Dad, coach, fan of eating food.

Age 36, Male


New Of Grounds

Grounds of New

Joined on 4/12/04

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Fro's News

Posted by Fro - March 26th, 2020

My old newpost was getting old. I haven't had a huge change in my life since then, but some small updates.

I recently dislocated my hip. I don't know how, it just was like that one day. I mean, I'm sure I did something, but I can't relate it back to a specific day. It's been painful, some days I can barely stand, let alone walk or function, but I've fought through it. I continue to go to work and deal with the pain when I get home.

I've been going to physical therapy for it and I'm almost back to feeling ok. Some days are worse than others. Last night I was bed ridden after squatting down to pick something up. It's given me a small excuse to get out of household chores, but the last thing I want to do is lay around.

With the quarantine in effect I can't go to the gym, my coaching gig is up, so all I do is walk to work, work for 8 hours, walk home, lay down, rinse, repeat, etc... At least if the hip was healed up I could go for some runs and do some body weight workouts. I'm still doing some upper body dumbell stuff, but that's about it.

I've been watching some youtube stuff to keep me entertained. This would be a perfect time to take up writing again though...


Posted by Fro - December 28th, 2019

I asked my long term girlfriend and partner to marry me on Christmas morning. I made a topic about it if you want to see a picture of the ring.


I've also been hitting the gym really hard ever since August. I've recently hit a personal best on Deadlift of 445 pounds. I've been getting progressively better at it. I plan on posting a video once I can do 500.

My love of the weight room has reminded me how much I loved sports growing up and how important they were too me. I've taken on some coaching jobs at a local highschool for football and track. (On top of my 7-4 desk job)

Things are about to get busy, but for the first time in awhile it's filled with jobs that don't actually feel like work, but instead with things that I really love.


Posted by Fro - December 5th, 2019

Part 1

It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and one Newgrounds Moderator/Forum Dad/ Co-Host of the hit podcast the Dom and Fro Show is enjoying his vacation. Fro is laying back in a beach chair with a book in his hand when a shadow suddenly blocks his sun, he sighs, “Ya know Tom, I was cool with you not actually letting me leave Newgrounds HQ for my vacation under the condition no one would bug me. This better be an emergency.”

“Technically, it’s more of a catastrophe.” Tom stated.

Fro groaned, “What happened now? Is SevenSieze planning another heist on the HQ?”

“Yeah, but we’ve got that handled.” Tom assured as a window in the Newgrounds HQ building was smashed open as SevenSieze climbed through it, “I mean we’ll deal with it later.” he corrected, “The real problem here is with the Ruffle Software, it’s been stolen.”

Fro sat up in surprise, “You’re fucking with me.”

Tom shook his head, “I wish I was. I need you to find out who it was and get the software back, if we lose that software then Newgrounds will become nothing more than a relic of the Internet's past, like Kongregate.”

“What the hell’s Kongregate?”


Part 1.5

Fro got out of his chair and did a stretch, “Alright, I’ll go check out the security tapes and see if I can find any leads.”

“Sounds like a plan!” Tom concurred as Fro walked away.

Once Fro was inside, another window broke open and SevenSieze jumped out with a case of beer, “Get fucked Fulp! I got my Mod status back AND stole all your beer!!!” she proclaimed before running off into the distance.

Tom sighed, “This is what happens when I let Fro relax.”

Meanwhile, Fro was making his way through the Newgrounds basement toward the security room, entering it to find two other guards asleep in their chairs, “HEY!” he shouted, waking them.

“What, what’s going on?!” one questioned.

“Is BillyRedSnake on another drunk tirade?!” the other asked.

“You’re supposed to be watching the feeds!” Fro reminded, “What the hell’s wrong with you?!”

The guards looked at each other, “I mean, do we really need to?”

“Yeah, I mean, most people just think this site is defunct anyway, right?” the other added.

Fro groaned, pushing the guards aside and accessing the security archives to find the last video of the ruffle archive as it was stolen by a shadowy figure, “Oh shit, how’d we miss that?” one of the guards questioned.

“Because you’re incompetent.” Fro reminded as he picked up his phone, dialing the only person he could think of who could give him the answers he needed, “Dom, I’m about to send you a video and I need you to tell me if this is some ninja shit.” he explained.

