Hm, I almost always give 10's to medal games.
~ Animation ~
The game was very smooth all around. I don't see anything that you could really improve on. The game did tend to lag a lot though if you played for too long and it seems that a lot of people were having that same problem when I checked the thread on the BBS with the medals.
~ Graphics ~
Again, there probably aren't too many things that you could do to improve this section of the game either. The fact that you had several different backgrounds to choose from and on top of that you even had different hands to choose from made this game have a bit of variety and allowed people to choose whatever they wanted.
~ Medals ~
Midnight Skully - A decent medal as you give a pretty good description in the title itself, but you don't give us any details so you have to spend a little bit of time figuring it out for yourself.
Reloader - This one you were just going to end up getting if you played enough. Not challenging and not really fun to get, but just your generic beginner medal.
Juggler - I found this one to be very confusing at first as I didn't understand what it meant. A better description of this in the game would be better.
Campaigner - I thought that these were way too easy. Not only would I add more, but I think I would increase the difficulty of them as well.
Gun Addict - I got this one naturally while playing. A pretty good medal all around though.
Target Hater - Why only 500? Why not pick a number that would make someone play more then the regular game?
Expert - One of the best medals of the game. Fun to get all around.
Ultimate Gun Gamer - Another good medal. I tend to really enjoy medals where you have to complete all in game achievements as they do add some replay value.
~ Replay Value ~
Let's see here. I thought that the medals that you have made it so you had to play the game a lot for a short amount of time, but after you got all the medals and the achievements then there wasn't any reason to play the game anymore.
I think that you should have had a section that opened up an entire new campaign or even better another difficulty to the campaign mode. My reasoning behind getting this would be because you get all these gun upgrades after you get all the medals basically and that will make it so people have no reason to come back, but if you add more to the game after that then you will get much more replay value all around.
~ Audio ~
The gun shots sounded great, but I found the lack of music took a little bit away from the game. Some nice ambient music, which you would have to make sure not to turn it up too loud to interfere with the gun shots, would sounds pretty good in this game.
I also think that you could use some voices in it. A male voice with a count down before you start and a fail/reward voice of some sort would really add some value to this game all around.
~ Other ~
This really wasn't a glitch so I didn't call it one, but there was something that I noticed that was more annoying then anything else. Where you had the ammo total and other letters on the screen during gameplay it wasn't layered quite correctly. The bullets or blocks could actually end up covering the letters (especially the ammo) if you ended up getting them over that far.
~ Random Tip For Players ~
If you play this game on a laptop then hook up an external mouse and click both mouse buttons to shoot most hand guns and several other guns. This will shoot two bullets at once and will really help you if you need a certain amount of shots or any other achievements where you have to shoot and you don't want to sit around for a long time.
~ Overall ~
The game itself is pretty fun, but only for a short amount of time. I think that I gave a few good tips to make a better version if you were to ever do a sequel to this submission and some ways to really add some replay value to the game to keep people coming back even if it's just another couple hours worth of gameplay.