
377 Game Reviews

158 w/ Responses

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~ Review Request Club ~

It made me laugh when the guy said he quite after the first 5 minutes because it probably only took me about 2 or 3 minutes to beat. XD

~ Animation ~

When holding both an up or down key along with the left or right keys the character walks weird. He should walk at an angle instead. I didn't test mashing some of the buttons like I should have though. There seemed to be a couple of holes in the programming where you could walk into the buildings (like over top of the graphic) where you shouldn't have been able to.

~ Graphics ~

The graphics were quite good all around and even though some things did seem that they could have been drawn a bit better. Other than that this was pretty good graphic wise.

~ Story/Content ~

I would suggest making this harder or making it longer because it's really straight forwards and easy to play. There were a couple of good jokes and I love that the items are completely random, but it's way too easy. Perhaps a good way of making this longer is by combining all three of your games together? Or maybe that's something you want to think about when this series is done. Simply, it's way too easy as it is now and took away from the gameplay.

~ Audio ~

There was pretty good music and everything with this submission. No complaints or really anything to comment about. Good job.

~ Overall ~

Decent game, but I wish it was harder to play or at least longer. Looks like an interesting series and I think if I have time I'll go back through and play the other ones as well.

~ Review Request Club ~

kcnh responds:

Thank you very much for your review and I will use your advice for the next time!

~ Review Request Club ~

Hm, I have the 4th highest score of all time. :P I'm sure that someone will beat it here soon, but it was really my fault that I died where I did. I could have easily had the highest score, but I sadly don't have time to come back and play it.

~ Animation ~

The animation was very smooth all around. I didn't detect and hit detection errors at all and when I tested it through about 5 times I only died when I should have died and never by a glitch. Great job programming this piece.

~ Graphics ~

Very clean graphics all around. I was impressed on how well they were done. So great job to the person who drew the graphics here. Also, the menus were organized and done rather well. It really looked good.

~ Story/Content ~

It was a good idea for a game and you did a good job producing it. It was really easy to play and got progressively harder as it went. This would be a good game for medals in my opinion.

One thing that I might suggest doing is making your power-ups slowly regenerate or have specific dangerous locations where someone could get an upgrade for the power-ups to come back.

Another way you could have approached this game would be by having it separated in levels and being able to spend money in between at a shop. Perhaps buying lives, upgrades for the power-ups, etc...

~ Audio ~

The music was quite good, but if my memory serves me right there wasn't any sound effects. Perhaps the use of sound effects would have been beneficial in this submission.

~ Overall ~

A good game with potential to be better.

~ Review Request Club ~

ProfessorFlash responds:

We send Tom 3 pm's about trying to get medals with no reply so sadly that didn't happen. I would have liked the game to have medals as well.

I did have sound effects in earlier builds but they became too annoying to hear as the game went on. Like for example, the train whistle, fine and dandy at the beginning, but when there's like 3+ trains coming, it becomes really hard on ears. Kinda same stories with other sound effects so I decided to leave them all out and to let the good music stand out.

You got some good ideas. I'll consider them if we make a sequel. Thanks for your review :).

~ Review Request Club ~

Just to people who are complaining about music (like I will later on) just turn your volume to mute. Duh, lol. There aren't any other sound effects so there doesn't need to be a mute button. Not yet at least.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I had no problems with the programming at first. For some reason (on the fifth level even though you said there was only four) later on in the game my ball started in the middle of the map and it really just glitched out from being enjoyable from there on.

Graphics wise it was very simple, but you really don't need to get much more advanced for a game like this.

~ Story/Concept ~

This was sort of poor. For example with the designs.. they all looked the same. You had the generic set up of blocks straight across with a couple of different colors. There are many ways of making this submission better in this category and I have a little bit of time this morning so I guess I'll go through some.

Block Assignments: Have different blocks have different abilities.

1) Metal blocks that can't be destroyed. These wouldn't count to beating the level.

2) Explosive blocks that can take out a small area of blocks around it.

3) Life blocks that are rare and not needed to finish the level, but if you do get them then you get an extra life.

4) Upgrade blocks that drop things that you can shoot at the blocks for a small amount of time, ones that give you extra lives, ones that have multiple balls show up, one that gives you a shield for a short amount of time or until a ball hits it. There are several other ones that you could use as well.

5) Some sort of negative blocks such as making your ball go invisible when you hit it losing a life or one that makes it go extremely fast. These wouldn't be needed to finish the level.

Level Design: You had the generic block set up. Why not have some different shapes to the levels such as an angry faic level or a diamond, etc.. You know just some different things to make it not so generic.

Problems: Pretty good programming all around, but I noticed that you said there was only four levels. I told you that I actually ended up dying on the fifth. The game itself really just needs some better organization and design in my opinion.

