
158 Game Reviews w/ Response

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Animation/Graphics - The animation itself was much smoother than your past submissions. I think they still need a little bit of work, but it's almost in par too be good enough for what I would consider good animation skills. I think your almost there. Things like blood and everything were a lot better than I remember in your other animations. I still think the bullet speed could have been a little bit faster. When I think of someone shooting a bullet I'm thinking of something that is nearly impossible to dodge. I think the text and buttons could be drawn and straightened out just a little bit neater then they were just to give it more of a professional look. I also think instead of having all of that text in the first scene of your flash that you should make a menu for the flash which tells us what to do so it's just not so cluttered.

Story/Content - Wait... haha where did that knife come from? That was kind of odd in my opinion. The choices that you could choose from weren't that bad, but they weren't really the best. The only one that you really have to think about at all is whether or not to choose the knife or the gun. I thought the first one was a simple choice just because where the enemies had their guns pointed and just where everything was going to land when I drew it up in my mind. The other choices were rather simple though. I mean you weren't going to let him live and you weren't going to give up really. I chose the wrong ones on purpose the 2nd time I played through it just to check out the rewind button and to see the outcome for every event. The part at the end was rather weird in my opinion too. The part where he slid from one end of the room to the other. Why did he just slide like that? I think you should have finished the animation out with actually having to kill the zombies. It almost takes away from the flash when you have to play through it all and then when you get to that part and it's just a little story and you don't get to see it.

Audio - I know you said not to comment on the audio in the review request club, but I still have to give it a full review so I have to comment on the audio also. The music was ok, but it was rather loud for some reason. I know I could just turn my volume down, but it goes with my next part of the review. You need sound effects of bullets and everything. I think instead of putting text up there that says slow motion that you need to take that completely out and just put sound effects that would make it seem like slow motion. Things like warping noises or something that messes with the air. Anything to that effects. That being said, with as loud as your audio was it might drown out these sound effects that I think you need to include. So you could turn down the audio so it seems more ambient and you could add some other sounds.

Overall - I think your animation is getting much better, but it just has a tad bit more to go. The story was ok, but the choices were kind of obvious. Perhaps get rid of this by adding more than two choices for each part? This may make it a little bit harder for people to figure things out. Sound effects are a must on a Madness submission and the music should be more ambient in my opinion.

~ Review Request Club ~

Murad136 responds:

Corky. I'll be honest. Your review was the only one that I wanted :) Seriously.

Just before I comment on anything I made this 2 WHOLE MONTHS AGO! I've had a lot of practice since for our flash ;) I just never got to submitting it. And the reason it ended so weirdly was because I did it before but my sister accidentally closed it without saving so I couldn't be bothered to do it ALL over again. Heheh, if you look carefully the clown gives you the knife with a white blast as he wants to fight you. It's really fun making up a story and making a game to it :) I've made a platformer with a storyline but I have this one actionscript problem that's pissing me off, but I'll handle it when I've got the time. Thanks for the amazing review, your right, I should have actually made the choices hard, I thought I would do them if people were interested in seeing extra-animation. Thanks so much for the review again!

Tutorial time.

Welcome - So this was your first tutorial. Hmm, I don't know if I exactly like the idea of a B/P points flash all by itself. I think it may be something better to go with a bigger tutorial, but we will see what you have here.

Save - Popular Artists and save series - (I will combine the two) Of course I save popular artist's flashes since what I think about when I think popular artist is someone who submits quality stuff no matter what. So even if I don't like a submission it's still going to be of great quality and I should vote on quality and not my personal reference of the subject material, which is something I think people need to realize more often. When I think of successful series I again think of popular artists and quality flashes. There are series like "Zekey Loves Sprites" which were terrible and passed with very high scores. This is when you shouldn't just automatically protect series really.

Saves - Crews - Bleh, I don't agree with this one anymore. I always try to blam this stuff unless it's of good quality. Sometimes these crews do make good stuff, but most of the time not. There was a time where I would vote 5 on spam just to get the protection point, but not anymore.

Saves - Spam - Read my description of Saves -Crews.

Saves - Collabs - Of course collabs again are usually high in quality so I usually vote highly for them. The only time that I try to blam a collab is when it is made by a group of spammers and it isn't any good. That's the perfect time to do it because they have a bunch of people coed on it and the blam threshold is raised.

