
822 Movie Reviews

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~ Review Request Club ~

Well sometimes there are those random videos that you watch and you're like, hey that was random and funny. Sometimes there are those random videos that you watch and you're like, hey that was random, almost funny, but I really didn't care for it.

Then there are those random submissions like this one where it was so completely random that I really didn't have much to say about it. Me, the person that has so many reviews that take up every single character, and I really can't think of much to say about this submission at all.

Let's go with your questions here since that's why you put them there.

What was your favorite segment? (Without the u)

I would have to say the part where you had the claymation or the part that was after the credits. I liked the part with the claymation because it was a pretty cool mixture of both and I never thought of having a mix of claymation and animation to that extent. The ending after the credits was just some of that random humor and I always like the one last thing that happens after the credits.

Any specific suggestions on improvement? (with a c instead of an s)

Well, your art work for the most part was decent, but you do seem to have some room for improvement. On top of that I do understand that it was a random submissions, but sometimes even random submissions need some sort of structure because after I was finished watching this I just thought, "Wtf."

Anything you want to see in the next Hurshnenglurper? (I'm assuming that you made the word up and it's spelled right)

My mind is pretty random, but I don't even think I can be random enough to help you out here.

I will add that it is original as I haven't quite seen anything like that before in my life. Also, the mixture of different styles was very risky, but it was kind of neat. I've never seen some of the styles put together and sometimes different is better. I know not everyone will agree with me on that one, but meh a lot of people are single minded as well.

So yeah, sorry I can't really comment on how to improve, but man that was completely random and weird to the point that I have little to say.

~ Review Request Club ~

Surn responds:

"I never thought of having a mix of claymation and animation to that extent."

I've got plans for more inter-medium mixing including a character that is part clay part pixel.

"Well, your art work for the most part was decent, but you do seem to have some room for improvement. On top of that I do understand that it was a random submissions, but sometimes even random submissions need some sort of structure because after I was finished watching this I just thought, 'Wtf.' "

Yeah, I really hope I can improve with practice on my art skills. As for structure to randomness I have an idea to submit shorts in sets bearing similarity to one another (ie, controversy, music, weirdness).

Thanks for the review I'll definitely try to improve.

~ Review Request Club ~

Okay, I'm really getting into this now. That was quite interesting indeed. I guess that if anything I have some of the same complaints as last time, but overall I really liked it.

The story really added to the last one and put a lot of confusion that I had together. I do feel that they are short enough that the length of two submissions could probably be put together, but not much longer than that.

The story was pretty creepy and the dark colors used really added a lot to the submission. I felt like you ended this one on a good note as it really makes me question what is going to happen next.

Outside of the bar I took a look at the newspaper and I wondered if that had anything to do with the story. Perhaps it was something that you put there to create a little foreshadowing for people who were paying close enough attention.

I laughed a bit when I read the things on the bathroom stall wall. Seems like something that you would see written. So yeah, overall this really made my feelings about the series as a whole after watching the two in a row. I wish it were to get more attention, but if you keep making them please keep requesting reviews for them because I've enjoyed them so far.

~ Review Request Club ~

Celx-Requin responds:


The first CoolJaw submission had an initial 3.27 when it was on the portal, this one didn't do as strong, I can only assume that's because of two reasons.

The first is maybe people didn't watch the first one before seeing this, and therefore this didn't make any sense.

The second may be this one had more dialogue, & not enough weird shit happening, so people may have lost interest.

Even though not too many people have viewed these, this series has more "favorites" than any other submissions I have, so at least it seems that the people who have viewed it seem to like it...

I think once it's done, & people can view it as a whole, it will get a significantly better reception.

Thanks for the review though!
- Celx

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I really liked the style of animation that you used. It really wasn't the best, but it did match the overall feeling of the submission quite well. Another thing that was kind of questionable was the review that slowly went up. I actually liked that you had it go that way, but I think it would have been better to change the transparency of it so you could slightly see the animation going on behind it.

~ Story/Content ~

Ha, I always love the ones where people are making fun of dumb reviews. It just really goes to show how dumb some people are and how excited they get over the smallest things.

I felt that it was hard to read when you had the images popping in over the review. Perhaps there could have been a way to only have the images pop up over the part that wasn't being read at the time so it wasn't as distracting.

~ Audio ~

The voice acting was a nice tool to help with the humor. By the way I spelled humor right. On a normal submission this might not be the best voice acting, but very fitting for this piece indeed.

