Dad, coach, fan of eating food.

Age 36, Male


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Joined on 4/12/04

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Fro's News

Posted by Fro - February 8th, 2021

Read the original post here: https://fro.newgrounds.com/news/post/1139130

Summary: I entered my first strongman competition. Started training and asked for donations. (Which you can help out with here: https://ko-fi.com/thecoachfro)

Now: Since I've started, donators have raised close to $300 for me. So far this has paid for my first competition ($100), my yearly membership fee ($80), some equipment I needed ($90), and a bit of my 2nd competition. (About 10% of the $80)

I talk about how thankful I am for the help on this tweet here:


A few people I'd like to thank, @SevenSeize, @TomFulp, @NickSenny, @nuskoo and others that stayed anonymous. Tom even sent me a shirt, which I will wear during every event that doesn't require my special grip shirt.

My May events:

Log press for reps in 60 seconds (140 pounds)

Car deadlift for reps in 60 seconds (heavy)

Conan Wheel Carry for distance in 60 seconds (400 pounds)

Atlas Stone to shoulder for reps in 60 seconds (165 pounds)

My August events:

Axle press for 1 rep (185 pounds), log press for 1 rep (200 pounds), viking press for reps (220 pounds) (all together for 60 seconds)

Car deadlift for reps in 60 seconds (heavy)

Van push for 60 meters, heavy tire flip back 60 meters (heavy/heavy)

Odd object carry race (6 odd and heavy objects carried for distance and loaded on platform)

Video of me working up to a 200 pound log press:

If you'd like to donate to me, I'll put it to good use! I'll even rep your gaming, music, whatever company if you send me a t-shirt!



Posted by Fro - January 22nd, 2021

I've entered my first strongman competition coming up in May. At my weight class I get to go in as a lightweight. (whew!) Also because it's my first time I get put into the novice class with other first time competitors. (whew!)

So I'll get the formalities done with... If you'd like to help donate to me so I can compete and keep competing I set up a donation page here:


Just an example of the cost, Per meet $100, Annual Membership $77, Travel and gas for training up to May $100, equipment still required $100. As you can see I'll be about $400 into the first competition and while some of the costs (equipment and annual membership) aren't as common of a cost, the entry fee and travel expense will always be there. I can assume each competition will be $200 average. If I have to travel farther, which I will for some, add in hotel, food, and additional gas. So yeah, even if it's $3 you'll be helping me out greatly! I would appreciate it.

If you're a website or gaming company send me a donation and a t-shirt. I'll rep your company while I'm lifting! Hell, can you imagine a Newgrounds t-shirt!

The events:

Conan Wheel:

Atlas Stone:

Log Press:

Car Deadlift:

I've had the opportunity to practice all of the lifts that I'll be competing with in my weight class except for the Conan Wheel. Luckily I was able to complete all of the weights successfully for multiple reps. We get 60 seconds to do as many reps as possible at the set weight for each event.

Again, if you could donate to help pay for my first competition you would open up the opportunity to keep going. Thank you!



Posted by Fro - January 6th, 2021

And I’ll give you a follow back.


I mostly enjoy checking out others work, their art, their music, etc... giving them a retweet to help promote people’s work. I also post some lifting videos every now and then.


Posted by Fro - December 16th, 2020

What a year guys!

Random news in no particular order.

The stolen Christmas:

Last Christmas I asked my significant other to marry me. She said yes of course! Today her ring was stolen from her. She was really heart broken over it.

I'm going to give it a few days and see if it shows up on Craigslist or the local pawn shops. If not back to the drawing board. (Quite literally, it was a custom design that I created)

I hope the person who took it really needed the money. I hope they're feeding their kids with it. I hope it saves someones life.

Audio skits:

If you haven't seen it check out the 2020 Voice Acting Collab. There's a ton of great skits in there. I wrote quite a few of them and you can see them individually as well in my audio section of my profile. Highly recommend! (I'm uploading 1 every day or so for a bit)

We are already hard at work for the next collab and I'm writing a bunch of my ideas for this one as well.

New personal weight lifting record: (Picture below because I thought it looked cool)

Recently I made a post about breaking a personal record in the OHP, which for my body weight put me in the elite category and in the top 5% in my weight class worldwide.

A couple of days ago I beat a personal record on deadlift. (455 pounds) Nothing fancy about this, I'm not an amazing deadlifter by any means, but personal records are the best records to beat!

I personally post videos of lifting on Twitter so give me a follow @TheCoachFro



Posted by Fro - November 20th, 2020

A couple of weeks ago I pressed 205 pounds which was a new personal record. The next week I pressed 210, beating my record by 5. This week I went for the big one, 225. (It's the big one because you get to put 2x45 pound plates on either side of the bar!)

