you the running game would be much better if you actually had the background move like it would happen in real life. It just looks like he's running in place and it's silly looking. :P

Decent collab and everything. I think in the future we should just stick to the series. On to completing number three!

Great idea!

I think this was a great idea that just wasn't put to it's full potential. I'll not go into much detail like I do sometimes as I feel it's been stated already in the review below me, but I will give you my general thought of the submission as a whole.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The graphics and everything were good enough for what you were doing. I don't really see how you could improve on them more except for the Player 1, Player 2, More Tiles, and Random buttons. They could have been made a little bit more fancier as the were very simple, but other than that everything basically get's the job done.

~ Story/Content ~

I love the game of Scrabble, but one thing that I'm terrible at is actually knowing if something is a real word or not. Therefor a dictionary is needed and you had one, so great job with thinking about that! (Even though I do enjoy the computer versions that tell you when something is right and something is wrong instead of having to look it up yourself)

Anyway, looks like you just have the basic drag commands here. I think it would be cool if you could have the pieces lock into place instead of being able to be off by a little bit. I don't know how complex the random tile buttons were, but I wouldn't mind having the score be kept on the screen and things such as that as well.

Anyway, if someone wanted to play against one of their buddies the old fashion way without the board then this would be great. I don't see people coming back to do that though because there are so many versions online that do things automatically for you and are just better well done.

~ Audio ~

I think that the song wasn't the best fit for the submission. Perhaps implement a music player of some sort where they can choose from several songs of their liking, but for sure I would add something more ambient and relaxing if you were to ever revisit this again.

~ Overall ~

This is like the board game, but with other versions having automatic systems this isn't really necessary or fun to play. This does make me want to play scrabble though so I'm going to go look for something to play now. :P

~ Review Request Club ~

up-a-notch responds:

the reason i made this is that when i looked online for scrabble there was no real "free" version without a sign up or anything

I agree with the others on some aspects

I understand that this was a school project and everything, but I'll still review it like a regular submission.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I loved the moving background here and really enjoyed all of the art work. I didn't really see anything as simple and thought the entire thing was visually pleasing to the eye.

I did see one thing that stood out though. When moving left or right your ship slowly tilted, which looked great, but when you stopped moving the ship instantly went back straight. This should also be a slow movement as well.

~ Story/Content ~

Hm, there weren't any enemies so I don't see where the reviewer was getting at below us. But collecting space junk is a nice change of pace from the regular shoot the enemy space shooter that we tend to see. Maybe adding different space junk and maybe an enemy every now and then would have made this game a little bit more interesting though. That would make things a bit complicated as you don't actually have a gun on the ship as the laser looking thing is only a tractor beam.

The game does actually get challenging later on. I feel if you could move diagonal that the game would be way too easy. Even though it's odd not being able to move in that direction, it does add to the challenge. The only odd thing was when you got hit because all of the space junk reset over to the top of the screen.

~ Audio ~

A nice ambient background song would have really helped this submission out along with the tractor beam sound effects as well. The explosion noises sounded great though.

~ Overall ~

It's very simple and there are only a few odds and ends that need fixed up in my opinion. Some sound effects and music are the biggest flaws in my eyes.

~ Review Request Club ~

fallensoul289 responds:

Thank you for the kind review.

Hmm.. well there is a lot that isn't good.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The pictures here really weren't that well done. They seems to be rushed just to get the production out as soon as possible. It's really nice to see your own artwork though as the only scene creator games that I have ever made were with sprites. The thing about this is if you are going to do your own art then take your time. Use something more than simple colors such as shading and gradients. All in all it's just very rough looking.

I know it's only a dress up game, but it's really cool to add simple animations to these sometimes really add to a piece. It could just be an eye glistening or the hair moving in what could be the wind blowing it. To get the full effect of these things though you need something like a background...