~ Overall ~

There were a few things that could have cleaned the submission up a bit, but it's always nice to make fun of bad reviews. :)

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Review Request Club ~

I really did enjoy this submission so don't let the six fool you. I just thought there were a few things that could have helped it out a little.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

There really wasn't any animation, but all of the buttons worked perfectly fine. You are pretty good with menu's and I always need people to make menu's for my submissions because I don't know how to code. Perhaps you can code menu's for me in the future because I always feel like you did a good job with them.

The graphics were actually pretty cool and seemed very fitting to the submission. Sometimes I wish the drawings would have simply been a bit more complete. For example where the house is shown with the green grass around it there is one section that doesn't have the green grass and it just makes the whole scene look weird.

Some other drawings such as the doctors gave me a very uneasy feeling. At first I expected them to be normal doctors, but after having a closer look you could see them smiling in a weird creepy way. I don't know if that was on purpose because of some hidden meaning, but if it wasn't then I don't think it was very fitting.

~ Story/Content ~

I really loved the introduction of the story. It actually gave me chills because it was so creepy. Then as it went on and he woke up in the hospital it kind of took away from it a little bit. I feel that if you were to make the story about him in the creepy weird world that it would have made it a good story. I guess I just really don't understand where the whole thing is going or what it means. Perhaps if it wasn't so short it would also be helped out.

Be careful with your writing when you are trying to fit a bunch on the screen because it got a little sloppy in a couple of places.

~ Audio ~

The music that you picked was perfect. I do feel that if you had a voice read over the words that you used then it could have been really cool.

~ Overall ~

Some graphics seemed too incomplete and I really would have enjoyed a voice actor to go along with the submission.

~ Review Request Club ~

Celx-Requin responds:


Regarding the voices, I did think about having the comic narrated however, I didn't think my voice would do the series justice, I might have it done at a later date when I have the funds to hire a professional actor.

I agree about the grass, it does not seem to mesh as it should, I might fix that down the road... The doctor, & nurse were exactly what i was going for.

I think as you keep watching more of the story will make sense remember this is only the first in the series...

- Celx

P.S. If you are ever looking for help with menus, drop me a line, if I can I'll be happy to help!

~ Review Request Club ~

The end feeling that I get with this submission is that it could have been good, but it just wasn't.

~ Animation ~

The animation that you had was pretty smooth, but there was also a pretty big lack of it all together. You had the whole spinning thing going on there, but that could have been a pretty easy copy and paste. It does seem to get a bit faster, but even if it did that really wouldn't be much work.

~ Graphics ~

Pretty simple, but I feel that if the submission had more content that it would have been good enough. There could have definitely been a better style used here and much neater art, but like I said it wasn't terrible.

I loved the colors that you used in the entire submission though. The colors of the background and the clouds looked pretty good.

~ Story/Content ~

This could have been good, but it's what really brought the submission downhill. For example you simply stuck to the object spinning at the end, but if you would have went with a bunch of random images and different scenes then you might have had a pretty decent music video. With what you had though there was basically nothing to watch of any interest.

The guy running into the wall and having something splatter out from his head was the most exciting part and that really wasn't much.

~ Audio ~

The audio seemed a bit loud at first. Perhaps tune it down a bit. It was almost like you wanted this submission to make someone deaf on top of making them go into seizures.

The sound effects were done rather well and were synced pretty well with the animation.

~ Overall ~

There really isn't anything to watch here that would be enjoyable to someone. Making it longer with a bunch of difference scenes would have made it enjoyable and maybe even a good music video.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Review Request Club ~

I'll start off saying that I know you didn't request this submission in the review request club, but I am a part of that club and noticed that your submission didn't have a lot of reviews so I spotlighted it for the members to review. Expect a couple more reviews to pop in after this one slowly throughout the week.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I usually separate animation and graphics into two different groups, but with sprite submissions it's really hard to comment on the graphics that much so I'll just put them together.

The first thing that I noticed that looked like an error was in the forest scene when Knuckles was chasing the hedgehog was that you didn't put the forest background together very well as you could see exactly where you put the two pictures together.

The good thing though was the animation was pretty good all around and that you added a lot of action scenes so there was more complex things added in.

~ Story/Content ~

The story seemed a little generic, but it's so short in the series to really tell where you are going to go with it. I wouldn't mind seeing some things that you wouldn't expect coming in future submissions, perhaps new characters that have never been seen in a Sonic sprite flash before.

