Well it had to be rushed.
It had to be rushed because it was a last minute thing. It's not really something that you can plan out a couple days ahead of time.
~ Animation/Graphics ~
Not the best. Even for something being rushed it's still not the best, but it's not terrible at all. I would have liked to see more backgrounds than the black background that you used the entire time. (Sounds like MJ being sick of being black all of the time)
Anyway, perhaps more detailed backgrounds, art work needs a little bit of work, and some parts were actually rushed to the point that they went so fast and I had no clue what I just saw on the screen.
~ Story/Content ~
Tributes to tributes can be fun sometime. The one thing they always are is hypocritical though. Such as you saying put it on youtube, when this tribute is basically the same quality and serves almost the same purpose as those submissions. You put your stuff on youtube then. :P
Ha, actually hate when people say that...
It started off kind of funny, but throughout the entire thing you slowly start to realize that you were just trying to be too funny and trying too hard to be funny is rarely funny.
I would have liked to seen the humor be more subtle and spread out throughout the entire submission instead of just kind of packed in the first half of the submission.
~ Audio ~
Voice acting was fine, but the quality of the voice was terrible. Sounds like you just have a very poor microphone to me. So I guess the choices are to get a better mic. or to use a voice actor in the future. A large section of your movie I didn't understand because I couldn't hear what was being said.
~ Overall ~
Your basic tribute to tributes that actually is basically the same as the tributes at hand.
~ Review Request Club ~