Hmm, different.
I also watched you submit this more than once? Was there a specific reason behind that?
~ Animation/Graphics ~
These were very poor in most cases. The layout seemed alright, but could have looked so much better. The area that you had the names would usually make you use two different colored fonts. Instead you should have simply moved the name up a little bit and wouldn't have to worry about the colors.
The font that was used on the bottom was very hard to read. There should have been less story with the long ones so we could let our minds do the work more. The font was too small and blurry in most cases.
Some pictures were just very poor all around. Some needed a lot of work done and some were very hard to read because of how small the words are and how sloppy they were. Let's just say I had to use the zoom button a lot to get a good read out of them.
Don't get me wrong though not everything was bad. There were quite a few good artists in here. I think the poor artists might have outnumbered the good ones, but their were some really good ones in there.
~ Story/Content ~
A good idea nonetheless, but I think it was poorly produced. The storyline was very poor. I know things like this happen sometimes, but I just couldn't keep up with the story. In the beginning someone had died before anyone had even died in the artwork or story line. That was just one of many things that didn't make any sense or follow.
Sometimes there was too much text to read and it just made the story boring as it dragged on. The thing that worked the best was when the story line matched up well and when there was little to read and a lot for us to figure out on our own with the artwork.
~ Audio ~
I really didn't like the audio piece that you picked, but I can see that you picked it because it was a relaxing piece to listen to making it easy to read an listen at the same time. I almost think that a different genre would have worked for different sections so perhaps you could have thought about coding it so it changes during certain pictures or something like that. More small loops would have worked nicely for that.
Also, mute button is nice for people who don't want to listen to music while reading. I know I'm one of those people.
~ Overall ~
A good idea, but just done poorly. Hopefully I had some good ideas for you. Keep on working hard.
~ Review Request Club ~