~ Audio ~

Music wasn't my choice, but oh well, we all have different tastes. The music itself though does need to loop. A more ambient song probably would have been better, but I'm not going to mark down on trying something new and original.

Another thing that I noticed was there wasn't any sound effects. The game doesn't need a mute button without it because if people use common sense they can just mute their computer. With sound effects though you could create buttons where you can turn the sound effects off and one where you can shut the music off.

~ Overall ~

Some programming problems, simple graphics, needs better level designs and more content to be fun, music needs to loop, and the need for sound effects is evident.

~ Review Request Club ~

TheSongSalad responds:

Thanks for the review man. I'm going to make a mute button and work on fixing some of the bugs you've mentioned. I really appreciate the review, thanks.

Great job!

- Bug -

You can drag the ship outside of the maze to get to the finish. I'm sure you can fix this by adding more obstacles on the outside to make it virtually impossible to do so.

The animation and everything was great. I loved that the sensitivity was right where it needed to be. I know that a lot of games like this you can't even get close to the sides or you can get too close to the sides. This was set up at the perfect distance where it was fun, but yet challenging.

If you ever want to add on to this in the future then I recommend doing something like having people use the arrow keys instead of the keyboard or the mouse if they choose.

Perhaps have harder levels (like this really needs to be harder :P) such as having enemies chase you. Perhaps some sort of money system would also be great so people can try to get a high score.

The game as itself though was done rather well. You're really getting good at programming. You'll be up there with the best of the best someday if you don't give up!

fallensoul289 responds:

Glad you liked it man.

I love the angry people who aren't smart enough.

I used the walkthrough as soon as the game started simply to figure out how to use the commands. It got me a medal or two and then I x'd it out and figured the rest of them out myself. It's challenging for sure, but hell, it's suppose to be challenging. If you really think about it though why is it challenging? It's simple commands that you would use in real life.

~ Animation ~

I understand that you wanted simplicity here, but a little bit of animation would have made the game a bit better. Perhaps when he was being thrown out or something like that. But old school is still pretty cool now and then so it's also a nice change up.

~ Graphics ~

Old school graphics as well. Pretty good style all around and you did a good job with all the small details.

~ Story/Concept ~

A pretty original way to go about a dating sim type of game. I know it wasn't exactly a dating sim, but it was still pretty related. I like not having to use the mouse as that's simply not original anymore and anyone could do that.

There were many medals and different scenarios that you could get. It took me about a half hour without the walkthrough, but I was still kind of disappointed when it was over like I wish there would have been even more. Hm, since there were a lot of choices and it did take me a long time perhaps that feeling I got was because I really enjoyed the game and I didn't quite want it to be over yet.

You did a good job allowing different words and phrases end up doing the same thing. Sometimes games like this don't cover a lot of different words, but you did.

~ Audio ~

You had good music throughout the game. I really liked the way that you had different songs for the bad endings and ones for the good endings as well. Some more sound effects would be nice, but the ones that you had such as the door opening were pretty good.

~ Overall ~

There might be a few things here and there to touch up, but I enjoyed the game thoroughly because it was very challenging and made me think. I think the walkthrough shouldn't be used if at all possible because it takes the fun out of the game. Keep up the good work!

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The graphics here seem a bit out of date. The window messages that I think of are much more bubbly and almost have a 3-D look to it. Another thing that I noticed (and sorry if this is just my computer), but the only times that I can see my mouse is when it is hovering over the parts that I can type. This was rather annoying when moving the mouse around on the screen to click buttons and I think it's something that can be changed.

~ Story/Content ~

This is where this can really be improved other than the graphics. I would suggest adding a wide variety of buttons. You can probably create a bunch of them yourself or just find a bunch on the computer as well. Perhaps using the little newgrounds icons that you find, for example the ones where you write a review, the angry face, etc..., could really add a nice element to this submission.

The choices of having different colors and maybe even different versions of windows could have made this a bit diverse. You should also be given the choice of two buttons such as a yes or no. For example, this is the error that I made for fun.

Title: Gay Porn
Message: This is a common error given when watching gay porn.
Button: Return to watching gay porn

It could be funny to have the choice of two buttons so I could have done something like this.

Button 1: Return to watching gay porn
Button 2: Shoot yourself

Another cool option could be to have one button clickable, but the other button gray out so the person couldn't click it. For example...

Button 1: Delete virus (not able to click)
Button 2: Crash computer

The last thing that I think could help this submission out would be when you click the generate button it could go to a windows screen with some funny icons or something and the error message could pop up. There could then follow an animation of a mouse trying to X the messages out, but they keep popping up until the computer crashes.

