
373 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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~ Review Request Club ~

Hm, I have to say that I haven't watched the first submission so I haven't really followed the story up to this, but I feel that it's a very strong flash submission and that I can get a base of what the story is about from this one. Sorry that I don't have time to check out your other one as well.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The animation was good in almost all of this. There were a few parts where it wasn't the best, but you have some very high quality work here all around! Same with some of the drawings as well. For the most part they were very good, but in a few parts here and there they seem to be a little more rushed.

~ Story/Concept ~

Ah, it was a bit boring in the beginning and this is coming from experience that the viewers here will get bored within the first 10 seconds of a flash if they don't see something with action. I know that because I have many submissions where they say the submission starts off too slow even though I simple have 1 minute of story... They can't seem to grasp the fact that action doesn't have to be the whole thing.

So yeah, if you want a little bit more publicity I suggest starting off with some sort of action. That seems to draw the more simple minded users on this site to watch the entire thing. I personally thought that there was a reason for it being dry in places, but I'll talk about that down below...

~ Audio ~

The sound effects and music was good, but the voices were very poor all around. Way too quiet compared to the the rest of the sounds. On top of that there was a lack of voices. I think that the voices could have been used more throughout the entire submission as they aren't heard until the end and this makes it kind of dry, boring, and really doesn't tell us what is going on in the movie.

~ Overall ~

The graphics and animation were nice, but look like they get a bit sloppy here and there. The audio was good except for the voice acting which was way too quiet and too far in between.

~ Review Request Club ~

AM-Frasier responds:

These are some good points to take into consideration. The audio thing is a mystery. I keep getting mixed reviews. It seems that with different systems comes different results. I will probably go back raise the levels of the voices after I'm done with chapter 3.

Thanks !!!

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Not too good in some parts and manageable in other parts. I think you should make this again and really take your time on it because if you did I have no doubt in my mind that it would win some sort of daily award. For the most part though the graphics weren't the best. The animation was decent, but I found that it was missing a lot of small movements that would have made it more detailed and better.

~ Story/Content ~

I found that this was too slow and really took too long. I know that you were trying to get the idea into our head that he does the same thing over and over again, but perhaps speed it up a bit just for the viewers sake. I think that we would have understood your point if you would have done it one less time.

Ah, I don't like those I have a bad life and I'm going to commit suicide things. I mean wtf... this guy has a beautiful house, enough money to eat everyday and to have really nice clothes, and an easy job. What the hell does he have to complain about? Maybe he should try living a life where he doesn't have food and he's starving, where the only water that he gets is dirty water that someone just bathed in, and his job only pays 6 cents a day. Those people don't complain about life as much as these types of people that your portrayed in your story here.

So I don't like the fact that this guy has a wonderful life compared to most people in the world and he goes and kills himself. Why not have it end happier? Have him see someone that's worst off then him and he realizes that he actually has a pretty good life. Sure repetitive at times, but it's his own fault for not doing something else. Hm, that was more of a rant than it was a review, but I think that the story really doesn't fit what people should be thinking in real life...

~ Audio ~

The song was really nice, but perhaps there was a little bit of room for more sound effects other than the alarm clock. It seems that the alarm clock was a nice way to start the animation so why not have another sound effect somewhere later in the flash? I don't think it's necessary, but it's an idea.

~ Overall ~

The graphics need a bit of work, the animation that you had was pretty decent, the story was just overdone and completely wrong in my opinion, and the audio was pretty good all around. This is really like a 6.4 or so and it's more about how I think the graphics were rushed than it is about anything else, so hopefully you aren't too upset about the score.

You definitely have a future on this site if you want to continue animating so please keep up the hard work!

~ Review Request Club ~

Icandraw responds:

ohh god ! thanks for detailed review
I am so happy cuz i learned my fault

~ Review Request Club ~

Ok, this one was slightly entertaining actually.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The animation was much better in this one than in the other ones, but you still have that really choppy nature to your animation style. The way he ran was a little fast pace for me. Slow it down just a little bit and I think you'll be fine.

~ Story/Content ~

You had more content behind this one. To make it better though I suggest having the character fight a couple of people before he gets to the Kitty Krew guy. This way we get tricked into thinking it's just going to be a regular sprite fight and then all of a sudden a twist at the end.

The whole pico thing was pretty cool, but when he randomly (and choppidly [not a real word]) went away and the naked guy started to dance... well it was a bit weird and out of place.

~ Audio ~

I found this song to be really good and it's good that you picked something off of the audio portal. I almost thought that this was something that came from the game that you had made the flash about. Good choice of music and decent sound effects when they were used.

~ Overall ~

Still have that same choppy animation, but it was better in this one. Story was also better, but it needs some more depth.

~ Review Request Club ~

PantyWipe responds:

At the very LEAST... Good for a Kitty Krew flick, right? LOLOLOL.

