Man... This is it... Quite literally the most original, fucking coolest, best animation I've seen on newgrounds this year. In terms of originality it may be the most original video I've ever witnessed.
Amazing, just funny stuff.
Man... This is it... Quite literally the most original, fucking coolest, best animation I've seen on newgrounds this year. In terms of originality it may be the most original video I've ever witnessed.
Amazing, just funny stuff.
Wow, somehow in the universe of this animation the police force is not only more responsive, but also more intelligent and competent than in real life!
Joke was pretty good. It was definitely one of the most original submissions for the Musk Jam and didnt rely on a cheesy generic Elon musk throwing something at the truck window meme. Wasn't laugh out loud funny, but entertaining nonetheless.
The thing that sets it over the edge of the rest of the submissions is the great design, animation, and down right professional sounding voice actor. I would hire that voice in the future!
Eh, even with the lack of any actual animation or artwork this might have been slightly entertaining if it had any humor to save it. Sadly it did not.
Virtually bare minimum graphics, little to no animation, and a really bad mix of voice acting and audio. The audio choice was ok, but really overpowered the already pretty poor voice acting. Quality of the sound was fine, but just not a good acting job all around.
To be honest I can't really find any redeeming factors to this submission and think it really needs work all around.
Actually, it's just make for fun and i made it in 1 hour and it's done
Without watching too many of the Elon Musk animations this is exactly the plot I would assume to see in most of them. In fact, its that exact joke I predicted would be made in multiple animations.
So Yeah, the predictably really takes away from this. That on top of slightly low effort artwork and memish animation as well.
Overall, would have like to see a more original joke and better artwork/animation.
Aight man, thanks for the criticism! Sorry about the joke not being that original, I planned this project out before the musk jam, and I guess everyone thought of it too lol. I’ll try to get better at animating as well, like you said. Thanks again!
I guess that answers the question that I really guess I never knew I had of what happens if you remove the hands of a Madness character when they were never quite attached in the first place.
It was kind of gruesome to watch him scrape his face off of the wall like that.
Dude, this is hilarious in it's own way. I don't know why it didn't get any attention on here. The voices could have been a lot better and I realize that it's literally a "puppet" show, but the idea is funny, the concept is funny, and the execution was pretty good.
I'd like to see more stuff like this on newgrounds for sure.
thanks for the feedback
I figured I needed to eventually watch the submission that I had to delete so many abusive reviews on. I honestly don't see what people didn't enjoy.
Really great artwork, really good animation, good voice acting, and an all around well produced submission with an original idea.
Thank you, I will show this to my 1st grade daughter instead of home schooling her today. She could learn a lot of good dead, dog, and purple from this.
I hated this with a passion. Not enough cock jokes.
Seriously though, I think maybe the jack off scene was a tad bit over board. I think the punchline could have ended with the, "do you wsnna watch me jack off comment".
I got a couple of chuckles out of this, but mostly found myself asking... For the love of god why?!
Billy did all of the voices? He has a lot more range than I expected! Great job on the voicing!
Billy greatly helped this cartoon look somewhat decent just with his voice alone. There really is no meaning or reason in this cartoon, just dumb fun and testing the waters, seeing which jokes land. I'm happy it at least made you laugh sometimes though!
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