
377 Game Reviews

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Ha nice joke medal.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I like the use of sprites. I'm a very big sprite fan as it is. Animation was very smooth and everything about the animation was done very well. At the same time it was very simple and could probably use something more complex, but your not going to get much more from a Chinese April Fools Day flash. :P

~ Story/Content ~

I actually thought this was very hard. I didn't get pass the third wave of tanks! I wonder what the next level would be because I thought that level was crazy hard. So perhaps a little too hard, but perhaps I just suck as at the game. Who cares when I didn't really have to worry about the game until after the first wave anyway.

~ Audio ~

Really nice video game style music and sound effects here. Probably couldn't be any better of a choice to fit with the style of game.

~ Overall ~

Nice easy joke medal here and a nice simple game which ends up being pretty hard only a few waves in.

Nice very fun game.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Pretty good animation and graphics all around. Nice artwork and smooth animation. It was a bit for my computer to handle, but obviously I can't take that out against you because my computer is too slow to handle the game. :P

The option to turn the blood and details down was nice and made it a bit quicker.

~ Story/Content ~

A very funny game all around, but at the same time extremely fun and addicting. I love defensive games and this was a great one! You had a shitload of weapons to choose from and a bunch of upgrades. The only upgrade that I think would add to the game would be something like automatic turrets that you can add to your motel.

They wouldn't have to shoot that often, but every little extra would help a bit. You could even take it as far as adding an air defensive turret and a ground turret. That way people had to choose which one to use.

This might make the game too easy though as the game itself isn't too bad after awhile. It was hard the first time I played it, but the second time around it was extremely easy. I had to play through twice just to get all of the medals.

~ Audio ~

Good audio all around. Good voice acting, good sound effects, and also very good music used. Really nothing to criticize here at all.

~ Overall ~

A very fun game and very addicting.

I couldn't get one of the medals for some reason. It was the weapons medal, which was weird because I was able to get the upgrade everything medal.

Also, you must be making out like a bandit with this game. So many ads within the flash itself. D:

Much fun.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Pretty decent graphics all around. Nothing really mind blowing, but not bad at all. Pretty good all around and animation is very smooth. Good choice of colors and I don't think I would change much from what you have already.

~ Story/Content ~

The great thing about this is that it does follow a simple story line, which slightly keeps me interested in the game, but the humor adds a lot of fun to the game. Simple things that the characters say, simple titles of attacks or spells, name of enemies, etc.. Some good fun stuff in there all around.

The only thing that I think I have to complain about the game itself is that it get's quite repetitive after awhile. The same basic battle system and everything. I do like that you had the choice of different zombies because that helps a little bit, but I wouldn't mind seeing the game play itself change up now and then so it's not so repetitive.

I haven't tested out the person on person mode, but my roommate has and he said it was alright. I'll check it out here soon, but this would be really fun if you could play the story line in two player or even more online or connected by lan. (If it is like this and I haven't noticed sorry, but I still think it would be a great idea)

Some other things that I think would help this game be better would be the ability to upgrade your weapons for a cost of money of course. That or the more you used your weapon the more experience you get. You could think about doing this with the armor and other things also. This isn't necessary, but it would be kind of neat to have.

I personally like not being able to control your partners. It almost gives it a more of a realistic feeling. It might be interesting if you allow people to choose whether they can can control the party or have the party control themselves. Hopefully something like that wouldn't make the game worst as people would have the choice of the style they liked.

Lastly, I think the directions might be a little hard to understand for people who have never played this game before or if people who aren't too great at figuring things out on their own because of the way the partner attacks before you do in the beginning of the game and it can just be confusing all around. Not to me, but I have seen some reviews that were complaining about it.

~ Audio ~

Great sound effects, great background music, and really good voice acting all around in this submission. Those voice actors getting payed? ;P

I really don't think you could improve on the audio any more than you already have done in this submission.

~ Overall ~

A great game, that may get a little repetitive after awhile, but nevertheless a great game for people to play who enjoy leveling up and a good funny story line. Good job. :) Added to my favorites.


~ Animation/Graphic ~

Great basic setup for the graphics. The choice of two different cursors was nice, but really not needed in a game like this. Some things that do make these types of games cool are adding actual animation to it. Perhaps at the end when you get your results you could have a normal whistle and have an animation of the whistle changing to what the person got. Small things like that would make it a bit better.

~ Story/Content ~

I got a gold whistle.

Even though on my account I have a Deity. I would like to argue about some of the examples.

Your helpful reviews were actually terrible. I wouldn't call any of them really helpful at all. Just telling someone to work harder is probably the most useless thing you can say.

Also, as a flash artist those short reviews such as, "I really liked this" can be very helpful to the authors motivation and make them want to keep making flash or encourage them to work harder.

