Hm, sorry for not reviewing earlier.
~ Animation ~
I think the animation was the downfall of the submission. Not because the animation that you had was bad, but because there was really a lack of it. When the dude gets shot perhaps he could have cringed his body more and some things like that. I can understand people who are saying they don't like it because there isn't much going on.
~ Graphics ~
The graphics were one of the best part of the submission in my opinion. The drawings were very good and the background was very fitting. Perhaps in the background there could have been more details such as pictures on the wall, a Uzbek flag, and other things similar to that.
~ Story/Content ~
I never saw the music video before you showed me, but I find it to be a pretty good parody of the music video. Maybe there could have been a scene where the cops drove up and started shooting at them so people knew what was going on more. Anything to change up the stagnant standing in one area the entire time. I personally tought the dialogue was pretty funny.
~ Audio ~
Man, I don't make a good girl, but I think that the male voice came out pretty good. Let's find a girl that is willing to do the voices next time. :P The music in the background was pretty good. Perhaps you should have added some bullet sound effects or something like that?
~ Overall ~
It could have used more animation and different scenes than just the normal standing there. I have a terrible girl voice and I think the dialogue is kind of funny. On to the next project.