Yeah, I like this.
There will be a day in time when I get back to the sprite animating that I use to do. When I do I can see this being great for a cut scene in an intro or something to do with a night scene. It just shines with RPG night town theme or something similar.
The song really doesn't have too much going on (at least to my untrained ears it doesn't), but it's really good. Not too much going on and just enough in ever part of it. Something that I noticed about it is that it loops perfectly. I've probably listened to it four or five times while writing this review and not once have I noticed where it started over again or where it ended.
So like I usually do... I've taken the flash side of a piece of audio because that's what I know best out of the two categories. This would be an awesome piece to use and I could even see it being used in a professionally done game for a console.
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