“Okay.” Dom agreed as Fro sent the clip, a moment passed before Dom spoke up, “Yeah, that’s some ninja shit alright. You gotta go to Nepal, man.” he explained.

Part 2

Fro climbs to the top of a mountain in Nepal, the cold was unbearable for a man who refused to wear a shirt 70% of the time. His journey was not in vain though, as he’d finally reached the dojo of his old ninja master. He noticed one peculiar detail though, he certainly didn’t remember a giant apple design on the door when he’d trained there years before.

He entered the Dojo to find even more apple branding on everything in the building. Approaching his old master, Fro saw that he was eating a fruit… Do I really need to say what kind? “Fro, so nice to see you!” the master greeted, “What brings you here?”

Fro shook his head, “Not good news, unfortunately.” he stated, “I’m having a problem with some ninja shit and I was hoping you could help.”

The master stroked his chin, “Ninja shit, you say? Well, it certainly couldn’t be one of my students, as they’re all taught to follow the sacred rule first and foremost.” he explained, gesturing to a sign on the wall that read “Don’t be a Kung Fool, evil is uncool.”

Fro nods in understanding, “Of course, I just thought it was worth checking.” he stated, “Thank you for your time, master.” he said as he left.

Once he was gone, the master pulls out an iPad, opening a the video-chat app to contact his boss, “Mr. Jobs, we have a problem.”

“Then you know what to do.” the man said, “Kill him.”

Part 2.5

Later, Fro was on the plane back home, planning his next course of action when he suddenly looked out the window to see a missile heading straight for his plane, “Oh shit.” he says as the plane is shot out of the sky.

The remnants of the wrecked aircraft crashed into the middle of the Asian wilderness in a great ball of flaming destruction from which there were no survivors…

Except for Fro, because he had his tray table up and his seat-back in the upright position before the crash, thus saving him from any kind of danger. His only problem now was the fact that he was stranded in the woods with no way out.

Part 3

After months in the Nepalese wilderness, Fro was discovered, though the discoverer, an unsuspecting tourist, was unaware of exactly what it was they were discovering. Their interaction was brief, as Fro first asked if they spoke English (in English,) then if they spoke Italian (in Italian, which Fro knows, on account of being Italian.)

"I guess I'll go fuck myself." said Fro, once it was clear the explorer knew neither language, and while he walked away a photograph was taken and was later posted to r/cryptids, where it went viral to the point that even Newgrounders, who are famously too smart for reddit, heard about it, and a helicopter was sent to the Tinjure Milke Jaljale where the photo was taken, piloted by famous helicopter PsychoGoldfish. When he got there, the rhododendrons were blooming, but it was still December. While Fro had been gone, someone whose forum activity had since gone unmonitored had managed to convince a sizeable portion of the userbase to accelerate global warming to a ridiculous degree.

Fro initially thought the thing was sent by his previous assailants but once his pet labradoodle managed to catch a scent of the pilot all the way from the ground, and subsequently began barking happily in the helicopter's general direction, he emerged from the trees, his beard having grown all the way down to his waist, and his chest hair being thick enough to stop a bullet.

They all flew back to America in relative safety, as PerkeleGoldfish knew how to evade notice as best as possible, though the labradoodle was not given a seatbelt, and on account of this fact PontiusGoldfish would have his pilot's license revoked for the following six months. On the way he and Fro spoke, once it had been made clear that there were no smartphones in the helicopter, as the pilot had dropped his in a goldfish bowl like a ditz.

PilotGoldfish was initially confused by this, but Fro explained that the people he was after could probably listen in on their phone conversations, and therefore probably also any conversations in their phones' general proximity. PorridgeGoldfish, an avid Last Week Tonight viewer, recalled their episode on Edward Snowden and suggested it might be the NSA, or Five Eyes, the latter of which made Fro hungry for burgers and fries, upon which they agreed to land where such a thing was immediately accessible. Of course it was neither, and upon hearing who it really was PseudoGoldfish's jaw nearly hit the floor.

Once they landed, they got their burgers and fries, Fro taking many, many burgers, as he has a considerable capacity and was quite hungry after months in the wilderness, Fro sought out the shittiest car he could find and approached the lady who herself was approaching it.