~ Story/Content ~

You've done most things wrong that I wouldn't like to see when it comes to a dress up. I'll make a list of those things below, explain them, and say how to improve those things. The majority of it is going to come down to organization.

Organization - Everything is a big mess here. The items are way too cluttered and it's just really hard to get a decent looking picture because of this. To fix this I suggest doing something such as making the character slightly smaller while also making the items that fit on the character a tad bit smaller as well. On top of that make the screen a bit bigger. (If possible) This will leave you with just enough room to organize things a bit better.

Center the character in the middle of the picture and then have the items all around it. You can also have the character in a corner with the items off to the side. The way the character is there makes it seem very unprofessional because he is off centered on the screen like that. Going along with the same theme I would add sections to keep things better organized. Draw a line separating the eyes from the hair, etc... Do this so certain items have their own sections.

Background - Please add a background to the piece. In fact, the only thing that is just as simple as doing the drag action script is doing the gotoandstop action script that is need for a next button to switch backgrounds. A variety of backgrounds can really make these games from what you made here into something decent or good. In fact, don't be scared to make some of the things in the background animated just because it'll really add to the value of the production and make things more original.

~ Audio ~

Every piece needs audio. I really can't think of a situation where a flash couldn't use audio of some sort. I suggest adding at least one song to this piece, but if you really want to create something good then I suggest adding a music player that will allow people to choose their own songs. Pick from the audio portal here on newgrounds as there are literally thousands upon thousands of songs that would be great for a submission like this.

~ Overall ~

As far as dress up games go this isn't very good. The graphics could use a little work, it would be nice to implement some simple animation, it desperately needs organization along with backgrounds, and needs at least one song in the piece to prevent it from being what it was, which is boring.

~ Review Request Club ~

JabberWocky responds:

Believe me when I say this; I would fix this up if I could. My computer was being a dick and it deleted all my flashes. Along with the rest of my data...but if I make another dress-up, I'll take the advice.

Are people playing the wrong game?

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The graphics were really cool. I love how there were random items in the dirt such as swords and robots. The backgrounds were really sweet and I loved the animation that was going on in the background. It's really nice to have a background that moves instead of the same stationary background that you get use to in most games.

I guess all in all neverzonegaming did an excellent job with the art. I loved everything from the backgrounds to the character and enemy designs. Great job here.

~ Story/Content ~

The game isn't impossible by any means. It's very hard, but that's something that you should aim for when making a game. A game should be hard to the point where you actually have to be good at games to beat it and there is a lot of challenge. You've got the right amount of difficulty. I still have a hard time beating it, but I'll keep trying unlike most.

~ Audio ~

People are complaining about my voices? I was impressed with how funny they sounded in your flash. I love the roar and the chirps that I did for you along with the yak sushi. I personally think the voices turned out great.

The music was also very nice. You did a great job at finding the right assortment of songs for the different levels and situations in the game.

~ Overall ~

I'll come back and revisit this game when the medals are accepted. It'll be challenging for sure. :)

~ Review Request Club ~
I feel like I'm not playing the same game as the other people who have reviewed this submission. It's like their playing some spam submission that has no effort put into it. Since that's not the fact then the only thing I can think of is they suck at the game and they leave a low score on the review because their a bad gamer. The only worst thing that having low reviewers is having people who give low reviews and suck at reviewing.

MonoFlauta responds:

For "~ Animation/Graphics ~"

Yes totally agree, i think neverzonegaming its a great artist and the idea of the moving background was awesome (it has his idea) i really liked to work with him

For "~ Story/Content ~"

Yes, the idea was to make a difficult game... that you couldnt beat it at first or second one but that could be possible, i had won it a lot of times, so people will be able to win it

For "~ Audio ~"

Yes fro, your voices are always awesome, this one arent the exception, i will ask you more often to make animal voices lol. and for the music too, i think i get really nice music.

