Not bad, but a couple of things bothered me.
Comments before actual review - How did this do at school? Was it graded? I'm sure you received a good grade if it was.
Animation/Graphics - Very good drawing and pretty smooth animation for the most part. I had no problems with the drawing, but I do think that the animation of him walking away from the camera, when his back is turned to the camera, could be a bit smoother. It wasn't that great of a walking animation at the part, but it wasn't terrible either. Something that you can improve on perhaps in a future submission. Also, the hair on his legs wasn't the best drawn. I think you could have improved on that just a little also.
Story/Content - I really like the message that you are getting through here! A good flash in terms of story. Now the length of each scene is what bothered me. I guess I could have covered this in animation/graphics, but I guess it's alright to cover here too. Each scene was there for way to long. It's not that long scenes make a movie bad, but in this case when there is little to no animation in some of the scenes it can make it a bit boring. Now the transitions such as the fades, zoom ins and zoom outs, the pans from the top of the screen down, and the speed that the letters came in were all way to slow. This is the biggest reason that I took points away. They needed to be much quicker. I know you were going for the slow effect, but you might have had too much of it here.
Audio/Sound effects - The background music was a very nice selection here. I notice that you didn't add audio when you had submitted this, but it was a very good idea to add it in later. Now the sound effects were almost completely good, but I again found something that I didn't think exactly fit. The sounds of his foot steps didn't really sound good. Perhaps they were too loud or perhaps they just sounded weird. Also, they didn't always time up with the actual animation of his steps.
Overall - Decently animated and a very nice message you are trying to get across with this flash. I should give you around a 7, but I liked the flash so I bumped it up to 8.
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