“Hey, you wanna take a helicopter ride wherever it is you're going?” he said.

“Uh...” she said, turning around and appreciating both his shirtlessness and his labradoodle before continuing, “sure? What for?”

“Lemme borrow your car.”

“Uh….what for?”

“Oh, you know, because it looks like shit.”

“That doesn't answer my question.”

“Well, I'm going sort of incognito so I thought no-one would suspect me if I went in a car that looks like that.”

“...Makes perfect sense. Just don't wreck it.”

“It's pretty wrecked already.”

“Oh that's like a fashion statement, you know, it's like those ripped jeans you get.”

The lady raised a hand as if to gesture at herself and then presumably realised she wasn't wearing those ripped jeans you get.

“Well, you get the point. Where's the helicopter?”

Fro pointed at the helicopter. The lady turned around and appreciated it for a moment.

“Yo, I love Newgrounds!” she said, before tossing her car key in Fro's direction. Fro caught it deftly, then he and his labradoodle got inside and began driving. The car screen said it was the 27th of December. He had to drive to New York, the state with the highest concentration of Italian-Americans, to visit an Italian relative, that he had, because he is Italian. The drive took two days, because in order to secure their burgers and fries PetitionGoldfish had landed in the state with the highest amount of Five Guys places, California. The drive went fairly smoothly, only the fuel gauge was broken so the car ran out of gas unexpectedly somewhere in the Ozark highlands, so he had to push the car to the next gas station on that incident, but other than that, things went perfectly fine.

Once he got to New York he went to his Italian relative's house and asked to use their phone, an old-fashioned rotary dial affair that he was sure was too ancient to be under any surveillance, and phoned his other Italian relative, an uncle who works as a higher-up in the mafia, because he is Italian. Upon explaining the situation, the mafioso concluded that anyone who tries to take on Fro tries to take on the family, and that that sort of thing simply doesn't fly, so he said he'd get something ready for an attack on the Apple headquarters (which, incidentally, are in Cupertino, California, making PhilGoldfish's landing spot rather bold in hindsight.) This concluded Fro's visit to his Italian relatives in New York, though an older lady among them tried to cook something which he had to politely decline.

Part 3.5

Driving to the Apple headquarters took another two days, leaving Fro with less than a day to get this shit over and done with, but fortunately the first major hurdle was dealt with, as the guards for the entrance had been bribed or replaced by mafia goons; and the last one was also dealt with, as an aircraft to take him to Pennsylvania had been situated nearby. His dog barked at him on the way in, and then pissed on a fire hydrant, which he wouldn't come to understand until a little later. Looking at the floor map, something presented itself as suspicious almost immediately, which was that it indicated there were several underground floors that the first visible staircase did not seem to lead to. This itself wouldn't mean much on its own, but on one of these floors was the office of one Steve Jobs, which was very suspicious indeed, as from his cursory research of the building he was in, it had only been in use since 2017, six years after Steve Jobs had died.

He knew what to do to get down there, so acted upon it. One of the guards who hadn't been replaced with a mafia goon entered the elevator, and Fro followed suit, knocking him unconscious and finding one of those slick-looking keycards, which he pressed to the elevator control panel, whereupon it revealed several extra buttons. He hit the one for the lowest possible floor, and when they arrived his dog barked and pissed on another fire hydrant. There was the office, curiously unguarded, and when he stepped inside there was a large screen and, more importantly, the disk containing the Ruffle software on an also curiously unguarded smooth white table which cost 15,000 dollars.

As Fro approached the screen lit up, with Steve Jobs' face on it. Fro was confused and not amused by this.

"Fuck's going on?" he said.

"Nothing much, dipshit." said Steve. "I'm just here to inform you that the moment you touch that thing you'll be shot at from all sides, mister...Fro."

"Oh. Well I guess I'll just go home then."

"Much obliged."

"I was being sarcastic."

"So was I."

"Sure you were."