~ Review Request Club ~

A row of threes you will get from me.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Yeah, it's basically the same thing as the last review that I gave you. The animation is very choppy, but at least the screen as a bit bigger this time. You could have been zoomed in a bit though. For example instead of being able to see the whole thing perhaps maybe you could make it so they could only see the character running up.

~ Story/Content ~

Good spam at it's best. Again, this could be a good idea, but it wasn't carried out very well. Instead of having the generic characters perhaps you could have used the cat on top all along and instead of barrels perhaps you could have had balls of yarn rolling down. Making it more Kitty Krew related like that would be entertaining to me instead of having the Cat randomly appear.

~ Audio ~

Just like last time you had good sound effects and audio used for the movie. It really isn't enough to make the submission as a whole good though. That's about it for audio.

~ Overall ~

Good spam at best, but the animation really takes away from it. The random cat showing up instead of some interesting content doesn't help as well.

~ Review Request Club ~

PantyWipe responds:

good spam at its best is actually a good compliment in my eyes. thats exactly what this film strived for.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

They weren't the best, but like you said before you rather do the writing and programming then you would the animation. The drawings were what really needed to be worked on in this piece. The animation that you did have was good enough for what happened in the flash in my opinion. A lot of the drawings seem a bit messy though.

~ Story/Content ~

The first scene is a nice introduction to the movie, but really doesn't have too many jokes. The middle scene is really funny in my opinion and I laugh at the evil laughter part because it goes for so long. The panning back and forth between the characters makes it funny.

The last scene with the soldier was funny too because it shows how dumb people in the United States (aka AMERICA lololololol) can really be. I love the line, "Ehh... I don't understand the question."

~ Audio ~

Nick's voices are really good, but mine could be a lot better. The quality is actually really good. (Comment directed towards Coop) It's just how flash reduces the quality and how turning the file into a MP3 reduces the quality. I think we should work with Wavs. in the future because their quality is a lot better.

Plus I have a wonderful singing voice.

~ Overall ~

It may be lacking in the quality of the artwork a bit, but it makes me laugh a lot and the story is funny enough to make up for it in my opinion. Good work.

~ Review Request Club ~

MonoFlauta responds:

"They weren't the best, but like you said before you rather do the writing and programming then you would the animation. The drawings were what really needed to be worked on in this piece. The animation that you did have was good enough for what happened in the flash in my opinion. A lot of the drawings seem a bit messy though."

Yes that is my weak point... i need to practice it obviously... but is getting better :p

"The first scene is a nice introduction to the movie, but really doesn't have too many jokes. The middle scene is really funny in my opinion and I laugh at the evil laughter part because it goes for so long. The panning back and forth between the characters makes it funny.
The last scene with the soldier was funny too because it shows how dumb people in the United States (aka AMERICA lololololol) can really be. I love the line, "Ehh... I don't understand the question.""
yes my strong point lol :P i would like to by sometimes only a writer but is difficult :P

"Nick's voices are really good, but mine could be a lot better. The quality is actually really good. (Comment directed towards Coop) It's just how flash reduces the quality and how turning the file into a MP3 reduces the quality. I think we should work with Wavs. in the future because their quality is a lot better. "

Yes we talked about the MP3 and the Wavs... the problem with the wavs is the wheight :S

"Plus I have a wonderful singing voice."

Keep lying your self until you believe it :p hahaha XD

"It may be lacking in the quality of the artwork a bit, but it makes me laugh a lot and the story is funny enough to make up for it in my opinion. Good work."

Good work you to :P

thanks for reviewing

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Some of the better things that you expect from the Kitty Krew. The graphics themselves were completely fine, but they needed to be much better. A default of this screen would be much better. Actually, it was like this wasn't even made in flash at all, but instead was just made by taking screen shots and pausing the game, repeating that, etc..

The animation wasn't very good. There was basically no in between movements aka as my screen shot comment and it was very choppy. I would have liked it much better if there was evident tweens here. Along with what my Spanish friend below me said there could have been a zoom in there. Perhaps zoom in to pacman when he dies so we can really see what's going on. This might not be as needed if the screen was bigger though.

~ Story/Content ~

A pacman joke like this can actually be a very funny short. I think the lack of animation turned me away from it, but the idea is good. I think the delivery could be worked on a little more such as having him being chased around, eating the pill, getting close to another pill, the screen zooming in, pacman saying that he doesn't feel too good and what the fuck did he just eat, the name of the drug showing up on the pill that he's next to when you zoom in, oh shit, and last, but not least a dead pacman.

Damn, perhaps I'll do that. It sounds simple enough..

~ Audio ~

The audio was good all around. I don't know how you used audio that was still waiting approval though. :P Or perhaps the audio was stolen or something and marked. I don't know and it doesn't matter. The point is you had good pacman sound effects and music.

~ Overall ~

I like the idea, but I felt that this really lacked in animation and delivery. The size of the screen was way too small as well.

