
822 Movie Reviews

373 w/ Responses

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~ Insert Insult Here Crew ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Graphics happen to look like a young child or a beginner had done them. I would recommend being a lot neater with your characters. I'm sure if you have time to create something like this then you have time to make your graphics a bit cleaner.
Animation was very beginner like also. There really wasn't much detail in the animations, but you did go as far as adding some animation to the legs that represented walking. Not too bad, but really has a lot of room for improvement.

~ Story/Content ~

I don't know if it was suppose to be funny, interesting, or random, but I don't think you did a good job at any of it. I have no clue what's going on and I think it has a lot to do with color choice. Everything is kind of the basic generic color.
On top of it random things happened that made no sense at all. This needs a lot of structure to be good.

~ Audio ~

Some sort of ambient background music would have been good because when you did your child like voices they were covered with static. The ambient music might cover up the static a bit. The mic itself needs to be improved. I suggest buying one that isn't going to have the white background noise like that if at all possible.

~ Overall ~

You aren't going to listen to the review then why did you request it? Keep working I guess.

~ Review Request Club ~

TheReturnOfTomsPulp responds:

Nobody cares.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Good style as usual. A little sloppy every now and then and I wish it was cleaned up. Especially the guy on the TV because I really couldn't make out what he looked like. Actually, most of your male characters look exactly the same.

~ Story/Content ~

This one confused me again, but almost in a good way. It confused me in a way that I want to come back and watch the next episode so I understand what's going on. Hopefully future episodes make things much clearer.

~ Audio ~

There was a nice change up in the music. Keep finding different songs if at all possible because it's just a nice addition to series.

~ Overall ~

Can't wait till the next one. I'll be here to review it on time hopefully. Keep up the good work!

~ Review Request Club ~

Celx-Requin responds:

Yeah the best stories keep one disoriented, and guessing as to what the hell is going on, trust me it will all make sense in the end...

I don't think my male characters all look the same, I guess they are all around the same height, but they have different hair styles, and clothing...

I don't know how much of a variation I can add without changing the way those kind of people would dress, thanks for the review though!
- Celx

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

You did pretty good job with the art in this one. The abstract uses of color every now and then give it a great touch. It's getting hard to say new things about the series because it really doesn't change that much, but I'm sure you don't mind.

~ Story/Content ~

So my prediction did come true! I knew this was going to happen! I think that you build it to continue it from other point of views now if you wanted to continue the story. Like we know that this guy is a killer now so it wouldn't be interesting to keep the story going on about him, but if we had another person perhaps the cops as the main characters in future episodes then it could be really good!

~ Audio ~

Great music and no need for any sound effects or voices. Like I said before different music could have been nice. It's getting to be the same thing over and over.

~ Overall ~

I really enjoyed this so far. I'm off to your other submission now and I'll be all caught up with your flashes. :)

~ Review Request Club ~

Celx-Requin responds:

Ah yes but the question is what kind of a killer is he?

I really am proud of the art on this one especially the panel that ends the story...
I'm playing around with using more colors, I'm not too sure I want to go overboard though.

Mainly because CS4 is a buggy piece of shit that can't handle fills well...
- Celx

I feel this one holds the story together.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I like how you added bits and pieces of animation in when people talked and the text boxes. Just this slight animation was very pleasing to the eye. The drawing style was quite good and you did a great job improving the drawings from the last one. I know you didn't listen to me because I wrote that review after this submission, but it seemed to be a common fault many people found.

~ Story/Content ~

This story wasn't as interesting as the other ones, but I have a feeling that it's going to make things make much more sense when I watch future episodes. I have a few predictions on what I think might happen, but I feel like it's going to be something completely random that I can't figure out. That's exactly what you want in a series like this so great!

~ Audio ~

The same song as usual. I guess if it's not broken then don't fix it. It might be nice to mix up the songs every now and then though.

~ Overall ~

Not as engaging as the last ones, but like I said I feel that this one might be important. Something that I recommend fixing if you ever do this in the future is making it clear on who is talking first. Perhaps don't have the next bubble come up until the person clicks the next arrow.

~ Review Request Club ~

Celx-Requin responds:

Yeah this one sets up alot of pieces of really important information.

