Dad, coach, fan of eating food.

Age 36, Male


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Joined on 4/12/04

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Fro's News

Posted by Fro - March 28th, 2022

Super convenient donate button: https://ko-fi.com/thecoachfro

You can also donate directly to my paypal here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Frodozer


Check out my last post to see all of the upcoming competitions I have this year.

Quick summary:

  • May: CJay Classic - A fun small competition with all overhead pressing events. (My specialty)

  • June: Wrath of the Strongest - A big competition with a ton of strong athletes showing up. Just plan on having fun and trying to reach top 3!

  • July: Regional Championships - If I can win my weight class I get invited to some big comps later!

  • October: National Championships - Up against the best in the nation.

  • October: Static Monsters - A week after nationals. Just 2 lifts, going to try and perform well even though I'll have little rest in this time period. Top 10 in the world get invited to a competition in Australia.


I've added up all of the hotels, estimated the gas/food, and the airplane ticket for national championships. I'm going to need $3,000 to compete in all of these.

The big push for myself will be Regional Championships, National Championships, and Static Monsters.

I would really like to win regionals, if possible. If I do I get invited to the Arnolds and to be honest it would just be cool to have Arnold yelling in my ear while I'm lifting something heavy! Either way this is a true test to see how I am against the best in my region.

For nationals, I'll do my best, but the biggest thing is I just really want the experience. Also, it's in PA. Maybe @TomFulp can come visit me! Also, this is where my parents and siblings live. I haven't seen them in multiple years and my parents are getting just old enough that there might not be too many visits left. :( Just trying to secure an AirBnb and plane tickets to get there and back.

Static monsters will be a week later. Hopefully I can recover by then and if I reach my lifting goals at the same time I should come in right around 10th place world wide at my weight class. If that's possible I could get invited to a competition in Australia! I might not ever get that opportunity again.


I'll be asking more than the internet for help this time. My coworkers, family, friends, etc... It's going to be a tough year to get through all of this financially, but I'm going to make it happen one way or another!

I'm also trying to brainstorm some ideas on how to work with other individuals to help bring in donations. Maybe there are a few artists that wouldn't mind running a commissioning campaign to help me get there? Just an idea, I'll come back to it soon.


Posted by Fro - January 7th, 2022

This is a post to help me organize my thoughts and training a bit.

And also to literally beg you for money. I'm going to probably spend a solid $2,000 or more on competitions this year lol

February 19th Competition - Unleash the Beast

Events: Max Log Press (3 attempts) EDIT* It's actually unlimited attempts, I'll find a weight to come in at that I'm certain to hit.

  • Opens at 180 pounds, weights jumps by 20 pounds. Depending on what I find in training, I'll probably attempt 220, 240, and 260. This may get me in the top 3. If I find that I'm hitting 260 100% of the time in training then I'll do 240, 260, and attempt a 280.

Training: Added an extra day at the end of the week for extra log practice.

Max Double Overhand Axle Bar Deadlift (3 attempts) EDIT* It's actually unlimited attempts, I'll find a weight to come in at that I'm certain to hit.

  • Opens at 200 pounds, weights jump by 20 pounds. This is a lot harder than it seems. Whatever you can do on a normal deadlift, divide that by 2. This isn't a back or leg test, this is a grip/forearm test. The bar is THICK, twice the size of a normal bar. It's humbling. I'm also bad at it and one of the contenders holds the United States title for the nations strongest hands. Expecting to place near the bottom.

Training: Added grip to the end of my training days. I needed to do this years ago, it won't be enough time to do enough good in the comp, but it's time to start now nonetheless.

Tombstone Carry to Dinnie Ring Carry

  • Tombstone weighs 250, one dinnie ring is 260 pounds and the other is 200 pounds. Grab the tombstone from the ground, carry 20 feet, put down. Pick up dinnie rings (one in each hand, awkward because of the weight difference, but also one is longer than the other) Carry back 20 feet.

  • Thinking I should do ok. Hoping for top 3 entry.