And with that last statement, Fro burst into a flip, careening over the table and nabbing the disk as he passed by. Bullets flew at him from all sides, but only one hit him, and that one got blocked by his chest hair. Guards pooled in from where he'd entered the office, and Steve Jobs' big dumb face laughed at this development, but the labradoodle barked, and as it did so Fro realized what it had been saying. If there were fire hydrants, that meant the building was health and safety compliant, and that meant...

"There's a fire escape!" Fro said.

"Fuck!" said Steve Jobs, as Fro headed out, carrying the dog and the disk in each hand. The guards thinned out on the fire escape and were then easily picked off as a mafioso screamed "I make-a the meatball!" and opened fire on them. With this over and done with, he ran to the aircraft for a fairly uneventful flight to HQ.

Part 4 - Finale

Fro arrived Newgrounds headquarters and texted Tom Fulp: "i'm at the HQ"

On Times Square, Tom Fulp read the message. It was all cool now.

"Oh, what a rough year... Thank God it's getting over. I can relax now, knowing Fro is there to reattach Ruffle."

His wife and kids smiled as the ball started to go down.

At the Newgrounds Server Room, Fro was ready to attach Ruffle to the main computer and save Newgrounds, when a shuriken hit Ruffle hardware and dropped it from his hand.

"Not so fast"

It was the ninja.

"You! How did you get in here again??" Fro asked, surprised.

The ninja responded with another shuriken thrown. Fro dodged. Fro tried to pick Ruffle hardware up to make sure it got attached before midnight, but the ninja was quick and kicked him out of the way before he could reach it. An intense fight began. 

Meanwhile, Times Square ball hit 30 seconds, with a level of excitement never seen before from the crowd.

Fro blocked, blocked and dodged ninja's attack. He was fast. All punches Fro threw in were dodged as if it was the easiest thing one could do. The fight lead them further from the main computer, towards the history shelf on the other side of the room.


That ninja could fight. But so could Fro. Fro saw an opportunity to grab his arm, but he would have to let a punch in. 


"Ouch", Fro felt ninja's wrist on his face. But it was worth it. He grabbed his arm and turned the ninja around.


Fro saw the backward kick in the balls coming and blocked it with his knee. But it was enough for ninja to destabilize Fro.


Ninja got out of the move attempt by Fro. One, two, three blocks.


Fro jumped backwards and grabbed a shuriken from the wall, where ninja have hit before.


Ninja came in strong. Fro avoided, but ninja stepped the wall and managed to kick his face.


Fro recomposed and feinted. Ninja fell for it.


"That one will leave a scar", Fro thought when he slashed ninja's eye with the shuriken.


Fro deflected a kick, ninja avoided a punch. Two punches hit Fro's chest.


"This one's really good." Fro thought. "I don't get hit in the chest since...."

Fro remembered.


No one could hit his chest in a fight. No one except for his best friend. Dom.

"Dom?" Fro asked.

They stopped fighting and got to a safe distance from one another.

"It took you a while to find out, Fro". Ninja took off his mask revealing himself to be Dom.

"Dom! Why would you do this??? Why would you betray me???" Fro asked, surprised.

"You wouldn't understand. Do you think you have ambition? You don't know true power." Dom answered.

"i can't believe it..." Fro thought. "My best friend... we spent so many wonderful times together, and now i find out he was with the enemy all along..."

"YOU WERE LIKE A BROTHER TO ME, DOM!" Fro screamed as tears flowed from his angry eyes.

"But i don't have time to get all feelings... I have to attach the hardware!" Fro concluded to himself. 

Dom was between him and the main computer. Fro took a look around and grabbed a tankman figurine from the history shelf, throwing him in Dom's direction.


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! The crowd shouted as the worst year of their lives ended. The fireworks went off. Couples kissed. Tom Fulp hugged his wife and kids.

"Ha! You missed me!" Dom bragged. "The fight is over now. There is no time for you to win. Newgrounds is nothing but a memory in a bunch of white nerdy dudes."

"I wasn't aiming for you." Fro revealed.

Dom turned his head and saw Ruffle hardware properly attached. Fro had thrown the tankman figurine on Ruffle hardware just in the right angle to make it jump off the floor and attach itself to the main PC.