Saves - Complex Games - I think this should be common sense.

Saves - Filesizes and Icons - Another thing that I disagree with to an extreme extent. If you are voting by these things then you know you're not watching the flash and it defeats the whole purpose of the blam and protection points.

Clock day - Ha, the only time I will protect a spam submission. That is unless the spam submission is funny in some way.

Simple Games - I usually vote lowly on these even though they pass. Somewhere around a 2 or 3. I guess it just depends on the originality of the game.

Low filesize - I agree with this for the movies. Low file size usually = beginner flashes or spam flashes. I will stick in the 1st flash section right here too. Usually 1st flashes have extremely low file sizes because people don't know how to put music in or because they are just testing things out.

Bad artists - Common sense.

Games - I'm happy your brought this up because a lot of games are loaded from other sights and have file sizes under 10kb.

Blams - Whistle Blow - Really? I didn't know this at all. Does it say this somewhere in the FAQ?

Resubmitted - These are funny sometimes because of the portal ban. =P

Sticks - I think I disagree with you. Only time that these are really blammed are when they are beginner flashes and spammy pivot flashes. Some great flashes are simply stickmen flashes.

Final Notes - This kind of goes against some of the things that you are teaching in the earlier parts of the flash. Maybe you should explained things like where the flash portal is, what submissions are the ones that you get these points for, what you have to vote to get them, etc..

Sispri responds:

Thank you soooo much for this review omgomgomg!!! I am going to individually respond to all your reviews now.

For starters, yeah the character was shaky and the gameplay laggy. But you gotta cut me some slack on the scripting of the .clipEvents. The music WAS indeed superior and Andrew W.K. is without doubt awesome. But I digress as this was a mere BETA test. In the future I hope to release even more unique stuff like this. Perhaps this time with a lovable character such as a talking pumpkin.

I really hope this game gets sponsored. I could really use some money for gas. Otherwise I'll have to get a job and there goes my right-side creativity. Baw well.
Thanks again though. I will continue to improve with my journey in the wonderful world of Flash.

I swore I reviewed this before. D:

Userpage - Something that I have never seen covered in a tutorial, but it is something that I have seen asked about several times. You did say that there are people that make them if you can't, but you should have included a link to these clubs and some people that you know can make them for people.

Blogs - Why the fuck don't you have one half of the time Yoshi? That goes to you too Metal. You guys never really have blogs. You are right they do make the profile look complete and everything. Again, you should say how they can make a blog and not just tell them why it's good to have one.

Favorites - Again, something that you could work on a little bit. Perhaps by adding how they add favorites and how they can change their favorites around. And actually include the other type of favorites that they have such as movies, music, etc.. There are favorites there that aren't Newgrounds related.

Stats - A basic explanation of where they are. Hopefully you will cover them later like you said you would.

What is a review - Ew, get rid of the word comment. Please get rid of the word comment. This may lead people to believe that comments are something that they should be leaving when in fact it's a place to leave a review.

How to write a review - This was a little bit better when explaining reviews. I still think getting rid of the word comment would be a good thing.

What not to do - More people need to see this.

What not to do cont. - More people need to see this also. I hate when people think reviews are abusive because they use negative language. You wrapped that up pretty good here.

Telling the difference between an abusive review and a non-abusive review - More people need to see this also. =P Good job on showing examples and giving a good explanation.

How to get the Deity Whistle - Maybe next time making the link clickable and have it open up in a new tab. That might be a little better.

Further Help on reviews - Ask me lol. Anyway, again perhaps make the mods clickable here so people can open up their profile in a new page. I would also like to see you talk about the negative and minus signs a little bit on reviews.

BBS - I've noticed how long this tutorial was and I don't think I'm going to break this section up into all of the smaller sections. D: Anyway, good job explaining each individual forum. Perhaps links to each forum would have been pretty cool or something like that.

Levels - I think you should clear up the voting on 5 submissions by saying voting on 5 flash submissions. Some people think they can vote on audio submissions too.

B/P - You covered this part well. Links to the flash portal perhaps?

Whistle Status - I think you should have talked a lot more about what is considered whistleable in flashes.

Posts - Something you need to do more often. ;)

Trophies - Something that I need to get more off. =P Ha, yeah good job explaining this also.

