~ Animation/Graphics ~
The artwork is pretty good all around. Not that bad at all. It's the animation that looks like it needs a lot of work. A lot of stuff that I would like to call "lazy animation" because it was simply the basics. Such as when the aliens would float there their flames were just a static picture of fire. That should have been animated.
The part where he eats the aliens seemed very rushed.
~ Story/Content ~
Lol what the fuck was going on there? It was so random that it was funny. I tend to see flashes that try to be extremely random and end up trying too hard, but this was just about perfect content wise. I really can't comment more than that about the plot and everything. I enjoyed it.
~ Audio ~
I didn't enjoy the voices. I understand they were alien voices, but they were just plain hard to understand and annoying. I think you should have changed the voices a little and not only that, but add subtitles so people can read along. That way people can't complain about not understanding like I'm doing right now. :P
~ Overall ~
The WTF and the rest of the ending just made this submission good to me. It really made me laugh and that gave you some extra points on my rating. Good job with the randomness.