Animation/Graphics - The first thing that I noticed was that yes the drawings weren't very good. :P I think that if you worked on some characters instead of some circles that the flash would have been much better. Let's forget about that for a little bit though and just talk about the animation itself. I think you could have gotten the circle characters to work if you worked on the environment of the flash a little bit. Making the background more detailed such as giving the place walls, ceiling, floors, background items, etc... Also being able to see a bullet hitting the guys would have made it just a tad bit better. All things that could be worked on.
Story/Content - Not very original. Looks like something a beginner would make in flash. You had the generic couple of kills and even the generic dance club thing that surprising a lot of flashes have. So perhaps a background story would be nice instead of just random killing and everything. I do like the menus though they are well presented. The introduction of the flash and the skip button was also very nice even though I didn't use the skip button so I assumed that it worked well.
Audio - You had good audio here with the music and the gun sound effects. The only room you would have for more audio or to improve the audio in the submission would to be adding more to the story to give yourself more opportunities.
Overall - The generic fighting scene. I think the two biggest things that need to improve is a story and some better graphics.
~ Review Request Club ~