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Hm, sorry for the low score...

You said you wanted to know if you should keep trying and I think yes you should, but you need to keep practicing. I feel that you have the talent to keep improving so don't give up.

~ Animation ~

There was some good animation and some bad animation. For example I thought the walk cycle was pretty good. As a negative example you really had a lack of the small animations that could have made it better such as having the eyes animated and the mouth animated. Small things like this could have really helped the submission out in my opinion.

~ Graphics ~

The drawings were alright in some parts, but in other they weren't so great. The text was too small and the book didn't look too great. The characters were drawn alright, but towards the end of the movie it got very sloppy. The drawings really needed some more detail as well. Right now I would say it isn't very good, but with some practice and time it could be decent.

~ Story/Content ~

Something you have to think about is the different speeds in which people read. The first book entry was too short for me too read, but the second was too long and I got bored waiting. Some others were too slow, too fast, and yet some were just good enough. Having the person be able to click to go on or push a button to go on when they are done reading.

Another thing that I didn't like was how small the font was and somebody with bad eyes wouldn't be able to read what you had in the first place. You should also make your i's capital when you are using them as a word.

It seems like English isn't your first language, but if it is then use proper sentence structure please. If it isn't then it was pretty good for it not being your first language. Another thing that I couldn't read was the scratches on the gravestones. They were pretty hard to read as they were sloppy.

Lastly, I was kind of confused on what was going on. Perhaps it's because it was very hard to read and I couldn't get all of it, but I also think that the flash doesn't really explain what's going on very well and this could be more clear.

~ Audio ~

The music that you used was really good. I think that you could have used more sound effects. When your character was outside you should have had some owls or other creepy outside noises like that. When the dead people wrote on the grave stones you should have had a scratchy sound as well. Small sounds like this could have helped the submission out.

~ Overall ~

A button to switch through the text, better graphics, better animation, more details, and a better explanation of what is going on could have really helped this submission out a lot. Keep working and someday I'm sure your skills will have improved a lot.

Kufa responds:

I really apreciate your review i got a lot excited when you wrote it and i going to do all what you say you are absolutely right about the drawing and the animation and of course about the story but i didn't add any sound effect becuse i wanted to do an animation without sounds just a song to describe i didn't see that the story was bored and it was ovbius why.I really like your review and if you say i can improve well i going to try. I THANK YOU A LOT FOR THIS you have be honest and not so rough because when i see all the reviews and watch again the movie i was dessapointed of what i done but if you say i should practice then i will do it right now.
thank you

BTW: yes i dont speak a good english because i born in Argentina and i speak spanish and in some words i got to use the translator so i see my mistake there thanks for show me.

Entertaining meatness

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I have to say that I found the graphics pretty poor and that there was little animation in the entire thing, but it wasn't poor enough to really hurt the rating of the submission too much in my opinion. This would have been much better with better graphics though and probably more entertaining.

~ Story/Content ~

Ha, completely random and I found it kind of funny. Not funny enough to make me come back and watch it again, but funny enough to bring the rating of my review up higher than maybe it should be.

~ Audio ~

Something tells me that's not what they were singing in that song, but something also tells me that the Asian fold really don't care about the meat that they sell as long as it's cheap and it brings money in. I found the song to be funny and translated in a funny way.

~ Overall ~

I guess this is what I would call a good spam submission and a decent to poor serious submission. Subtitles were kind of funny and the whole thing had a bit of humor in it.

k3ltr0n responds:


Hmmm... I don't know what I watched...

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The animation was pretty smooth and the graphics were pretty good with your own unique style. There was really only one part that wasn't so great. When the space ship started to launch off of the planet the quality of the drawing went way down and the animation was kind of choppy. That was really the only fault that I had with it.

~ Story/Content ~

You had a lot of nice graphics and good content, but I couldn't tell what was going on at all. I could tell that the alien guy there was lonely and felt really sad, but I really had no clue what was going on other than that. It almost makes me interested enough to come back and review the other submissions in the series to see where it's going, but it could use some explanation for sure.

~ Audio ~

You had a good use of audio and a good use of sound effects in this submission. Nothing really else to comment about the audio other than you did a good job with it.

