
822 Movie Reviews

373 w/ Responses

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~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

The animation of the writing was very smooth. It really doesn't get that much better animation wise in a FBF such as this one. It was almost like you were recording the screen as you actually drew it.

~ Graphics ~

Pretty good artwork all around. I've seen the paper background/comic/drawing flash so many times, but it is still one of my favorites to watch visually on the site.

You are great a drawing and there really isn't anything to critique in this section of the review either. O.o

~ Content ~

At first I didn't like where the flash was going. Then you added the sweet essence of surprise with the tasty nature of humor to go alone with it. The boob joke on the side kick made me laugh and then the ending made me lol a bit as it was just the best thing that could have possible happened in this submission. Humor was awesome.

~ Audio ~

I didn't like the voice at first either because I just thought it was someone trying to act like a nerd too much. It kind of grew on me in the short amount of time that the submission lasted though. The sound effects that you used sounded great.

~ Overall ~

A good laugh along with good audio and graphics. That's enough to get a 10 out of me any day. Easter egg was alright, I was expecting funnier though. I had a hard time finding it so I had to cheat with the tab button. :P

~ Review Request Club ~

Assios responds:

Sorry for the late respond, I was away for the last week.

Anyways, thanks for a great review, and thanks for the 10! I'm glad you noticed the smoothness of the writing-animation. The flash runs at 44 fps, wanted to make it as realistic as possible ^^ And the easter egg was just a thing I added like 10min before I submitted it, so it could probably be funnier ;P

Thanks again for the great review, you're one of the best reviewers on NG!

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

Good for FPF. Just about what you would expect from seeing a FBF of this nature. It does have a little bit of room for improvement smoothness wise, but overall pretty good.

~ Graphics ~

Not the best end results on most pictures. A little rough on the edges, but just like the animation not terrible at all. Has a bit more room for improvement though. Maybe using thinner lines could have helped the smoothness of the drawings a little bit.

~ Content ~

I wouldn't have minded seeing a bit more. I like that it started off black and white and then it started to draw the man, etc... I think that you should have went a bit farther though and started slowly drawing a background such as the ground, trees, sky, etc.. After things are drawn out then you could have morphed it with different colors to fill in the picture at hand.

Then when you switched faces around it could have been a little more interesting and you could have even played around with the background changing as well.

~ Audio ~

*by the time I've written that part of the review I've forgotten what the song was*

Ah, I had to go back and check it. :P Good song choice all around for a FBF like this. Really nothing to critique with the music so nice choice!

~ Overall ~

I'm sorry for the lower score, but I thought that a bit of improvement in the animation, graphics, and the content of the submission could have made it a bit better.

~ Review Request Club ~

cheesebizkit responds:

hey man thanks a lot, its always nice to read a big juicy review.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

Most of the animation was done rather well. My favorite part would have to be the part where he was at the computer because the animation was very smooth and fluent.

In the beginning where the leaf came down though I thought that it was a tad bit rough. That part (and some other parts) could have used a bit of cleaning up and been a little bit smoother, but for the most part animation was done well.

~ Graphics ~

This is kind of like the animation. My favorite part would have the computer part. I thought it was done well graphic wise. Other parts were a little bit rough and almost seemed rushed compared to what I think you are capable of.

~ Content ~

(I use to call this Story/Content, but I didn't like the way that it looked because it was two words and the rest of the sections only have one word in them)

A nice little song that I really didn't see as sad. I guess the ones that see it as sad viewed it as they would be sad for a person like this or that they are sad because they feel like this as well. I took it as pretty motivational though to anyone. It has a great message and you did a good job of showing it through the animation.

I do have a small complaint about how short it is though. I understand that you were working with specific audio, but perhaps by not starting the song until 10 seconds or so into it and then not finishing the movie for about 10 seconds or so after the song ends would help make it a little bit longer.

~ Audio ~

I noticed that the audio wasn't the best of quality. I'm not sure if there is anything you can do about it though since it states that it wasn't your song. If there is anything you can do about it then I suggest you try and see if it makes it a bit better, but if not then it really doesn't take away too much.