"Nooo! This isn't over, Fro!" Dom started running away and Fro went behind him. They ended up on the roof and Dom jumped off. Fro decided to stay on the roof, for there there was a high technology sniper turret. He spotted Dom running on the courtyard and had a perfect shot. He couldn't do it, though. He couldn't shoot his best friend. Dom got away.

"Happy new year, boss." He texted Tom Fulp.

"Ruffle's attached succesfully and Newgrounds is safe."



Posted by Fro - September 17th, 2019








The sun was hot that day. Not a cloud in sight and nothing to stop its relentless barrage of heat and beautiful radiance. I remember complaining about the heat. We didn’t have an air conditioner where we lived. The windows in our apartment weren’t built to properly hold an air conditioner. Even if they had been permitted, we wouldn’t have been able to afford one anyway.

So here we were, forced to suffer through the treacherous summer heat. Only relieved temporarily by the passing breeze produced by an oscillating fan. For one brief moment I was blessed with a breath of flowing air, just to have it ripped away moments later as the heat and humidity violently slammed the front of my face. There were more faces to cool than just mine, though, so I suffered through for the greater good. Our new baby.

What I wouldn’t give now to have the sun kiss my skin again. I can’t remember the last time that I saw the sun. There is heat though, that never left. If my surroundings aren’t on fire it is because they have already incinerated. Some structures still stand. Somehow managing to escape the fire’s destructive path, if even just for the moment. I slump down the street. There is nobody in sight, and definitely nothing to take away the pain from the on growing blaze.


You make me 






“Jeez, it wouldn’t hurt to get some rain. Not a cloud is sight.”

My complaint was ignored by my significant other. I wasn’t really expecting a response. I just needed to express my discomfort. Something about hoping that if it was verbalized there would be some sort of miracle. Perhaps the clouds would come rolling in, the skies would open up, and the rains could clear some of this heat. No miracles today, just the one in front of us.

She held onto our baby tightly. Neither seemed to mind the heat as long as they were in each other’s presence. Such a quiet and calm baby. Chances were she’d grow up to give us headaches, but as of now she slept through the night, and only cooed happily. It seems like the only time that I had heard her cry was when she was first born. It was a beautiful sound. I cried. Now, she didn’t cry, but I realized how lucky we were. It allowed us to sleep. It allowed this amazingly beautiful transition in our lives to just be that much easier knowing that we could make it through a full night’s sleep.

Now the skies are only gray. I’m actually not sure if gray is the best way to describe them. Everything has a rusty red tint. A filter you’d imagine in a cheap Sci-Fi movie to help represent a run down, dangerous, and dirty post-apocalyptic climate. It’s completely surreal. But, sometimes it’s almost beautiful. In a dark and twisted way.

As we used to receive rain, we now endure a quiet black ash. My body is completely covered in ash. I imagine the photos of dark lungs that they used to show us in grade school health class to deter us from smoking. I imagine my lungs must look like that after weeks of breathing this air. Nevermind the fact that I always steered clear of cigarettes. I couldn’t stand the aftertaste of the nicotine on my tongue. 

Weeks…? Has it been weeks? Or maybe months? Surely it hasn’t been longer? Has it..?

At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter how long it has been. I can think of nothing to make me happy while these sky’s are gray.

Well… I could think of one thing that’d make me happy…






How much










I was tired, very tired. We all were, but it was all worth it.

“We’re going to do great. You’re going to make a great mom. You already are a great mom.”

She knew, but it still sounded nice to hear it. We put the baby back into her crib. Sound asleep. I didn’t think there was any chance that anyone had felt love in the overflowing way that I loved my daughter. We took advantage of the

downtime to grab some lunch. “When’s the last time I ate?” I thought to myself. Luckily some friends had precooked us some meals to make our first week at home with our new family member an easier transition. I grabbed the closest dish, a tuna noodle casserole, and scooped two liberal servings into both of our bowls.

She had the patience to warm hers up. I didn’t. I took my serving cold, sprinkled with salt and pepper. There was no time for such luxuries as warming up my meal. I wanted it then and there and would sacrifice the warmth of my food to have it even just a few moments sooner. I devoured it like a wild animal. I’m not sure if I even enjoyed it.

She waited. She knew the value of slowing down and enjoying the simple things in life. One of the many reasons that I loved her so much. She was the ying to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly, the meatball to my spaghetti. All of those things are things in themselves, but made much better with the presence of the other. She completed me.

