~ Review Request Club ~
Well sometimes there are those random videos that you watch and you're like, hey that was random and funny. Sometimes there are those random videos that you watch and you're like, hey that was random, almost funny, but I really didn't care for it.
Then there are those random submissions like this one where it was so completely random that I really didn't have much to say about it. Me, the person that has so many reviews that take up every single character, and I really can't think of much to say about this submission at all.
Let's go with your questions here since that's why you put them there.
What was your favorite segment? (Without the u)
I would have to say the part where you had the claymation or the part that was after the credits. I liked the part with the claymation because it was a pretty cool mixture of both and I never thought of having a mix of claymation and animation to that extent. The ending after the credits was just some of that random humor and I always like the one last thing that happens after the credits.
Any specific suggestions on improvement? (with a c instead of an s)
Well, your art work for the most part was decent, but you do seem to have some room for improvement. On top of that I do understand that it was a random submissions, but sometimes even random submissions need some sort of structure because after I was finished watching this I just thought, "Wtf."
Anything you want to see in the next Hurshnenglurper? (I'm assuming that you made the word up and it's spelled right)
My mind is pretty random, but I don't even think I can be random enough to help you out here.
I will add that it is original as I haven't quite seen anything like that before in my life. Also, the mixture of different styles was very risky, but it was kind of neat. I've never seen some of the styles put together and sometimes different is better. I know not everyone will agree with me on that one, but meh a lot of people are single minded as well.
So yeah, sorry I can't really comment on how to improve, but man that was completely random and weird to the point that I have little to say.
~ Review Request Club ~