Pretty good all around.
I thought that the vocals and instruments had a nice ratio of volume even though some people thought the lyrics should have been louder. If you simply turn your speakers way up it sounds like it's in the right spot.
I love heavy metal, but I don't think that this is my style at all. I love screaming, but this sounds more like I'm a emo and I can growl and scream and my life is so bad that I'm going to turn to Satan and hate mankind type of bull crap music, but I won't let my joy of life and music preferences effect the score.
The instruments themselves were very good, but there was really never that one specific part where the guitar blew my mind out or anything like that. It was kind of conservative in my mind. I already commented on how I thought the lyrics and vocals were kind of whiny and emo like, but again I can't let judgment effect my score since I'm reviewing on quality.
There's just something about the vocals that tells me this isn't quite here even though I haven't heard black metal like this before. I think the vocals can be improved slightly, but I don't know how.
Hm, I guess that's all I have to say. I added it to my favorites because I knew I wanted to come back to review it, but it really isn't one of my favorite audio submissions. I'll probably keep it there though for future reference. Keep on working.