~ Review Request Club ~
~ Animation ~
I enjoyed the slow animation personally even if most didn't. I thought that you exaggerated their speed just enough. They didn't walk too slow for it to become annoying to watch, but it was still slow enough to add a very humorous effect to it.
Some things could have been worked on here as well. Things such as when the old couple stabbed the teenager with the umbrella. I thought that was very jumpy and it could have used a bit of the "in between" animations such as them actually stabbing the umbrella into him instead of it just instantly appearing in him.
Overall animation was smooth in most parts, but it had it's times when it was kind of skippy/glitchy or basically not as smooth as it could have been. A bit rough at times.
~ Graphics ~
The graphics were done very well in some places and not so well in some places. The people themselves were drawn pretty decently. I thought overall they could have been done a bit better, but they weren't bad by any means at all.
An example of drawings that could have been done a bit better would be the example of the newspaper. The paper itself was done very sloppy and it could have been improved greatly.
I also didn't like the use of real pictures too much. They really didn't take away too much, but I do think that if you would have drawn the signs instead of using pictures of the real life versions that it would have looked a bit better.
Overall though like I said the graphics weren't what I would call bad. Most backgrounds and characters were done well and with some fine tuning this could become better graphically quite easily.
~ Story/Content ~
I had personally never heard the song, but it was a perfect song to make a flash along to. You did a pretty good job representing what the song was saying. Like I said, the song was perfect to create an animation as it painted a pretty good visual of what was happening.
I found it funny in some parts such as the reopening of the mall and the destruction of the mall along with it. There was also a nice bit of humor added when you animated the "whipped" part literally even though that wasn't exactly what it was meant to be.
Overall, good job with making this into a flash. You did a great job picking a story and filling it with great content.
~ Audio ~
I know I've said it a couple of times already, but the song was perfect to create a flash for. You synced up the animation pretty good to go along with the song as well. Perhaps the usage of some quiet background noise would have been nice.
The quality of the song wasn't the best. I don't know if that had anything to do with lowering the quality so it could make a smaller size flash or if it was simply the file type you had.
~ Overall/Summary ~
I think that the best thing you could do to improve the submission is just work on the quality of the graphics and the smoothness of the animation a bit more. The story was perfectly fine, but the audio did need to sound a bit better in my opinion.
~ Review Request Club ~