Comments before actual review - I can see this is an improvement from the last episode, but it still isn't enough to improve my rating from 7 to 9.
Animation/Graphics - Just about the same as last time, but it does look like perhaps the animation is just a bit smoother than before. Sometimes the animation of the mouth didn't always sync up with the voices though.
Story/Content - I like where the story is going. This is actually one of the first flash series that I have watched in a long time that had a fun story line to it and kept me involved. I'm going to have to start watching more series like this. :D Anyway, I like the interactivity and everything else.
Audio - The voices were still very poor. There aren't any emotion put into them. It's almost like a robot is making them. I know they are ghosts and everything, but it's just a little too much I think.
Overall - A better story line and it's getting me involved in the story, but the voices need a lot of work.
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