I actually do make it clear who is taking first, if you notice the speech bubbles are tweened at different times, so whichever speech bubble appears first that's who starts talking ect...

- Celx

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The animation and graphics were really good. By far better than most flashes on this site in my opinion. There really isn't much to comment on in my opinion because I don't see anything wrong here.

~ Story/Content ~

Sadly, I've never seen this movie so it's quite difficult to me to really respond to how funny this is, but to me personally I didn't find it very funny. I think it would have been a little better if you would have started him off saying some more random things and build up to the final answer thing. Perhaps even having more people on the bus getting annoyed at him and moving further away or something like that. Then you could have moved on to the final answer part. In my opinion not really that funny, but I'm probably missing something big here because I've never seen the movie that was talked about.

~ Audio ~

The voices and sound effects were really good in quality. The voice actors did a great job as well. Just like the animation there isn't much to comment about.

~ Overall ~

I'm not taking many points away if any for me not getting the joke, but I do think it could have been built up to the climax a bit better. Great animation and audio all around though.

~ Review Request Club ~

BillyNapalm responds:

Thanks for taking time to review my short!

Believe it or not, seeing Slumdog Millionaire actually doesn't help with the humor in this piece at all. The only thing you need to know about the movie is that it took place in India. The creepy guy here essentially has a conversation with himself in his head about it, and decides to let the poor woman be a part of it about halfway through.

I had a feeling while I was making this that either people would like it or dislike it, that is - there's really no middle ground in terms of humour. I haven't talked to anyone that has said they've sort of liked it, or found it 'kind of' funny. Either they love it, or think it isn't funny at all.

I agree with you that it could have been longer, perhaps having him shout similar phrases to other people he sees. He could see someone with Down Syndrome and shout "I SAW FORREST GUMP!" or a black person and shout "I SAW ROOTS!". Good comment on that one - I think it's why people tuned out of this obscure little piece.

Thanks again for the comments! I'm glad you enjoyed the voice acting, since it's something I've been trying to get myself better at. I've been an animator took long and have neglected my acting chops.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

Hm, there really wasn't enough animation for me to see anything worthwhile. I went through and read your script and to be honest I envisioned something beautiful and detailed. The animation really didn't follow suit or the script that well. More detailed animations with things going on in the backgrounds and eyes moving, etc... The small things were really missing in my opinion.

~ Graphics ~

I recommend working on the text used for buttons and the symbols used for arrows. They were pretty sloppy. The words for the characters section were also quite sloppy. The words for the script were a bit small as well, but just big enough for me to read them without straining.

The drawings weren't that bad. They have a little bit of room for improvement, but they really aren't that bad. Most of the things bad with the graphics had to do with the presentation and organization.

~ Story/Content ~

Like I mentioned before the animation really didn't follow the script that you wrote. The script is really good though and if you would have animated as well as the script was written then I would have really been interested in this series. Since you didn't though the other way to get around it would be to make a bit longer.

I don't really get what the comic section has to do with the rest of the submission, but perhaps having more of them instead of just one picture would have been better. Another thing that I didn't quite understand was the farting part. A burp would have been so much better, but to be completely honest that part was terrible choppy and I couldn't tell what it was without the script.

~ Audio ~

I think that the audio needs a lot of work. The songs that you picked were good, but you had trouble with the transitions really bad with that big quiet part right in the middle. Sound effects were pretty good though.

~ Overall ~

You have a lot of things to clean up, but with work this could be an interesting series. As of right now this didn't interest me in coming back to watch it again. Keep on working though.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Review Request Club ~

I'm surprised why this hasn't won a better award or been front paged. Perhaps it's one of those things that didn't quite get noticed by Tom. Oh well, it happens like that I guess. I think it's rather amazing if I may say so myself.

Before I get into reviewing the submission I have a quick question. Why didn't you fit it to the screen correctly? There was a thin layer of gray that almost made this look like it was from something and you just took it and submitted it as your own. I'm sure this isn't true, but it was almost like you didn't know the dimensions of your movie.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

There were a few parts where they didn't seem to quite fit the style that you were using. While watching this I could tell the cat was done in one thing, the background was done in another, etc... I think that without this meshing of the styles into one blended mix it'll never really get to that next step.