For "~ Overall ~"

Great :P

"I feel like I'm not playing the same game as the other people who have reviewed this submission. It's like their playing some spam submission that has no effort put into it. Since that's not the fact then the only thing I can think of is they suck at the game and they leave a low score on the review because their a bad gamer. The only worst thing that having low reviewers is having people who give low reviews and suck at reviewing."

I agree with you... dont know what happened... u.u prorably that


I have a lot of complaints about this one. :P

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I think the animation and graphics are good enough. Of course they could be better, but for a game like this you really don't need amazing graphics or anything like that. It would kind of be a waste in my opinion and it's a little funnier with the poorer drawings. I think the picture as the background looks funny as well. :P

~ Story/Content ~

Hmm, I've happened to take second place overall. If I would have hurried up I could have had the highest score ever, but it seems that you can't score more than 2,000 points in this game so I'll always be stuck at number 2.

So I have a lot of complaints about this one. Not really complaints, but more like things that I wish you would have added. THINGS THAT I TOLD YOU TO ADD TO MAKE IT BETTER AND YOU NEVER DID. So here they are..

1) Make it so the arm stays on the screen during the entire submission. When you mouse moves to the left the arm would move slightly to the left and the same with the right, etc...

2) When you throw the bread you need a throwing animation along with the bread being thrown. I think this is the biggest thing, but I put it at number two because you can't do it without the first part.

3) You need to slow it down a little. I know it's suppose to be hard and I can't complain since I've tied for the highest score, but you know people on this site. They really suck at games and they can't try more than once without being little crybabies.

4) Show how much bread is left by having a counter on the bottom of the screen. You could have a couple pictures of the bread to show how much you have and when you throw one then a picture would go away.

5) Have the time show up on the screen so people know how long they are taking and it's easier for them to figure out how fast they have to go to beat their highest score.

6) Have a counter off to the left that shows how many head shots they have, body shots, and how many misses. This will just keep it a lot more organized and it's another thing that will help people when they are trying to get a higher score.

Other - I recommend if we were every going to revisit the game again or another game of this type that we do all the small details that I listed above, but also make it a little more complex. For example, add levels that people can continue on if they score a certain amount of points. I think the other thing that could make it cool would be to add a store for people to buy more bread, bigger bread (better chance of hitting Jesus), and maybe something that allows them to slow the time down a little or stop time. (This one would be very expensive though)

~ Audio ~

The voices weren't that good, but in defense I really did rush them because you wanted the game done fast and I always have a hard time because I only have one voice. When I only have one voice it's very hard to do voices for two different characters in the same flash submission. :P

The song was also of poor quality, but it was nearly impossible to find a free song in the audio portal that was fitting for this game. I tried my best, but like I said it was very hard and it was the best thing that I could find.

~ Overall ~

This isn't spam by any means, but really isn't that good either. I feel that a lot of people don't get the jokes, but meh, you can't blame people for being stupid kids who can't be a simple game. :P

~ Review Request Club ~

MonoFlauta responds:

Just going to say something:
"This isn't spam by any means, but really isn't that good either. I feel that a lot of people don't get the jokes, but meh, you can't blame people for being stupid kids who can't be a simple game. :P"

I am agree lol

and with the corrections too :P
Thanks for the review, you know WE rushed making it haha

I liked the way it turned out.

I know it didn't turn out the way we wanted it to and that we had second thoughts about the theme of the game halfway through, but the thing is, I really like the way the game turned out.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Part is pointed towards Erasmus's work: I really liked the animation and the art. When you first showed me the picture of me and the sun zombie I was super excited to see the final production. I love the character that was based off of me so much that I can't wait to see a sprite sheet of it made for me. :) A sprite sheet of the zombie as well would be pretty freaking cool. I loved all the color, backgrounds, and animation in this.

Towards the production as a whole: It would still be nice to see the blood animations added that Erasmus has created. Having something like the barricade being broken down and then a quick cut scene of my character being eaten would work great. Instead of just having the zombies walk into the barricade it would be nice if they were swiping and swinging at it.

