Not bad.
~ Animation/Graphics ~
The Good Points - Mouth animations seemed to be very good and you had decent backgrounds/drawings in the submission.
Things to Improve On - This is one place where the submission could be improved on. It had very simple animation. You had mostly the mouth and hands moving. If you were to come back and every redo this (which you probably won't :p) I would suggest making the animation a little more complex. Adding things like walking scenes and/or eye movements and other movements more smooth.
The drawings themselves could have also been worked on a little bit. They weren't bad, but they still have room to improve on.
~ Story/Content ~
The Good Points - This contained decent humor. The only real laugh that I got out of it was the scene where he hit himself in the head with the club, enjoyed it, and hit himself again. I think I enjoyed that the most because I would expect to see people doing dumb things like that even today.
Things to Improve On - The length of the submission left much to be desired. Not everything was very funny. I thought the fart joke was extremely lame and so wasn't the whole scene with the rock hitting the woman in the face. I personally thought you were going to have him try to kick her in the crotch first like he did to the other male and see that it didn't hurt her like it did the male so he took it out on her face.
About 3 more scenes with decent humor would have made this submission much better in my opinion.
~ Audio ~
Great sound effects and good voice acting. I can't really think of anything to critique on this section of the submission. Good job here.
~ Overall ~
Just work on the graphics a bit, smoother/more complex animation, and work on the humor/content of the submission and you would have a pretty good submission here.
P.S. - I think I know some people who still act like this today. Surprisingly still talk like this too.
~ Review Request Club ~