~ Overall ~

It was interesting to watch, but I was left with the impression that I had no clue what was going on.

Fate responds:

Haha, well, you weren't far off the money.
Chapter one was pretty much improvised, but from then on, I had direction.
Don't even mention the scene with the rocket taking off :P
It makes me squirm seeing it, and I regret it a lot.

I'm glad you liked the graphics, though, as I put a lot of time into improving them.
Thanks for the great review.

Pretty good submission.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The animation and graphics are some of the better that I've seen. It was pretty smooth all around and the graphics were drawn good for the most part. There were a few things that weren't drawn the best, but it was still really good all around. I liked the use of fading, zooms, and pans that you used. Small things like that really add up.

~ Story/Content ~

I love the idea of using the audio from the game and then building a story around it. More of that in the audio section though. I went through the deleted scenes first and thought that the bathroom scene was kind of funny. The movie itself was pretty comical all around and entertaining to watch.

~ Audio ~

Like I said before, the use of the game audio to create a story is pretty cool. The quality wasn't so great for the voice clips, but I'm sure there wasn't much you can do about that. Sound overall was pretty good.

~ Overall ~

It was kind of funny and the animation was pretty good. I like the way that you used the audio clips. The credits made me smile a little bit with the space ship going lower so the credits could come by.

PuffballsUnited responds:

Thanks for the thorough review!

Hm, ending wasn't so great.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

So how did this do in the contest or is the contest not over yet? I personally thought that the animation was great and I'm always impressed when people can make sprite animations fast paced and enjoyable like this. In my opinion it's animated with some of the best sprite animators I had ever seen. Backgrounds and everything else were great. Very good visually all around.

~ Story/Content ~

I would usually complain about there not being a story to why the two sides are fighting, but I don't know what the competition requirements were. I personally rather see a reason why they are fighting even if it's something small and stupid like why Peter and the big chicken fight on family guy.

The fight was pretty action packed and lasted a pretty good length. I wouldn't mind it being a tad bit longer, but you timed it pretty well. The ending wasn't very good in my opinion simply because I couldn't tell what happened. I wouldn't have known unless you wrote that they both punched each other in the face in a response to one of the reviews below.

I would have rather seen it end with them crashing through the ice and fighting underwater or something similar to that.

~ Audio ~

The sound effects were really good and I like that you used some voices here and there. The music was also pretty good, but don't shy away from using the audio in the audio portal here. There's some really good stuff.

~ Overall ~

It was a pretty good action packed submission. I wouldn't have minded a reason why or a better ending though.

DarkZeroProductionZ responds:

Thank you very much for your review ;)
I did good in the Contest, I got first place :D

Yeah, about the story, he just asked for a Sprite Fight, I really forgot about the Story/plot. The ending... That was a counter punch, The sprite came out really bad, lol, and I realized it came out bad until I finished it, and I really didn't want to make the sprite all over again in another position, so I just left it like that. Also, I actually wanted to have a fight underwater while Mario turned into Ice Mario, but sadly Sonic doesn't know how to swim, and he's scared of water. Anyways, thanks for your review, I appreciate it.

Ok ok.. I just laughed at a cock joke...

~ Animation ~

I would have to say that if I was pacing this off of only the animation then it probably wouldn't have gotten more than a 2 or maybe a three if I was feeling generous that day. It was really bad and it's probably something that I could do, even though I'm really bad at animating. It's really hard to say how to improve at this point because it's really the basics.

~ Graphics ~

If I had to base my review off of the graphics only then I would probably only give this a 2 or 3 out of 10. Again, very basic and not very good at all. The part where you drew the characters way different added to the humor pretty good and the overall bad quality also added to the humor slightly. I don't know if it would have been as funny without it.

~ Story/Content ~

Why the hell did I laugh at the cock joke? I hardly ever laugh at the cock joke, but apparently that was just random enough and funny enough to make me laugh. I really enjoyed it and the complete random laughter and plot just made it an enjoyable flash to watch.

~ Audio ~

The voices were done rather good and I really liked the laughing. It all seemed really good. Great job here.

~ Overall ~

Terrible graphics, but the humor really saves this submission. It also makes me want to favor it for future reference.