I already mentioned that it was quite good so the next step that I'm referring to is making real cartoons that you would see on television. I really don't think that would be too much of a jump to say I could see you doing this for a career.

~ Story/Concept ~

This is why it probably didn't win a better award. I know most people on the site have the attention span of a 5 year old and can't watch anything that has a story/plot to it without a lot of action.

I wouldn't have minded seeing a bit more action in it as well, but it had a nice concept and story all around and it was a nice relief from the killing, cock jokes, and immature submissions that are usually the most popular.

~ Audio ~

I wouldn't have minded hearing voices. I know that the animals don't have voices, but the characters at the end could have. The sound effects and music were very fitting and I found that they really added to the submission. Never once did they seem out of place.

~ Overall ~

The animation was really good, but I feel like you could have mixed them and blended them to seem as one a bit better. The story could have used a little more excitement or emotion, but was generally a good idea. The audio was very fitting with the submission.

I feel this deserves more than a 5th place and that it could have at least been front paged.

~ Review Request Club ~

manuelberja responds:


~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I like the sketchy black and white style with random colors here and there. Probably the reason why I liked Sin City so much and other things such as that. There were a few spots on his legs that didn't quite connect correctly, but that was my only fault with the animation part of the entire submission.

Graphic wise the person in the background could have been developed a little bit more like the original character, but it was almost fitting that he wasn't I guess.

~ Story/Content ~

I knew what was going to happen, but when I saw the second person I was almost thinking that the sword was almost going to hit the person in the background, but the original predictable guess was correct.

What could have really been cool was the sword hitting something that ended in a massive wave of confusion and death. The sword can hit an airplane that crashes into a building that falls into a Ferris wheel, which crushes a bunch of people making others commit suicide and, etc.., etc..., etc...

~ Audio ~

Sounds effects were great so I really don't have much to comment about here. Music was alright and voices really weren't need hence you didn't have them. Good job all around here.

~ Overall ~

Made me laugh, but it could be cool to continue with it a bit.

~ Review Request Club ~

Soupcat responds:

Wow thanks for the very thought out review!

And those are some nice tips story wise! I will keep these in mind for the future =)

And awesome you got a laugh out of it! Thats an accomplishment for me ^^

Seriously. Best. Review. Ever.

xx <3

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

For the most part it wasn't good. I completely understand that it's hard to make something really good in terms of art work when it's just shapes, but I also feel that it could have taken a bit more work then a lot of people put into it.

If I would have seen more like the one where the crowd was sitting and listening to the speaker then it would have been much more enjoyable to watch.

~ Story/Content ~

I did laugh at quite a bit of it, but on the other hand some of it was really dumb and I didn't want anything to do with it. So yeah, the good jokes came with the bad jokes, but it seemed that all the good was located in the front and all the bad jokes came later making it boring in the long run.

I was here when the whole thing happened. (I remember getting like 50 blams on that day from those shape flashes) So yeah, I do understand what this is parodying, but my overall feeling is that there were a lot of things that could have been thrown out.

A back and forward button would have been nice. If there was one available I would have actually went into reviewing each authors piece individually.

~ Audio ~

Whoever voice acted in this submission should do one of two things. Keep practicing in hopes to become better or to never voice act again. I can honestly say that I think all the voice acting was bad in this collab. The only voice that was good was prerecorded.

~ Overall ~

Much more effort could have been put into this and a lot of things could have been weeded out. Hopefully someone looks into more voice actors and stops using themselves as a resource.

~ Review Request Club ~

ChandlerThompson responds:

Thanks for writing the review, Fro, glad to see you took the time to write such a well-thought out one as well.

The one with the speaker was the centerpiece of the flash in my opinion, since it sorta broke the flow of most shape flashes. Creativity wasn't expressed through the collab as much as we had liked, but hey, we liked the finished product.

We tried to put the good jokes in the beginning to hook the viewer into the flash, but I guess we got carried away with that idea. A forward and back button would have been nice, thanks for the suggestion, the closest thing we had was on the authors page where you could click the author's name and it would directly take you to their submission.

Voice acting seems to be the root of the problem, we had many inexperienced users participate in the collab so yeah, the voice acting was waaaaaaaay below average.

Thanks again for writing the great review, Fro. Glad you enjoyed some of the collab.

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Age 36, Male


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