It was smooth, it felt great. I think I could add 5 pounds a week for the next month, maybe more.

At my weight class this put's me at the "Elite" level, the highest level obtainable and puts me into the top 5% of lifters in the world. Feels great, but now I'm off to a new goal.

New goal: 500 pound squat, let's go get it!

Video of OHP


In more artist type news, I've had the urge to write. I've added an idea to a novel that I've been jumbling around in my head for a long time. The idea gave me chills thinking about it. That's always a good sign! My friend @Unabated recently published a book, which I'm almost finished with. I think it's time that I start writing my own.


Posted by Fro - October 29th, 2020

I've been posting in the work out thread, but wanted to show everyone my bald head.

I recently beat my personal record on Overhead Press. Also known as military press, shoulder press, or strict press.

My old record was 185 pounds. New record is 205 pounds.

I tried for 225 and made it to my forehead before slipping and failing. I plan on adding 5 pounds a week. The goal is to have 225 in a month, 2 months max.

After that I'll focus on getting a big deadlift goal.


Video link


Posted by Fro - October 2nd, 2020

I can't do anymore episodes, at least not during the school year. (My daughter's school) There's just way too much going on in life to keep going.

I have an episode mostly edited that was supposed to be end of the season, but I put all of the equipment away in storage yesterday. I don't even want to think about taking the 30 minutes to an hour of editing to finish the last episode. The Aaron Long episode will have to be the season finale for now.

I have my job, the zoom schooling for my kid, a 2nd job, and my coaching job. About 2.5 jobs too much for me to do all of the other things that I want to do! I'm really into lifting weights right now and would like to start writing a bit again as well.


Posted by Fro - September 6th, 2020

What a hell of a year, what a hell of a couple of weeks. If a pandemic wasn't bad enough, the last couple of weeks have really pounded me into the ground. I'm tired. I want a break.

Raising a child in a pandemic is hard. Schooling her through zoom, the tears, the crying, the missing of friends, the missing of a childhood. It's just as hard on me as a parent watching my child suffer. Raising a black (mixed) child in this world scares me in every moment. People are being killed for it. I'm scared that it'll get worse.

Then the fire came, 80,000 + acres burned that forced me out of my home and into random hotels for the last several weeks. We tried to stay with family, my mother in law. She has mental health issues. At first everything was "ok". My daughter did her zoom school on the floor, I worked remotely from a desktop in the corner, my spouse continued working remotely. All we had for the moment was to wait for another evac order or for the fires to get fought back.

The fires reached my house and the fire fighters dug in, quite literally there. I live on the outskirt of the city, there's literally no other house between me and the red wood forest. They dug a trench, stationed all of the firefighters there. Knowing if they couldn't stop it there, the entire city would have to evacuate. They told us to assume worst, no rain in sight, the wind was pushing the wrong way, there wasn't enough resources.

But then it did rain, even though it only rains in the winter here, it rained for about 30 minutes. A literal miracle. With that rain came a change in wind direction. With that change in wind direction it brought the fog from the ocean. Fire fighters from neighboring states and areas came to support. Within a day the fire was pushed back a mile after kissing my back yard.

The next day my mother in law had a mental break down. It was unhealthy for everyone. My child was being mentally abused, we were all tired and sad even after the miracle of the largest fire ever being contained in my backyard. We couldn't return until there was more containment. We moved to a hotel and stayed for 2 days, then waited in our car with all of our belongings we could fit to the ceiling until we could check in at a new hotel.

We got a call that my mother in law attempted suicide. She's ok, but of course it took it's mental toll on everyone.

We returned home after it was cleared. We lost nothing physical. Its good to sleep in my own bed again.

I stepped down as a moderator. I didn't want to be in a position where I reacted with emotion instead of sound judgement.

There's been positive things happening though. In no particular order:

My spouse purchased renters insurance a day before we evacuated. They covered all of the food/hotel costs minus the deductible. We live in Family Housing at an University and they covered our deductible and gave us a $200 gift card for groceries. They didn't have to do that, but I'm extremely greatful.

We received RA positions where we live. My job paid for rent and gave us a little bit of extra, but now I have that job and our rent is covered under the new position. I'm extremely greatful for the oppurtunity.

I recently started a gofundme for ForNoReason who had his laptop and mic stolen. We surpassed our goal for him!

Things will get better. Things have just been hard. Thanks for reading, sorry for the drama.


Posted by Fro - September 4th, 2020

Hit me up on twitter, facebook, or instagram if you want to talk.


Posted by Fro - July 28th, 2020

Episode 8 is out!

I really like the way this one turned out!

Dom asks Fro and his fiancee newly wed style questions. How do they compare to the first episode where Fro asks Dom and his girlfriend newly wed style questions?

Also, buy and wear a Dom and Fro Show mask. Save lives and support our show!