~ Overall ~

Artwork and animation can be worked on a little bit. Audio quality isn't the best and I think it could have been a bit longer. Other than that pretty good all around and gives a motivational message to those who might need it.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

I'm hoping that the animation isn't complete. It is a test so I'm guessing that I'm hoping the right thing. Looks too much like a slideshow the way it is, but it felt like to me that it was more of an incomplete sketch so you had something to base the real animation off of.

~ Graphics ~

I didn't like the way that the screen would get big and then it would get small. Again, this might be because this is more of an alpha/testing then it was a finished product, but the big screen was pretty big and the small screen was pretty small. If you were going to change sizes like that I think I would find more of a happy medium than what you had.

Drawings were done awfully good though even for a test/alpha. Looks like you are putting a lot of work into the graphics part and this will turn out great if you keep putting that much effort into it.

~ Story/Content ~

It looks like it will actually have an alright story/plot to it. What you had so far made it look pretty interesting. I'd be interested to see what happens next in this submission. (Along with the finished product in terms of animation/graphics)

Lol, you haven't added that preloader yet. It wasn't a problem for me, but I do know some people have dial up (like I do at my certain address) and something like this would take a very long time to load. Also, the submission just seemed to move along a little bit too slow. Perhaps it will be better when this is complete, but a faster pace would be nice.

~ Audio ~

Really the downfall of the submission. Even though it's a test I wouldn't have minded hearing some background noise. Even if you didn't want to put voices in yet you could put in some background music or vice versa.

~ Overall ~

As a test it looks like your going in the right direction. It's hard to give a proper score because it is a test though so they are generally low. Don't worry about the score though as it's not really the quantity of the rating, but the quality of what's in the review. :P

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

Animation was fine in almost every case. It would have been nice if the dolphin was animated and did a bit more than just hover whenever it moved. Also, moving the mouth of the dolphin might have been a nice addition.

~ Graphics ~

The sticks were pretty cool and their style was nothing to complain about. Again, my only complaint comes from the dolphin. You should have drawn one out yourself and because you used a picture it really took away from everything.

A little bit more detail in the background would have also been much better as it was very empty.

~ Story/Content ~

Yeah, random is funny when you do it in a funny way. This was more like random, meh, I don't want to watch it ever again and it wasn't enjoyable in anyway type of random. Not really much else to say other than that.

~ Audio ~

When you thought the submission couldn't get any worse the audio starts to play. Now again there are random songs that sound good and can add to humor and then there is whatever you used for audio that made me dislike it very much.

~ Overall ~

Really everything needs improved on to make a good submission. Not funny in anyway, bad audio, bad graphics, etc.. Stickmen were alright and probably the only decent thing that you did in the submission.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

There was a lot of good animation throughout the entire thing. Some parts had a lot of detail in the animation while some places didn't such as what I consider the second part of the flash where the man was walking back and forth. (before the woman blows her brains out) I thought that there could have been more detailed animation going on here such as him blinking, etc.. It basically looked like a stagnant picture bopping up and down and being tweened across a background, which it probably was.

~ Graphics ~

The same thing goes here as I said with the last one. Some things were drawn out very well and were very detailed. At times things weren't drawn the best such as the man walking back and forth again.

At other times it kind of seemed like some things were drawn bad on purpose. Such as when babies were being thrown into the fire. Some of the background and body parts were done rather well as the babies and the man weren't done very well at all giving me the impression that he was done bad on purpose to give some sort of humor. I guess that's ok, but I guess I much rather see the good animation throughout the whole thing.

~ Story/Content ~

The video and the pictures in the submission were the only downfall I guess. I was hoping to see stuff that you made yourself. I guess that's implied whenever you open any flash submission on newgrounds that you expect to see someone's personal work and not something that they just put over onto their movie.

Other than that there were some funny parts. The woman shooting herself, the baby fire, etc.. Other parts were trying to be funny, but really weren't that funny in itself.