Statwhores - Nice of you to include me in this flash.

Staff - The only thing that I can think about here is perhaps add a little Bio about each of the staff members instead of just a quick blurb like you had of what they did on the site. I also think that you should have had bots in a different section.

Navigation - Something people don't explore enough on Newgrounds. You should have added some better instruction on this saying something like, "Hover your mouse over the section you want to learn about."

History - Again, Links would be a lot better.


Things that I think you could have improved on the flash.

Animation/Graphics - Yeah, the drawings and everything weren't always the best. Some things could have been better organized and made smoother.

Story/Content - This was a very limited topic that you could have gone into more detail with. A lot more detail, but it's still very helpful to new users even if it is a little out dated now.

Audio - That song gets so annoying with a tutorial this long lol. I think you could have added either a mute button or a selection of audio for people to choose from.

Overall - Very helpful and I ran out of cha

Sispri responds:

holy fucken hell this review is useless

but thanks anyway corkerz ily2

Why did you stop? :(

Animation/Graphics - Pretty good for the most part. I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but a few things need to be worked on and cleaned up, but the drawings were alright. Not too good and not too bad. The animation was smooth for the most part, but could be worked on just a little bit too.

Story/Content - This one took a little bit to figure out all of the clues, but once I got it done it was rather easy. The interactive parts on this were rather simple. The part with the keyboard was pretty simple as long as you know your keys. I don't like the scene were the monster looking thing comes up and grabs the ghost driver.. it was just.. I don't know it was just kind of cheesy in my opinion. Oh well.

Audio - Not bad. Just like usual I guess. I think that Joseph's voice needs to be worked on, but I enjoyed hearing the voices of the demons this time around. It was much more clear, but the voices do sound a little too close to the mic. still with the demons.

Overall - A good series, but of course it's not finished. Too bad it isn't finished, but just because of the most recent times that you have responded to reviews is a very long time ago and because this series hasn't been touched in several years.. that means your not going to finish it I guess. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

Violet-AIM responds:

Thank you for reviewing stuff, as it is now we do have something half done but we decided to start on other parts of the series, we are not finished with this series we are just busy in RL. We will get back on it in time though, thank you.


Animation/Graphics - Good job. Just like always a couple of things could have been drawn just a bit better, but for the most part your graphics and animation actually improved. A couple of things though need to be checked out. I don't like how you can't see yourself when you jump up straight off the screen. That is rather annoying when you don't know where you are going to land and you over jump something or under jump something. I also ran into a glitch were if you stand perfectly in between two frames you would automatically die like you were falling off the screen.

Story/Content - This was the most interactive one that you have had so far. It really didn't have any background story at all except for getting the certificate. I played through the first time and didn't get enough blue crystals to get to the bonus level, but I decided to play again and got enough to defeat the fish. He sure looks good on that wall doesn't he? ;) I will be honest though I only played it on easy. I don't think I would have the patients to play it on anything harder, but I may come back and try playing it some other time on a different setting.

Audio - The voice acting was the same, but this time you didn't do a very good job of syncing the animation of the mouth moving with the voice acting. Something that should have been cleaned up before the submission was submitted.

Overall - A fun game that I suggest to people that they try out and that they go for the bonus level of the game.

Violet-AIM responds:

Thank you for all the reviews.

Holy shit..

Animation/Graphics - I did find a random mistake that I barely noticed, but still caught it. The big truck disappeared randomly in the middle of a road at one point. I know it's nothing big, but it still is a small mistake. The animation other than that was done pretty well.

Story/Content - Ouch. Lol that's not a bad thing or anything, but damn that was a hell of a lot to sit there and listen to guys... I have stuff to do too you know. =P Oh well, I sat through every single lecture and explored all of the rooms and everything. That means I won't get to reviewing all of your submissions tonight probably because this one took up so much time to actually complete.

Audio - Voices are like usual. I disliked how you had the girls voices all the same. Hearing three different girls say NO in the same exact voice just seemed to be kind of lazy.

Overall - Maybe it would have been better to chop this episode up into half or maybe even another time after that because it was a lot of stuff to pull in and listen to in just one submission.

~ Review Request Club ~

Violet-AIM responds:

Thank you.