~ Audio ~

So there really wasn't any room for audio here, but if you were to add the content that I suggested in the last section of my review then you could very well have much room for window sounds such as the little beeps and alerts.

~ Overall ~

If worked on it could be a nice little generator, but as it is now I have to give it a honest score. I think that you can do a lot with it though and it's a good idea to start with. Hopefully you figure out what you want to do with it and everything works out. Good luck.

~ Review Request Club ~

evan210 responds:

I think the problem with the mouse is just your computer.

PM me with details of the situation.

Takes a little getting use to.

~ Animation ~

The entire game ran quite smoothly and all animations were done rather well. The game always lagged no matter what computer I was on, but it actually made it quite easy as I had more time to react to things. Maybe that's why I had such an easy time with this game as it was quite easy in my opinion.

~ Graphics ~

Yep, that sure looks like Mindchamber's artwork here. Drawings were really good all around. Great color use and very good details all around in the entire game.

~ Medals ~

TKO - Quite easy to do as long as you know how to dizzy the boss.

JUICEYKISSES - Another easy game. A medal that can make you replay the game if you didn't do it the first time.

ONEBIGCLUSTERFART - Another medal that is very easy to get.

YOUWIN - I won my first time so I found the game to be very easy along with this medal. :P

CUTTINOUTSWEETS - A good medal to strive for and quite easy as long as you keep your character moving and you play smart.

DREIDELPOWER - This medal took me for every, but when I figured out that I needed to make him dizzy first it was quite easy.

MARYPOPPINZ - I could actually never get this medal. I just got it by accident once when I one the game. A rather random glitch, but one that I appreciated.

PLAYWITHMYBALLS - This is a medal that I think you could have made harder. Make it somewhere around 10 and I think it would be more fun to obtain.

TILT - Is this game possible not to get? I've gotten it every time I played the game.

TIMEATTACKS - One of the hardest medals, but one that is fun to strive for.

~ Content ~

I really enjoyed this game, but I think that you could really improve on it. You had one main battle, but I could see this as a RPG style game where you can actually level up your character with different strengths and techniques. You could really make it in depth with many battles and situations and I think this game would be one of the best on the site.

~ Audio ~

Good music and sound effects all around. There really isn't any other way to improve this part of the game in itself.

~ Overall ~

My personal opinion is that you should have made the game much longer if at all possible by adding several battles and even a leveling system that is more detailed where you can choose where your points go.

I also thought the game was TOO EASY. I know it must be hard to get reviews from people who complain that the game is too hard, but these people are just terrible at games because to be completely honest this is one of the easiest medal games on newgrounds in my opinion. All you have to do is be able to use your eyes and push a couple of buttons. There are times that I don't even get hit playing this game.

Good game all around, but I do think that there is slight room for improvement.

Hm, I almost always give 10's to medal games.

~ Animation ~

The game was very smooth all around. I don't see anything that you could really improve on. The game did tend to lag a lot though if you played for too long and it seems that a lot of people were having that same problem when I checked the thread on the BBS with the medals.

~ Graphics ~

Again, there probably aren't too many things that you could do to improve this section of the game either. The fact that you had several different backgrounds to choose from and on top of that you even had different hands to choose from made this game have a bit of variety and allowed people to choose whatever they wanted.

~ Medals ~

Midnight Skully - A decent medal as you give a pretty good description in the title itself, but you don't give us any details so you have to spend a little bit of time figuring it out for yourself.

Reloader - This one you were just going to end up getting if you played enough. Not challenging and not really fun to get, but just your generic beginner medal.

Juggler - I found this one to be very confusing at first as I didn't understand what it meant. A better description of this in the game would be better.

Campaigner - I thought that these were way too easy. Not only would I add more, but I think I would increase the difficulty of them as well.

Gun Addict - I got this one naturally while playing. A pretty good medal all around though.

Target Hater - Why only 500? Why not pick a number that would make someone play more then the regular game?

Expert - One of the best medals of the game. Fun to get all around.

Ultimate Gun Gamer - Another good medal. I tend to really enjoy medals where you have to complete all in game achievements as they do add some replay value.

~ Replay Value ~

Let's see here. I thought that the medals that you have made it so you had to play the game a lot for a short amount of time, but after you got all the medals and the achievements then there wasn't any reason to play the game anymore.

I think that you should have had a section that opened up an entire new campaign or even better another difficulty to the campaign mode. My reasoning behind getting this would be because you get all these gun upgrades after you get all the medals basically and that will make it so people have no reason to come back, but if you add more to the game after that then you will get much more replay value all around.

~ Audio ~

The gun shots sounded great, but I found the lack of music took a little bit away from the game. Some nice ambient music, which you would have to make sure not to turn it up too loud to interfere with the gun shots, would sounds pretty good in this game.

