If you haven't, please follow us at @DomAndFroShow
I know everything I've been talking about lately has been about my podcast, but frankly, I'm really excited to get back into creating things. I'm working on writing short scripts for a voice acting collab by @VoicesByCorey that you can find here.
I recently submitted one of the scripts that they acted out. It's really hilarious, I love the way it turned out.
I'm even working on a writing collab with @ZetoSoul. (We'll give out more details later as we know more details. I'm just excited to be a part of the project)
We now have 4 episodes of the Dom and Fro show. I appreciate everyone who's stuck with us through the weird trial and error phase we had. We had bad mics, bad recording practices, and well... probably a lot of other little mistakes that come from being first time podcasters without a real plan.
We have new mics and recording practices starting episode 5, which should be out 6/12/20.
We added some merchandise and ordered a few samples to see what it looks like. I'll post pictures when the stuff arrives! (Link below)
We also added new tiers to our Patreon. So far the show is about -$150 into the hole if you're just counting equipment, but we also both need a computer and also spend about 40 hours a week producing the show. We don't really do it to make money, but at the same time we'd like to cover our equipment cost!
Our current process is to record through our computers, but both of them are too old to be able to handle the work load. So I literally walk to my office after hours, record from my office, take it home to edit throughout the week, and then return back to my office to upload. It's tedious, and would make things so much faster if we could record from home. Dom's computer won't even handle the editing portion, so as of right now I'm the only one doing so. It's not stopping us though, I promise episode 5 won't sound like we recorded with a toaster.
A special thank you to @Dadush for making our theme. Make sure to check out the rest of their work as well.
From this episode @Phobotech was kind enough to make us some artwork!
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