~ Audio ~

My favorite part of the flash probably had to be the audio. All of the audio was very clear and the music that you used was very fitting for the submission.

The voices towards the end over the loud speaker were a bit hard to understand at first so I had to turn the volume up. When I did turn the volume up you switched to the scene where it was inside and you could hear him a bit louder and clearer so the change in volume was a tad bit too much in that situation.

~ Overall ~

Not really something that I would recommend for someone to watch and wasn't really something that I would watch again or that I thought was funny, but for the most part animation was good and the audio was done well.

The loading screen and the credits were done nicely as well.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

Very smooth animation all around. I can't find any complaints about anything that you did. Keep up the good work here. Do you think you would be interested in lip syncing in the future?

~ Graphics ~

Usage of sprites obviously so I can't complain about what they looked like too much. I do think that the screen could have been a bit bigger though. On top of that the subtitle bar just a tad bit smaller and the face of who was talking next to the subtitles to be a little bit more linear with the subtitle bar.

Other than that graphics were perfectly fine.

~ Story/Content ~

Just as the others I haven't watched the ones before and if I had time then I would. I really do want to, but I simply don't have the time and really only have the time to watch what's requested in the Review Request Club.

You set up a very interesting story though and if you would like to get me even more interested in it you could request the prequels to this in the club and I'll watch them sometime.

About perfect here as well.

~ Audio ~

I almost felt like taking a lot more away off the score, but I decided against it. This is really the only place that you lost points in the submission. The voice acting itself is great. I don't think you should change that at all.

The quality though sounded like you were 10 feet away from the mic. Too be enjoyable your going to have to find someway to improve that even if it means getting a new mic all together.

~ Overall/Summary ~

I personally think you could make the size of the screen bigger, subtract the size of the subtitles a bit, and really think about getting yourself a quality mic to make this submission better.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

The first thing that I noticed was that some of the zooms were awkward and just didn't seem very fitting. Some other zooms/cuts on the other hand were well timed and done well. I think the quality of a zoom comes with the timing and that you don't want to over use it.

As for the subtitles they were a tad bit hard to read. Not terribly hard though. See early on in the submission? The subtitle stay on the boat instead of moving along with the screen. I've came up with a way to solve that a little bit farther down in the review though.

The lip syncing wasn't timed very well as the mouths not only weren't timed that good with the words, but they just kind of seemed to keep moving way too quickly on top of it.

~ Graphics ~

I thought that the graphics were perfectly fine in this. The way that you had created your characters were very simple, but the style really fit the submission well. Kind of a gradient effect I think I noticed.

The placement of the subtitles weren't too bad, but I think a better thing to do would to be to create a new layer on top of all the other layers. Make a black box, choosing a transparency that would allow you to see both the subtitles and what's going on behind the box. Then of course some white letters for the subtitles on top of the black box.

~ Story/Content ~

I don't know humor wise with this one I guess. The first couple of already taken boat names was kind of funny, just enough to get something going off in my brain saying, "Hm, humor."

The whole nickelback thing made me giggle a little bit. After that though it just seemed over done. To me the joke could only really go so far and even though it seemed to be of proper length I just didn't think that it stayed funny throughout the entire thing.

Pretty much kind of funny at first, but lost it's touch quite quickly. Perhaps you could have set it up to be a longer story of some sort? With him and his Pink Fluffy Bunny crew on ship and some sort of story/adventure to go along with it.

~ Audio ~

I see some reviews stating something about a muffled voice, but I think that the voice acting sounded great and didn't really notice anything muffled at all. The ocean sound in the background was also very good and you did a good job with sound effects in this submission.

~ Overall/Summary ~

I think the punchline was good, but it was just one of those jokes that lost it's humor quite quickly. Limiting the zooms a bit more and timing the lip syncing a bit better would make it more enjoyable to watch. The audio itself was done well in my opinion.

~ Review Request Club ~

Dad, coach, fan of eating food.

Age 36, Male


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Joined on 4/12/04

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