~ Story/Content ~

I personally think that the game has a funny theme, but very serious gameplay. I thought that this had the most gameplay out of any of the other games in the competition. I like the store, but wouldn't mind seeing the 100 dollars for the barricade actually healing the whole thing because with the way it is now I find the game way too hard. I can't make it past the 5th wave no matter what technique that I use. :(

Other than that, you did a great job at coding. The walking does work, but only after you have shot your gun. A few tweaks here and there could turn this game from mediocre to good. :)

~ Audio ~

That voice was amazing. In fact, I think it's the best voice that I've ever done! Ha, kidding of course. :P I wouldn't have minded if you used more of the voices I made for you. I had created a store voice saying, This'll help, and some other voices for winning a wave and dying, but I understand if you didn't have enough time to add them. I wouldn't mind seeing you implement them sometime later though.

~ Overall ~

Like I said, I actually like the way the game turned out and I loved working with you guys. Maybe we'll work again sometime without the pressure of getting this done in such a short amount of time.

Pretty good guys!

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I like the 8-Bit style. I have to say that even though most of the animation was very simple, most of it was also done very well. The characters were designed well and you had a very nice arrangement and variety. The artists definitely get an A for their work. :)

~ Story/Content ~

I liked the purpose of the game and how it was eventually going to get to the point where there was no way you were going to keep playing. The programmer did a great job at balancing the game and making it manageable, but still challenging at the same time.

The only bad thing (And maybe I missed it, so I didn't take off for that at all) was I didn't understand how the upgrades worked. Could you please respond to my review telling me how they worked so I can come back and play it again? If you actually didn't include it, I do encourage it.

~ Audio ~

The music and sound effects were great. I wouldn't mind seeing some voices here and there, but if your guy was just the sound guy then that's very understandable if there weren't any voices in the submission.

~ Overall ~

You did a great job with the time limit that you had. If you were to have more time I would love to see a level system incorporated. The only downfall was the lack of explanation with the upgrades though. Like I said, I could have very well missed that.

ArChEr-11 responds:

There are instructions, but they are not amazing. Thanks for the review.

Died at 5687.

I hope there weren't any more enemies after the heat seeking blues that follow you around the screen. If there were then I'm not giving this a complete and honest review, but if there wasn't then great I witnessed all the game had to throw at me.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Great art for an avoid game. I love the traditional old style that you had here. The colors went great together and everything seemed to be filled with effort. Great job to Izzy-A on the art.

~ Story/Content ~

I see that this was part of a bigger game, but damn, at 7.9 MB I don't see how you're going to fit it into another submission. So yeah, because this is a mini game I won't go into the long details that I usually do with the whole, "You should add upgrades, levels, and a store system" like I always seem to do to your games. :P

I loved how you had different enemies appear after a certain amount of time or score. The random point things that appeared were great. Perhaps you could implement some that doubled your points for like 10 seconds so the counter goes up fast.

One thing that I do suggest is having the enemies that appeared randomly within the map actually have to start outside. I think the purple and above could show up randomly and I suppose in theory one could appear right on top of you and you would die instantly. (not including the ones that had a shield like surrounding and then would appear a few seconds later, those were a great concept)

Oh, I noticed that people don't read author comments. Put instructions in your game if you want to make everyone happy. They ALMOST NEVER read the instructions that I put in the author comments and no matter if the submission needed them or not, such how this one didn't need instructions, people will be dumb about it.

~ Audio ~

I loved the first song, but it got repetitive quickly. (Good thing for the OBVIOUS music selection down at the bottom which I noticed right away in the menu) The second song just didn't go well in my opinion and perhaps that'll save you some room if you took it out. :P (then you'll have people complain about not having enough songs) The third song was the best choice and I listened to that one the most while playing this.