The sound of the microwave sounded as I looked down at my empty bowl. I was saddened that my food was gone. She hadn’t even taken a bite of hers yet.

Crassshhhh! The sound of splintered glass surprised both of us. It was coming from the nursery.

The sound drew my attention. It isn’t uncommon to hear noises as the buildings burn and crumbled around me. I never think much of them, but always mindlessly investigate them nonetheless. There is something organic about the sound this time though. Maybe… just maybe…

NO definitely…!” I know that sound very well. My child hardly cried, but ever since her first cries brought me to tears I became well acquainted to the sound of a child’s cry.

Even though my legs were weary, they moved with vigor. Even though my energy low, my heart was raising. Even though my head was cloudy, the thoughts traveled at the speed of light. Without any choice my body flung into action. I had to find the source of that cry.

It was muffled through walls and distance, but as instincts took over completely my body moved in the right direction.

A shadow in an upstairs window. That must be it.

I’ll always love you

And be there for you

I’ll protect you from harm’s way

I burst into the room, almost taking the nursery door off of it’s hinges. A shadowy figure was moving fast towards the crib. No thoughts, just reaction. I took down the intruder with a shoulder tackle. Pinning it down to the ground by the throat.

It clawed at my face with fury. Large shards of glass stuck in the creatures face, blood dripped down from its face and covered its entire body. It was of average build, but in a complete insane rage it was starting to over power me. The baby screamed in fear. I had to protect her. I slammed the back of its head into the ground, but it continued to claw undeterred. I went in for another slam, but pulled it too close to my body. One of his swipes made a connection with my eye and I was thrown back in pain.

In mere moments the intruder was on top of me. My vision was blurred and my face felt wet. I realized it was my own blood. I covered my face, but instead of being met with another attack there was a solid wet and metallic thud. I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my arm. It cleared my vision just enough. I saw her standing by my side, silent, shaking with fear. In her arms she held a fire extinguisher. To my feet lay the crippled body of my attacker. The baby continued to scream intensely. 

“Get the baby…”, I managed to command.

“Wh.. What?”

“The baby! Get the baby!”


The baby.. I needed to get to this baby. I had made my way through the building and followed the source of the cry to an upstairs room. All that separated me from the child was a single locked door. My shoulder met the door over and over. The pain was incredible, but I knew there was no way that a door would be able to stop. Every time the baby screamed it seemed to renew my vigor. I struck the door again. A disgusting and wet crack echoed in my ears. It was a combination of the door starting to give way and my shoulder shattering. It didn’t matter. I ignored the pain and continued on the door. A few more strikes and the door finally gave in.

Straight ahead a baby wrapped in a blanket against the far wall of the room and intense crying.

“Please, please keep this child safe.”

I took a few steps towards the baby, but was met with a blunt strike to my head. I hit the ground, vision blurred. A shadow hovering over and closing in on the babies location. My head felt wet and my eyes felt heavy. This was the end.


‘Cause I adore you

You’re my dream come true

You’re my beautiful sunshine

I stood up. She was holding and calming our daughter. My vision started to blur again. I needed to wipe the blood from my face, but couldn’t move my arm. The scene in front of me turned gray.

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me 






It wasn’t the end. I managed to stand up despite the immense pain. My vision was blurred. Whoever had struck me should have made sure I was dead. I lunged forward, grabbing them by the back of their neck. I grabbed hard with the intent to kill.

“Please.. please protect this baby. Please!”

I slammed the front of their face against the wall. Repeatedly. There was no way I was going to repeat the same mistake as they had made. I wouldn’t stop until they were dead. When I felt the last amount of life leave their body, I let them drop to the ground. I turned to the crying child, lifting it from the ground. Today wasn't the end. Not for me. I was forced to suffer through this yet again.


You’ll never know dear

How much I love you


I had no clue what came over me. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn’t. My hands were around my spouse’s throat. I tried to call out, but no words materialized. I tried to cry, but I could only manage screams of rage instead. I was killing her. The love of my life. And I couldn’t stop myself.