Took me a long time. =P

Animation/Graphics - Pretty good. What I like better on this submission is that you have animated the crowd a little bit more. It still needs to be a little bit better and some of the demons in the crowd aren't animated at all. I think the people in the crowd need to be drawn better also. A good background would make this flash even better.

Story/Content - You sure didn't make this one easy did you. =P Haha, probably the hardest one yet, but it makes people really pay attention to the flash and try out all of the possibilities. I refuse to cheat and look for answers, but if I ever really get stuck I may have to do that. ;) Again, I promise I won't unless I really get stuck sometime.

Audio - Needs a lot of work yet. The "Okay" was overused and boring. You just used the same Okay the entire time. Also, for the voices.. I understand they are ghosts and everything and that the don't really have too many emotions in their voices, but it still takes away from the flash a little bit because the voices are so dry and boring. The screams need to be worked on. They sound even more quiet than the regular voices.

Overall - Another great episode, but the voices really need to be worked on and the background itself needs a little bit of work.

~ Review Request Club ~

Violet-AIM responds:

Yeah at times we cut corners so that the file size can be lower, thanks for the review.


I didn't really like this one. I don't know if it was my computer or if it was the flash.. but wow..

Animation/Graphics - Not bad. You had a lot of animation and everything. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with this flash animation or graphic wise.

Story/Content - Again, not that bad at all. You had a lot of interactivity and other things like that. A good story and a good story line overall with all of the flashes. It's a great series from someone to watch and enjoy. I like that there is a little bit more action in this submission than your other ones.

Audio - Ouch... I don't know if this was my computer or not, but the audio made this submission pretty bad. Sometimes it would play when it shouldn't and sometimes it wouldn't play at all. I heard "Help me Joseph" about 3 or 4 times randomly and the same with other audio. Sometimes the audio played well ahead of when it was suppose to or well behind where it was suppose to. Sometimes it never even played. That really hurt this submission in terms of my enjoyment.

Overall - Sorry if that audio mix up was just my computer, but if it wasn't then it's something that should be fixed up because I didn't enjoy it very much. Even though I guess you won't be fixing it since you made this back in 2003.

~ Review Request Club ~

Violet-AIM responds:

Yeah this was a tough one for me and X, but it seemed to be ok in the end, Sorry for the issues.

Not bad my friend.

Animation/Graphics - You can basically read my other reviews. The drawings need to be worked on just a little bit. There are a couple of other things that I noticed in this submission though. Such as the blinking of the main character. He blinks in the same rhythm during the entire submission. It just gives it the feel that it was an automatic thing and just takes away from the movie a little bit. I know that's really picky, but sometimes to find something wrong with a submission you have to be picky. =P Also, another example would be at the circus in the crowd. The ghosts weren't drawn that good. The color of their shirts ran into the color in their face, etc..

Story/Content - Probably the best one of them all. You had a shitload of interactivity here and you even made it a little challenging by adding in those riddles and everything. You should really try to fix that tab cheat, which I was willing to try out, but only did try it out after I found out the answers for myself. Of course the tab cheat is when you have a selection of answers and you push the tab button to highlight the correct one.

Audio - The voice acting was alright again, but could be improved on. I thought everything else was alright. Not much more to say about the audio really.

Overall - A good series that I am enjoying. I have a couple more to go before I can go to bed tonight so hopefully they keep on being great submissions like they have been.

~ Review Request Club ~

Violet-AIM responds:

Thanks for the review.

Not bad.

Comments before actual review - It's about time that I get back and review some of the Flash Portal History.

Animation/Graphics - Not the best, but they aren't terrible. The animation itself is kind of rough and not all of the drawings are the best. It just feels like it could have been animated much better and drawn much better.

Story/Content - Not a bad idea for a flash. Pretty original idea. I loved how you made it a bit interactive in the movie so we could choose what we wanted to do. I hope there is more of that in the future episodes.

Audio - Not the best voice acting. The voices weren't bad, but the quality of them were bad so to say. Back ground music and other sound effects again were alright, but not of the best quality.

Overall - A decent flash, which may lack some quality, but is still pretty good at the same time.

~ Review Request Club ~

Violet-AIM responds:

Yeah this was more of a test at our first real movie/game, X doesnt like talking much but he came around hehe, anyways thanks for the review.

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