~ Review Request Club ~

PantyWipe responds:

i hear ya on the screen size. that really small bit was the only size sprites i could find without distorting it.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

It's really hard to say anything different, but the same thing with the convos popping up here. I think there needs to be a better delay so people know for sure which one pops up first and which one pops up second. They pop up so fast you can't tell which one is first.

~ Story/Content ~

This one really was off from the other ones. It was one that really didn't answer many questions, but seems to be used to create even more of a story. So yeah, nothing was cleared up for me here, but this one makes me think that it will be cleared up in the next submission or two. I'm hoping at least.

~ Audio ~

Kind of the same thing with the audio as in the last one. The music you use is great, but I would really like to see some sort of newgrounds music in there or at least better transition in between the song when it loops.

~ Overall ~

A nice piece that really doesn't help me put two and two together. Perhaps I'm missing something or perhaps I'll find out in the next couple of submissions. I guess there is really only one way to find out.

I forgot to put the RRC sig on the bottom of my last review.

~ Review Request Club ~

Celx-Requin responds:

Ah those pesky R.R.C tags!
The plot should become crystal clear in the next submission,
and at least let you know why things are happening.

- Celx

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

The graphics were pretty good in this one. I now notice that the bubbles pop up in order, but they do move so quickly that it's hard to tell. Especially if someone isn't paying that close of attention.

There were two spots where I thought the graphics could be improved. The square as a eye hole on the door was very out of place compared to the sketchy style of everything else. The fire place could have used some red color. It could have also represented evil or death that way as well. (both of these places towards the end of the submission)

~ Story/Concept ~

A nice addition to the series. A lot of questions are cleared up to me in this one. It was one of the few in the series that instead of creating a bunch of questions it only created a few and answered more. That's how I know we are going to reach the end here pretty soon. It's been a pretty good journey all around and once you're done with them I'll have to watch them all together.

In one of the bubbles I noticed an error. The one part should have said "So I'll come by your office first thing tomorrow" instead of "I come by your office first thing tomorrow."

~ Audio ~

The audio was alright. I wouldn't mind hearing something from newgrounds play. It might also give your submission some more views. I noticed when the song started over again it didn't sound too great. The transition in between could be worked on a little bit.

~ Overall ~

A good addition to the story that clears some questions up. A few things here and there to fix, but nothing major.

Celx-Requin responds:


I hopefully will get a chance to work with a newgrounds artist to score "Cooljaw" soon, it really depends on whether there is any interest or not from people wanting to actually purchase a dvd or something...

I agree about the eye hole.
- Celx

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation ~

The animation was pretty good for the most part. I feel that you did a good job with syncing things such as the lip movement and body movements. Something that I think could have been worked on were the faster animations such as the car pulling up or when he swung his weapon. It seemed very slow and needs to be animated (the only words that I can think of) in a more forceful and swift manner.

~ Graphics ~

Just like the animation the graphics as a whole were rather good. I think there was only a couple of things that I noticed. The first thing was I really didn't like the black fade that you used. It wasn't a very appropriate place to use it and it would have looked much better if you would have cut to the next part. The second thing was when the character put his arms up to protect himself (before he transformed) you could see an odd area on his elbows where the outline disappears.

~ Story/Content ~

This is something that would make a very interesting series in my opinion. The average day regular guy who gets picked on by the jocks, but has special powers. The idea might not seem original, but the World's Fastest Drummer super power seems to be a very original way to approach this theme.

This was a good introduction flash to what would be a good series. In future episodes I would like to see more character development, more story line, and much more length in the submission. Probably somewhere around 3X as much content as what you had in this one. It should be fairly easy to meet the MB upload limit while having about 3X as much material in your story. (6.6 MBs)

~ Audio ~

If people aren't paying attention then this submission should sound very true to life. You did a great job with the ambient background noises of animals and things like that. The other sound effects like the car opening up sounded really good as well.

The voice acting was pretty good and I don't have any problem with the acting itself, but the quality of the sound was kind of low. It sounds like you used MP3 files? I'm personally a fan of having the high quality sound even if it means increasing my file size. The voices take a hit from quality and it kind of takes my rating down a little bit. Better quality voices would have made this much better.

~ Overall ~

Very few things wrong with the animation and graphics, you set this up for a good series if you wanted to continue, and the audio was really good except for the quality of the voices.

I hope this review has helped you, that you continue to work and produce flashes, and that you come back to the Review Request Club whenever you submit a flash again.

~ Review Request Club ~

McAfee-Enterprises responds:

Fro, you are so right on! Thanks for your time in this review. We would love to do a SpeedE The WFD series and through so much encouragement from NG reviews, we are inspired to do so.......If you didn't know already and I think most here didn't which gave us some very honest reviews is that SpeedE The WFD grew from WFD The Game, did ya know that? He's the last have to beat character and hardest level as seen at World's Fastest Gamer............

If you know of any talented writers and creative folk we would love to explore how to get SpeedE to a series if you honestly feel there's merit?

Dad, coach, fan of eating food.

Age 36, Male


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