You're examples for abusive reviews were very good and all abusive. I just don't see where you can mark down someones whistle (Yes I know this is just a game) on what is helpful and what is useless because that is completely opinion. Like I said your examples of helpful reviews seemed very mediocre to me. I wouldn't mark them as helpful or useless because they are somewhere in between. I also mark any short review that is praising my submission as helpful because they motivate me to work harder and keep submitting. That's helpful right?

So I say your submission is very opinionated. Just because someone has a different opinion as you they could get a lower whistle. If you were trying to make it like newgrounds then that's not how the whistle works since you don't get any points for marking as helpful or useless, but if you were just making it like that for the sake of the game it's extremely hard to do because like I said again it's very opinionated.

~ Audio ~

The generic song to use for any quiz type game as the one that you had made here. I even have quiz games like this with the same song being used. That being said it's a great choice no matter what in my opinion. Very relaxing while listening to and just sets up a great quiz atmosphere. Kind of one of those songs that you can't really get bored with.

~ Overall ~

Nice presentation, perhaps a bit opinionated like I stressed several times, good choice of audio.

The biggest thing that I think could improve this submission is by making the end more suspenseful by make the normal whistle change into the new whistle and having some suspenseful music while the change is happening. Then a corresponding sound to represent doing a good job or a bad job depending on the whistle.

coocooletmoi responds:

Thanks for this very helpful review. First, i'll work on the end animation. That's easy. Second, I will make it more stable. Like making Keep it up review in between (I'll add an option). And yes, I will make more reviews, and submit another one. And I will redo the whistle evaluating system. I will make your whistle increase/decrease only on abusive reviews. That was helpful.

I've done this..

So many times now. In the Review Request Club you always put this game up it seems like. At least this is the third time reviewing this game or a version of this game... Oh well..

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Just about perfect. I don't think you could really improve on anything here at all. All buttons seemed to work fine even though there were a couple of glitchy parts such as the menu in the kitchen. When you X the menu out only the words go away and not the menu itself until you click on something else. Nothing major or anything worth taking points off of though.

~ Story/Content ~

Informative and a couple of mini games with it. The only thing I can recommend is adding like 5 more mini games. I also think that you could improve the attack option just a little bit better and make it more graphic that the small movement and small amount of blood that happens.

~ Audio ~

Good sound effects and good music all away around. Perhaps a good spooky voice would help improve your submission a bit?

~ Overall ~

Great artwork, great animation, and not too bad of a submission in itself.

~ Review Request Club ~

Not bad. A few mistakes.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The hand itself was obviously animated and drawn very well. Far superior than anything that I could ever create by drawing on the computer. The animation was so detailed with the hand that it was amazing. It almost seemed like a real hand. Great job on that.

The set up for the flash itself wasn't the best though. The words and text that you used just seemed really sloppy and rushed. I thought it could have been much neater and organized than what you did.

So great hand, bad organization of the words and text.

~ Story/Content ~

A great tutorial and I hope it helps many people out. It's not something that I would be interested in for movies, but it really is something that would help artists pay attention to the small details of their flash and that's what really makes good flashes good.

The tutorial was easy to navigate and words were easy to read. Overall the content of the submission was good. Also, the replay button at the end doesn't work.

~ Audio ~

Your audio is messed up. It doesn't play properly until I start the entire thing is over. When it does play over it's pretty good though. What I think you should do with the submission is turn the audio way down so it just plays really quietly in the background. Then you can have a voice over read the text out loud. Some people learn better by listening than they do reading, but if they have the chance to do both then you can reach more people.

~ Overall ~

A few mistakes, but a good tutorial for people. Good work.

~ Review Request Club ~

tomocles responds:

thanks for the detailed review corky. :) As you could tell from the tutorial, I am rather new to design and even flash, so anything other than the fbf itself is due to lack of knowledge. When I do another tutorial, I will try to enlist someone to create the menus for me.

Ha not bad.

One of the easier games with medals, but not bad at all. I like the pixel style artwork that was used in the submission. Animation was smooth and everything seemed to work perfectly fine.

Some ideas that may make the submission better:

Upgrades between levels - I wouldn't mind seeing some things like shields or whatnot that you can buy in between levels. That of course would mean you would have to create some sort of money system in the game. That could simply be made by having the shoe collect coins or maybe something more shoe related to make the game match up.

You could have upgrades such as:

Shields - Protect you from getting hurt from one attack. Can be upgraded to protect from multiple attacks.

Shoe cannon - Shoot little Chinese people from your shoe or another type of weapon that shoots things down in front of you. When upgraded the attack could be bigger, you could get more ammo, and it could reload faster?

Bird swatter - Birds now don't kill the shoe for a certain amount of birds each level. Can be upgraded to kill more birds in a level.


Levels and lives - I know that there were levels and lives, but just a simple number showing us what level we are on and how many lives we have left would have been a nice addition to the game.

