Animation/Graphics - Good like always. Everything was just a tad bit better in this one and you had a lot of actual animation.
Story/Content - I fucking loved this. It was probably one of the funniest episodes that I have watched in a long time. Just the way that you guys bashed that reviewer for leaving a dumb review. Haha, it makes me want to make a flash just to bash on the reviewers from my flashes. That's awesome. Just the concept of it is amazing. There were a lot of things to choose from on this flash and a lot of the stuff was funny. Some of it wasn't so funny, but it looked like you were trying too hard to make some of the things funny, but the things that were funny outnumbered the things that weren't.
Audio - Voice acting was alright again. I can see that you are getting a little better with the voices on the ghosts, but the Riddler's voice wasn't very good for some parts. Some parts sounded like they had a lot of static when he talked. Something that can be worked on a little bit by backing away from the mic and talking loud/clear.
Overall - One of my favorites in this series and I think it's funny enough to make my favorites list. Good job all around here.