I also think that you could use some voices in it. A male voice with a count down before you start and a fail/reward voice of some sort would really add some value to this game all around.

~ Other ~

This really wasn't a glitch so I didn't call it one, but there was something that I noticed that was more annoying then anything else. Where you had the ammo total and other letters on the screen during gameplay it wasn't layered quite correctly. The bullets or blocks could actually end up covering the letters (especially the ammo) if you ended up getting them over that far.

~ Random Tip For Players ~

If you play this game on a laptop then hook up an external mouse and click both mouse buttons to shoot most hand guns and several other guns. This will shoot two bullets at once and will really help you if you need a certain amount of shots or any other achievements where you have to shoot and you don't want to sit around for a long time.

~ Overall ~

The game itself is pretty fun, but only for a short amount of time. I think that I gave a few good tips to make a better version if you were to ever do a sequel to this submission and some ways to really add some replay value to the game to keep people coming back even if it's just another couple hours worth of gameplay.

Very nice game!

~ Animation ~

All of the animation was very smooth. Barely did the game ever lag for me, but when it did there were a few parts where it really did me in and I ran into something. :P

~ Graphics ~

I liked the sprite/8-Bit type of feel that you get from the graphics. Everything was drawn out very well and I don't have any complaints about anything with the art work.

~ Content ~

I might break this subject down into a couple of different parts so it doesn't get too cluttered. My overall view on the game that it was hard at first, but once you got into it the game was really easy. It kept me coming back and once you get the rhythm down (hmm, I wonder why it's called that?) the game is really easy and enjoyable.

The idea for the game is really original. It's not only your classic avoid things while the screen moves game, but it actually has a deep story behind it. I suggest that everyone watch the scenes and not skip them to understand the game that you are playing! Not only that though, you have finally explained the reason why you die when you hit something. In most games you just hit the wall and you die for no reason, but obviously there is a reason in this game as you are made of glass.

The medals give it a really nice feel and keep you coming back to play the game again. The really fun medal was the one that you got for gathering all of the in game achievements! Those are the best kind by far. If you were to double the amount of achievements then you could of added even more fun to this game for people like me. :)

There is a small glitch where if you pause the game during the last boss fight then his fire balls will go right through you and continue off of the screen. It can really help when the fire balls are being shot a bunch at a time or from the top of the screen down, but you might want to fix it so people can't take the easy way out in the end. :(

I think you set the game up (if you were to make a sequel) very well for the story. You could also set it up with a money system where you place things of value in dangerous spots in the game. If they collect these things then between levels they can buy upgrades such as more lives, faster movement, a gun that you can take enemies out with, etc..

~ Audio ~

The audio really adds a lot to this game. Some games use the audio well, but the way you synced up the animation on the screen with the sounds of the music was amazing! It really made the game fun and helped during gameplay as it gave you some tips and clues. Sound effects were also good.

~ Overall ~

One of my favorite medal games. A little challenging at first, but after you get the hang of it then it's quite fun. I think you set it up for a sequel if you wanted to and you could really add a lot of new features to a sequel submission such as this.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

The animation was smooth in all aspects. There really isn't much to comment about other than perhaps a few more different styles of walking or movements would have added some variety to a game, which was overall very repetitive.

~ Graphics ~

Graphics were fine the way that they were, but some color probably would have added a lot to the submission. Not only would it make it better visually, but it also gives you the chance to put some blood on the footstep of the dinosaur and as he takes more and more steps without stepping on someone there would be less and less blood on his feet.

~ Story/Content ~

The idea of the game is alright, but it just gets boring after awhile. To make it better you could do something like having to squash so many enemies in a certain run and if you complete it then you get to go to the next level.

This could also help the game by bringing in a little shop system in between levels where you could do something such as upgrades to increase speed, size, maybe give you friendly units near your feet that widen your range of attack, etc...

You could have something like after stepping on 10 people in a row your speed increases slightly or you get a size bonus, etc... If you had the store system you could get bonuses for stepping on more and more people in a row.

~ Audio ~

Music was pretty good and I think that it fit with the game very well. The sound effects were also pretty good, but you could have used some more such as the dinosaur roaring when you let someone get by or after a certain amount of people squashed, etc...

~ Overall ~

A decent little game, but gets boring quite quickly. Adding more variety and some color would help a lot.

Moving the info. button to somewhere that is easier to see would be helpful as I missed it the first couple of times that I played. So a menu might be a good way to improve the submission slightly?

~ Review Request Club ~

chesster415 responds:

Thanks. Everybody seems to want color, but I really like the bloody footprint idea. The interlevel store sound like that could be cool too. This could really improve with some of these ideas.

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Age 36, Male


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