I wanted to say I was sorry. I wanted to tell her that this wasn’t me. I wanted to die here and now. I pleaded internally for her to strike me back, to fight me off, to protect our child. There was no hope. She looked at me with confusion and terror. This is how she died. By my hands. I had watched the whole thing with no control. I turned to the crib and tried to block out what was about to happen. I tried to run away, tried to close my eyes, whatever I could do, but instead I picked up my daughter. I mustered one more quick prayer, but already I knew it was too late.



Please don’t take my sunshine away.


Posted by Fro - August 9th, 2019

I've been seeing quite a few new artists pop up lately and I really like what I've been seeing. Feel free to introduce yourself if your new and I'll check out your art.

There's also a new art contest up and running. (Posted below)

A few months ago we ran a writing competition to create an original newgrounds character. We just posted the next step in getting this turned into an animation.


Check out the contest, compete, and let's make newgrounds history with a new character.



Posted by Fro - August 9th, 2019

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Original NG Character Animation Contest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back in June we started a series of competitions in hopes to create an original NG animation. We started with the writing competition, in which I was the judge.

@Unabated 's script won first place and we moved on to the concept art competition. Unabated now became the judge and he chose @MrShmoods submission. (Seen below)

With MrShmoods joining the judging team we moved on to the audio contest (theme song) and the voice acting contest. For the audio contest we had @SplatterDash come out on top and for the voice acting competition @Glass-of-Awesome was victorious. 


At each step of the competition the winners joined in the judging process. Your judges are:





@Fro (In a support role)


Create a trailer or teaser of the episode. Read the script and include some of the voices from the top 3 winners found in this post here, use the theme song in some manner, and use the concept art and writing for inspiration for the animation. Feel free to contact any of the judges for more information or additional resources. Here is a playlist of all of the concept art, audio, and voices created throughout the contest if you are looking for some inspiration.


Jan. 26th 2019: Midnight EST


  • 1st Place: $100, Supporter Status, join the team to create the final animation. (We will look for sponsors and funding)

  • 2nd Place: Supporter Status

  • 3rd Place: Supporter Status


Post your submissions to the newgrounds portal.

Link your submissions in this thread.

Use #newgroundsoc2019 in the tag section.


Posted by Fro - January 30th, 2019

What are the newgrounds writing competitions?

They are a monthly competition held in which contestants will be given a specific prompt and due date. 

Are there prizes?

Currently the prizes consist of supporter status, but during Halloween we have also give away cash prizes to writers. Prizes could increase depending on how popular the writing competitions become. We have had prizes donated from animators in the past where winning entries end up getting animated.

Where do I find the writing competitions?

There are quite a few ways to find the writing competitions. I will post them here on this newspost, along with discussion threads, and results. You can also view the newgrounds calendar for due dates. The calendar will have direct links to the threads. You may also see them advertised in one of Tom's posts as well. They will also most likely just be on the first page of the writing forum.

Who can participate in a writing competition?

Everyone with a newgrounds account.

Who can judge in a writing competition?

Someone who has shown a commitment to the writing community on newgrounds. This may take form in several different ways such as commenting and reviewing on works posted in the writing forum or taking part in multiple writing competitions.

Currently I judge every competition, but ideally there are also revolving judges as well.


2019 Competitions

MWC19 - January - New Beginnings

MWC19 - January - Discussion

MWC19 - January - Results

MWC19 - February - Love

MWC19 - February - Discussion

MWC19 - February - Results

MWC19 - March - March Forward

MWC19 - March - Discussion

MWC19 - March - Results

MWC19 - April - I'm the Fool

MWC19 - April - Discussion

MWC19 - April - Results

MWC19 - May - Original NG Character

MWC19 - May - Discussion

MWC19 - May - Results (TBD)

MWC19 - June - Mixed Perspectives

MWC19 - June - Discussion





Posted by Fro - December 21st, 2018

I'll do basically anything for a couple of dollars. Need some writing work, transcribing, voice acting, database related work, reviews, etc.., etc... shirtless pictures, etc.. etc.. nudes... etc.. etc... etc..

You name the tasks and the price you want to pay. I'll probably say yes as long as it's something I can do.

2019 sale - Shirtless pictures of me flexing: $1.05 each.