~ Review Request Club ~
~ Animation/Graphics ~
Not too good in some parts and manageable in other parts. I think you should make this again and really take your time on it because if you did I have no doubt in my mind that it would win some sort of daily award. For the most part though the graphics weren't the best. The animation was decent, but I found that it was missing a lot of small movements that would have made it more detailed and better.
~ Story/Content ~
I found that this was too slow and really took too long. I know that you were trying to get the idea into our head that he does the same thing over and over again, but perhaps speed it up a bit just for the viewers sake. I think that we would have understood your point if you would have done it one less time.
Ah, I don't like those I have a bad life and I'm going to commit suicide things. I mean wtf... this guy has a beautiful house, enough money to eat everyday and to have really nice clothes, and an easy job. What the hell does he have to complain about? Maybe he should try living a life where he doesn't have food and he's starving, where the only water that he gets is dirty water that someone just bathed in, and his job only pays 6 cents a day. Those people don't complain about life as much as these types of people that your portrayed in your story here.
So I don't like the fact that this guy has a wonderful life compared to most people in the world and he goes and kills himself. Why not have it end happier? Have him see someone that's worst off then him and he realizes that he actually has a pretty good life. Sure repetitive at times, but it's his own fault for not doing something else. Hm, that was more of a rant than it was a review, but I think that the story really doesn't fit what people should be thinking in real life...
~ Audio ~
The song was really nice, but perhaps there was a little bit of room for more sound effects other than the alarm clock. It seems that the alarm clock was a nice way to start the animation so why not have another sound effect somewhere later in the flash? I don't think it's necessary, but it's an idea.
~ Overall ~
The graphics need a bit of work, the animation that you had was pretty decent, the story was just overdone and completely wrong in my opinion, and the audio was pretty good all around. This is really like a 6.4 or so and it's more about how I think the graphics were rushed than it is about anything else, so hopefully you aren't too upset about the score.
You definitely have a future on this site if you want to continue animating so please keep up the hard work!
~ Review Request Club ~