Some ideas for achievements in this game:

20,000 KM - To be honest the game is quite easy at 10,000 KM. I think there should be one more distance to get.

Achievements for the game if you added other things I recommended:

Bird killer - You could have simply one or maybe more of these. You would first have to buy the bird swatter and then kill a certain amount of birds in a level or an overall amount of birds.

The upgrader - Upgrade all of your items to full potential. Could also have it for one upgrade at a time.


Other than those ideas it wasn't too bad. Really simple and nice Chinese themed flash for the fun day yesterday.

Now that was fun.

I don't know what people are complaining about. That was an awesome game. I guess they just suck at it.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

You got a great artist for this game. I don't think I've seen too many avoid games with graphics this smooth and clean. You should be paying that guy a bonus with what he created here. :P Great job all around. Perhaps the hit detection was off a little bit, but anyone that is a true gamer can easily get around that fact.

~ Story/Content ~

A original avoidance game. Congrats you finally did it. :)

Classic - This is what you would expect from an avoidance game. What I love is how you added random enemies that had no pattern whatsoever. They would just randomly appear so you would need strategy, talent, and good luck.

Adventure/Story Mode - Great job on this. I really enjoyed that you had a purpose behind this mode. Really fun and I think you should keep creating more like this because it really turned out well. Challenging and fun. Not too easy and not too hard at the same time. Just about perfect.

Also, you can cheat a little by moving your mouse off of the screen, moving it to the other side of the screen, and having your helicopter appear on the other side to get away from danger.

~ Audio ~

Good job with the music, but I do think you need to use a little better sound effects. I wouldn't mind hearing the helicopter blow up when it gets hit or something when you pick the soldiers up. That could improve the sound quality of the submission a little.

~ Overall ~

By far your best. Great job to everyone.

TheSongSalad responds:

thanks for the review, and i'm glad you like it! i also felt this was the best game. i think it could've used some sound effects too, and i think everyone felt the hit detection was off. the helicopter does have rotes though, so i think that may be part of it. greatly appreciate the positive review corky.

Not bad.

Takes a little bit of getting use to, but once you get started it's actually quite easy. It only took me about 10 minutes or so before I figured everything out and got all of the medals. I do have to admit that some were quite tricky and some were quite easy. This was a great game, but I do wish it would have been a bit harder to play. :(

Great set up visually though. All of the graphics were done really well and I like the pixel style that you used. Good humor used all along, but I do think it was a bit short. I wouldn't mind there being several more items and outcomes to use. That's the biggest down fall of the game in my opinion. Other than that it was really fun and there needs to be more games like this with medals.

Keep up the good work and hopefully we will see more games like this, from your perhaps.

I'm sure it works great... I couldn't do it though

I'm going to have to PM you with some help on this later, because I couldn't figure it out at all.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I really liked how you had the animation/mini game right in the introduction itself. I think it would have looked a little better if all of that appeared behind the text. That way it never covered up any words.

I also think the layout could have looked better. Maybe there is a template that would clean up the style of your flash a little bit or something like that? I also don't know if I liked the colors so much. I always liked a dark color and a light color because it's easier on the eyes to read. Perhaps something like White words on a black background, etc..

~ Story/Content ~

Great all around, even though I think you should have made the text in the flash dynamic. (I think that's what it's called) So people could copy and paste it. I typed it all out by hand, but sadly it didn't work for me.

I have no experience in action script so I didn't know if I was suppose to write that all on one line, press enter where you started a new line, etc.. It was kind of confusing for me.

I do like that you explained how to do the action script though. I see too many times people get the actionscript from the flash forums and they aren't explained why it works the way it does. That doesn't help them at all.

~ Audio ~

I like the music that you picked for this submission though. The only thing that I can suggest to make it any better is to have a mute button. You might also want to think about having a voice read over the instructions too for people who learn better by listening to things.

~ Overall ~

Why did I give you a ten even though I couldn't get it to work? Because I hate giving a biased review. I'm not going to take points away from you because I don't know what I'm doing. This seems like it would be good for someone who has a basic understanding of actionscript, which I do not.

Like I said, I want to mess around with this later so I might PM you to try and figure it out. It looks interesting and I wouldn't mind making my first game ever.

TheSongSalad responds:

i'd be glad to help you work out a game. i'm sorry it didn't work for you, i have a few things i think you might have messed up on. i tried to make this so everyone could follow it, but some of the later things end up with a lot of math and shit that people can have trouble following. i wanted to avoid making the text copy + pasteable because i always see a lot of games flood the portal w/ copy + paste code whenever a tut. comes out. i tried to make it so people understood what was going on so that they could try new things themselves.

long reply, buy yeah, go ahead and pm me if you want some help, and i'm glad you like it.

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