RainbowRiderAlpha responds:

thanks for the in-depth review man

Ricky and I have a lot of ideas we want to get done, and that's hard to do if we spend a lot of time on one project.

For our next flash, since I already delayed it, I'll make it look better

thanks again

Hm, details please :P

~ Animation ~

The animation was a bit choppy in a couple of places. For example when the car was bouncing up and down from the external view of the vehicle it really didn't look like it was being drove at all, but instead just bouncing up in down.

~ Graphics ~

The drawings were pretty good for the most part, but they still had a lot of room for improvement. The drawings of the people weren't the best, but what I think could help the overall production is more detail in the backgrounds like you had in the one with the blades of grass. That looked great so more detail the better it looks! Also, the soldier didn't look like a soldier at all, but just some random guy off of the street that found a gun to use.

~ Story/Content ~

I think that in the beginning you should have showed the soldier shooting the boy. Perhaps he's fighting some enemy soldiers and the boy surprises him somehow or even just he child getting in the way by accident and he can't check his aim in enough time.

~ Concept ~

It was an original concept for a flash, which is a nice thing to see every now and then. It showed some emotion, but I really thing that the point you wanted to get across was complete sadness and remorse. You could have showed this much better in the facial expressions and some other means.

~ Audio ~

The music was very fitting and really goes good with the idea that the guy is going crazy over this. I think that the beginning could have used sad music and then you could have went into the more upbeat music though.

~ Overall ~

I think that it has a good story and symbolizes something, but you could have pushed it a little further in both story and emotion. Details would really help this submission out as well.

FAtmat666 responds:

Thanks for the review! This is probably the most helpful one I've gotten, for any flash of mine.
I developed the story and flow of the animation to fit the music, which can be limiting. However, I feel that once I get better at it, it will make for a mood that cannot be gotten another way. For now, though, bits of story is left out and filler is added. I also let the emotions of the story slip a little bit away from the emotions of the music.
I really agree that more details would help, and haven't thought of that before. I'll be sure to put more in to my future works.

How dare you tell me not to rate bad because of...

How dare you tell me not to rate bad because of sprites. I love sprites. ;)

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Like I mentioned up above I prefer watching sprites over regular submissions. They just have that great video game feel to them that I love so much. You had a nice usage of zooms and pans that kept changing it up from the stagnant video clip of them standing there playing their instruments. You also did a good job with syncing the mouth movements with the voices.

~ Story/Content ~

It was kind of boring just the way it was. It would have been better if you would have used this as part of a story instead of having it as the whole thing simply because it was just them playing and nothing else went on. So perhaps building a story with this happening somewhere in the middle could make it more interesting?

~ Audio ~

The audio was of good quality, but obviously I couldn't understand a word of it. Perhaps having the option of turning English subtitles on could make this better.

~ Overall ~

Try to do more than just having a music video. Build around the story a bit more and perhaps some English subtitles.

Pienkaito responds:

Well, thank you very much for the comment.

Also, I did hear from many that it lacks "story". I got so tired from doing all the lip-syncing that I got lazy doing any other stuff.
Same goes to the subtitles.

All this was actually planned, but got scrapped due to my lazy attitude.

However, I thank you once again for the review.
I hope, we meet someday again!. ;-)

Who is who?

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I would have suggested not using real pictures. They aren't that bad in this submission, but they also take away from the overall production a little bit. I love the animation that you had though and I love most of your graphics. There were a few people who could have been drawn better such as the people from King of the Hill.

~ Story/Content ~

I thought you did a really good job here making the scenes come alive. I liked how everything flowed and it was actually pretty funny. There really wasn't much to comment on about the content since it was based off of someones audio.

~ Audio ~

The voices were pretty good. The King of the Hill voices could have been better, but it really wasn't too bad. I liked almost all of the voices and Ricky Brown there did a good job on adding a lot of humor to it. Especially the last scene made me laugh a bit with the whole, "Ricky Brown is my mom" bit.

~ Overall ~

Great audio and the graphics can improve slightly.

angiDGL responds:

Thanks for the in depth review, I'll take your advice for future projects.

Dad, coach, fan of eating food.

Age 36, Male


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