So yeah, just don't get too generic with it and I think you are heading in the right direction. Along with that you give no directions in the submission of how to go along and you have to right click to get further or push space. Thing is you might not know that because you don't give any directions on how to do it. I would not only put it in your author comments, but also include it in the submission itself so people don't lower the score because they can't watch the submission.

~ Audio ~

I really felt like you should have had the Sega voice in the beginning when you had the Sega symbol. I feel this because the first whistle was great, it got my attention, but it also made me expect more sounds, which I didn't get. The song that played during the introduction was great all around, but you didn't make it loop. So if someone were to start this, leave the room, and then come back to it they might miss the song all together.

I really didn't like the first song that you used there. I thought it would have been more fitting if you were to use something along the lines of birds chirping, wind blowing, etc..., but the song you used didn't seem to fit. I did enjoy the song there when the screen went dark, but I felt that it needed some sort of sound showing that something made it dark. The song didn't loop well either so I think you need to take away the empty space in between and make it loop better.

I rather enjoyed the sound effects though, but the sound effects were so good that it made me feel that the submission needed voices. If you are interested in voices send me a PM or responds saying so here.

~ Overall ~

You are lacking in a few spots in the audio, but I think they are things that you can fix easily. Be careful when setting up backgrounds because some people will notice like me. Don't get too generic with the story and don't be scared to try voices because I think it might be very fitting, even though it would involve some mouth animation.

I feel strongly about the voices because having to stop and read can take away from the flow of the submission.

~ Review Request Club ~

Light-Spriter responds:

if u wanted to tell me this crap you could have just PM'd me ya know >.>

and did u read my comments on the animation before you watched it?

~ Review Request Club ~

I'll start off saying that I know you didn't request this submission in the review request club, but I am a part of that club and noticed that your submission didn't have a lot of reviews so I spotlighted it for the members to review. Expect a couple more reviews to pop in after this one slowly throughout the week.

~ Animation ~

For the most part the animation was actually pretty smooth. I couldn't really see anything wrong with it. On top of that though you also didn't do anything extremely hard in terms of animation so there wasn't much room for failure either. I wouldn't mind seeing some more complex animation in future submissions.

~ Graphics ~

This was probably the biggest downfall of the submission. The artwork wasn't very good. I don't really care if it was original or not, but I feel that your drawings could have been done a lot better with much more detail. I also feel that you have the talent to keep improving and if you really focus on your drawings that you could improve tenfold.

~ Story/Content ~

I think I would consider this a music video. I loved how completely random it was at times. I think once he was in space he should have kept going through space with different planets and objects in the background, but after awhile the stars just went away instead. I think the second biggest thing that could have helped this submission would be to make it about thirty seconds longer. I felt disappointed that it was so short.

~ Audio ~

The first voice seemed to be very out of place, but the overall effect of the music and the sound effects were probably the best part of this submission all around. This being your strong point, or at least this submission makes it seem like your strong point, I would build submissions around it in the future.

~ Overall ~

I think you need some more complex animation, the graphics could be worked on, the length of the submission could be a tad longer, and that you did a great job of animating to the audio of the submission. Good luck in the future!

~ Review Request Club ~

topatisen responds:

Thanks for the review. This is the first animation that I have put much time into, and I know that it is too short. But I am currently working on a new one. More complex animations, better sound and a better story. Thanks!

~ Review Request Club ~

Sorry for the late review, but I know that late reviews are better than no reviews at all.

~ Animation ~

I do like the wavy animation style here and do find it very fitting for a nightmare type submission. That being said I would love to see how this would be done with normal animation as well.

~ Graphics ~

Pretty decent graphics all around. I feel that you couldn't go into very much detail because of the shaky animation, but if it was normal animation I would expect this to be much more detailed than it was. I think that's really the only thing that took the score down for you in my review was the lack of detail, but again I understand the situation.

~ Story ~

I love music videos that can tell their own little story. I agree that it looks very Silent Hill like and I like the randomness, which I feel gives an extra bit of creepiness to it.

I tried to look for a deeper meaning within the story itself, but really couldn't generate one. Perhaps there wasn't suppose to be a deeper meaning more than a girl's nightmare, but if there was I couldn't see it.

~ Audio ~

The song was great and I really liked how it went with the animation. There wasn't any needs for sound effects in this one. If you were to make another submission I wouldn't mind hearing how it would sound with creepy sounds and a scarier song.

~ Overall ~

A very nice submission all around. I'll drop you a PM about something and see if you wouldn't mind.

~ Review Request Club ~

Dad, coach, fan of eating food.

Age 36, Male


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Joined on 4/12/04

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