Surprisingly pretty good. You're animation skills have gotten impressively better and unlike a lot of the jam videos I've watched you had some pretty original humor and jokes.
Good luck on some of that prize money!
Surprisingly pretty good. You're animation skills have gotten impressively better and unlike a lot of the jam videos I've watched you had some pretty original humor and jokes.
Good luck on some of that prize money!
Thanks Fro, that means a lot to me!
Eh, even with the lack of any actual animation or artwork this might have been slightly entertaining if it had any humor to save it. Sadly it did not.
Virtually bare minimum graphics, little to no animation, and a really bad mix of voice acting and audio. The audio choice was ok, but really overpowered the already pretty poor voice acting. Quality of the sound was fine, but just not a good acting job all around.
To be honest I can't really find any redeeming factors to this submission and think it really needs work all around.
Actually, it's just make for fun and i made it in 1 hour and it's done
Without watching too many of the Elon Musk animations this is exactly the plot I would assume to see in most of them. In fact, its that exact joke I predicted would be made in multiple animations.
So Yeah, the predictably really takes away from this. That on top of slightly low effort artwork and memish animation as well.
Overall, would have like to see a more original joke and better artwork/animation.
Aight man, thanks for the criticism! Sorry about the joke not being that original, I planned this project out before the musk jam, and I guess everyone thought of it too lol. I’ll try to get better at animating as well, like you said. Thanks again!
Dude, this is hilarious in it's own way. I don't know why it didn't get any attention on here. The voices could have been a lot better and I realize that it's literally a "puppet" show, but the idea is funny, the concept is funny, and the execution was pretty good.
I'd like to see more stuff like this on newgrounds for sure.
thanks for the feedback
I hated this with a passion. Not enough cock jokes.
Seriously though, I think maybe the jack off scene was a tad bit over board. I think the punchline could have ended with the, "do you wsnna watch me jack off comment".
I got a couple of chuckles out of this, but mostly found myself asking... For the love of god why?!
Billy did all of the voices? He has a lot more range than I expected! Great job on the voicing!
Billy greatly helped this cartoon look somewhat decent just with his voice alone. There really is no meaning or reason in this cartoon, just dumb fun and testing the waters, seeing which jokes land. I'm happy it at least made you laugh sometimes though!
There were parts of this collab that left me absolutely howling with laughter. Good job guys.
Recommend 10/10
Fro ur probably the smartest moderator
While the artwork and animation could have been better, the script, while not actually created by you, was dumb and incoherent enough to actually create a pretty random and funny story line that you executed well.
Also, the voice acting was on point. Good work all around. I actually love the concept of animating the AI stories.
Ah thanks, yeah I actually started only a week before the deadline of the pet jam, so the animation and artwork could have been better if I started earlier, normally they look better.
Pretty decent animation for being thrown together in less than 24 hours. What I'm about to say is most likely representative of a submission that had been worked on longer.
The animation wasn't extremely smooth and the artwork was lacking in a lot of areas. The concept was alright, but nothing too funny or exciting. I think maybe the voice acting was hard for me to understand, bit perhaps that was more of the accent than anything else.
I'm kind of confused at the end? She hugged him and the cat food fell back out of his mouth? After the antivax and Karen posts I was kind of hoping he did stab her lol.
Thank you for the constructive criticism! I will improve a lot my next animation.
Oh well, you can’t get always what you wish.
Dad, coach, fan of eating food.
Age 36, Male
New Of Grounds
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Joined on 4/12/04