Not bad, but not good yet.
~ Animation/Graphics ~
The graphics were great. Couldn't get any better for a game like this in my opinion. The animation and gameplay though was so glitchy and annoying to the point that I didn't even finish playing a game like I usually do. I found it extremely hard to jump off of the vine, there were times where the guy's leg would be stuck in certain parts and a lot of the time animation was just choppy. Looks like there might be a lot of coding problems to fix.
~ Story/Content ~
Not a bad idea for a game, but really hard in my opinion. Probably at the difficulty you want it at though. The reason that I thought it was hard was because of the way I had trouble jumping off the vines, etc..
I hardly saw any reason to go down below unless in the later levels you added treasure down there too. Perhaps in the future when you get better at coding/game making you could make it so that the money that you collect allows you to get items from a store in between level or buy special upgrades to improve your character.
I didn't happen to make it too far into the game. Was it a new level every time you went off the screen into a new section? If not then I didn't make it pass level 1. D:
~ Audio ~
Sound effects might need to be synced a little bit better with the animation, but overall the sound effects and music used was decent all around.
~ Overall ~
Not a bad game and good since your starting to learn. I guess the reason I didn't like it a lot was because of some things like the vine, etc.. Nothing too exciting, but has room for improvement. Good luck and keep working!
~ Review Request Club ~