~ Overall ~

I liked the old style. If you have trouble fitting this in a bigger game I suggest cutting a little bit of the songs down to save room and to make sure they are MP3 files, which I assume they are if they are from the audio portal.

If you still can't and you want to submit something 20 MB and down then talk to me about it and I can sponsor/submit it for you as I have that upload limit. If you rather submit it yourself then just talk to Tom about it and if the quality is good enough then he'll change your limit for you. :)

~ Review Request Club ~

TheSongSalad responds:

Thanks for the great review as always Fro, I really appreciate it. The 7.9 megs is a lot for a mini-game, but we felt three songs was a good number, and we could afford to expand the size a bit with this submission. Thanks for the suggestions, and we'll talk to you for sure if we end up going over 10 megs with the main game. Thanks for the excellent review as always man.

This turned out much better than mine.

I did a practice run with Metal Slug sprites to see how the programming would be and I have to say that I think yours turned out better than mine, but it would still need a lot before I would consider it a good dress up/scene creator.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

It looks like if you made these yourself that you didn't really do a good fps as the animation ran very quickly on the sprites. That being said, I know how easy it is to find Metal Slug sprites already animated for you on the internet and if you used these then they obviously didn't agree with your fps either. I suggest playing around with that so the animation slows down just a bit.

Other than that you had a really good set up. The stage could have been a little bit bigger, but it wasn't too small by any means. (Still suggest making it a little bigger) It was nice to see the Metal Slug logo in the beginning and the interactive button on the menu was a nice touch. :P

~ Story/Content ~

Ha, it's not really possible to give a story to a dress up/scene creator game so that won't be the focus of this section of my review. The generic Metal Slug dress up. It seems to be what everyone creates when making a game like this. I've done it and I have friends that have done it. Metal Slug is just a good place to start I guess.

I suggest having a bigger flash stage all together so you can fit each character and then have their duplicate facing the other direction. This way people don't have to put the character always facing the one way. On top of that it would be great to duplicate all of the characters so they could be used multiple times if at all possible.

Another cool thing to do with these is to add moving backgrounds. Especially if you have Metal Slug sprites because they always have that truck and helicopter that you can choose from. If you have one of the backgrounds with a road or sky tween from one side to another and then put into a movie clip so it loops then it makes for a great animated background. Something to think about if you ever revisit these again. :)

~ Audio ~

The audio came on too strong on the introduction. I much rather it fade in on the first time through so it wasn't so sudden. On the menu section the song looped really badly. It was hard on the errors. :P I suggest finding a slightly longer song to use or a song that loops much better than the one you had.

On top of that the song that you used during the game got kind of repetitive after awhile. I suggest making something like a music select or a music menu where the viewer can choose what song they want while creating their scenes.

~ Overall ~

These are great to practice with and easy to make. (I know I do them sometimes) There just isn't much for the viewer or player to do. It gets boring quite fast and there's just little content at all. I feel to make these successful you have to really make them big by adding tons of games, songs, characters, and backgrounds.

Score is based off of a god honest truth of how it could be better, but trust me what you had was pretty good. I just know that you can make it better and that there was a lot of room to make it better. Keep on working and I'll get to your other submissions as the days go by. :)

~ Review Request Club ~

EventHorizon responds:

wow, this is a really well done and helpful review
I must admit that some sprites that were more complicated to do the animation I've already taken on the Internet, but most I did and if you look carefully also noted that some errors of movement, the speed of the sprite I adapted all to "23FPS".
You're absolutely right about why backgrounds had to be bigger, maybe I too thought the sprites because I made too many, I wanted it all-style metal slug so I chose the original music of game and even if the repetition of the first non-music this worked I did not care.
in short, as you said that flash was for practice so I did not care that everything is perfect, what I created was enough for me because I'm working on larger projects.
I love your reviews because they are really detailed and helpful, thanks for your advice.
==excuse my english==

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Age 36, Male


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