Training: Have to make a special trip to get a hold of the implements. Takes 2 hours of travel. Wish I had better access. I could get my one set up for about $150.

Yoke Walk to Sandbag Over Yoke

  • Pick up 600 pound yoke, walk it 50 feet, sprint back 50 feet, pick up 200 pound sandbag, run it back 50 feet, put it over the yoke.

  • Goal: WIN THIS BABY, I am speed

Training: General high intensity conditioning. Heavy squats.

Atlas Stone over Bar (60 seconds)

  • Pick up 250 pound stone, put it over the 4 foot bar, it gets rolled back, repeat until death.

  • Hoping for top 3

Training: Special trip, could get my own set up for about $300. Not worth it, but the rest of my training should make me "ok" at this.

April Comp - Date TBD - Events TBD

Decided not to participate. I have enough competitions this year and it'll let me really focus my training towards the May and June comp! I'm going to volunteer to help out instead.

May Comp - CJay Classic

A fun small comp, not sanctioned by the strongman corporation.

Max axle press from the rack (3 attempts)

  • Unlike most pressing events that come from the floor, I'll be able to pull this from the rack. No rules other than it gets pressed above your head.

Training: Will just switch all of my pressing that isn't with the log to the axle now. Small change just to get use to the thick bar. Shouldn't change anything.

Log Clean and then press away (175 pounds)

  • Clean the log from the ground one time, then press in any fashion for as many reps as possible. I should get a lot of these.

Training: Current training will do this just fine.

Keg carry and press (80 pounds, press every 25 feet)

  • Carry a keg, for what I assume is for 60 seconds, press it above head every 25 feet, keep carrying till time is up.

Training: Normal training and conditioning will be good enough. If I can get my hand on a keg that would be amazing.

June 26th Competition - Wrath of the Strongest

Max Circus Dumbbell (3 attempts, 10 pound jumps)

  • I have no clue what I can do on this. I've easily pressed 100 pound dumbbells above my head, but as the name suggests this thing is comically large, thick handled, etc... I just need to get my hand on one so I can play around with it.

Training: No good way to train, would cost $300+ for my own. This will be a special trip item.

Flag Hoist

  • I have no clue what the weights will be or if it even matters.

Training: ???

It looks horrible lol

Natural Stone Carry and Load

  • No clues about weight, shape, or anything really.

Training: I'll have to just find heavy stones and log in the woods in my back and carry them around. Unlike an atlas stone, these aren't round. No good way to train specifically.

Axle Deadlift for reps in 60 seconds (450 pounds)

  • Well... we aren't allowed to strap ourselves to the bar. Unlike the Feb. Comp, I can use a mixed grip on the bar, which I've done 405 in training. I have a lot of room to grow.

Training: Current grip training will help tremendously. As soon as the Feb. Comp is over, my deadlift reps will start to be done on the axle bar without straps. The extra day of pressing will turn into an extra day of deadlifts.


Sandbag to shoulder series (175, 200, 230, 250, 275 pounds)

  • I have access to some sandbags. I've only ever shouldered a 200 pound bag, but that was very easy.

Training: Shoulder bags that I have access to. (150 and 200) Try to find ways to get access to other bags.

July Comp - Regional Championships - TBD

They've implemented a new level of competition. It use to be that you would win an invite to the national championship if you won a contest. Now I believe you get invited to the Regional Championship and the top so many from each region get invited to the national championship.

I don't have to do this because I'm already grandfathered into the national championship this year, but if this is the way of the future I might as well sign up for it. (This year they're just taking sign ups???) Either way, more experience at a higher level is only a good thing.

October Comp - Static Monsters

Max log press 3 attempts - My attempts TBD

Max axle log deadlift 3 attempts - My attempts TBD

As soon as the other comps clear up, I will have days specific to these 2 events. The deadlift I can be strapped to and gets pulled from a slightly higher height. I pulled a decently easy 600 last October and would be ecstatic if I could pull 700 this year.

October Comp - National Championships

Location unknown, events unknown, goals are not to take last!


Posted by Fro - December 13th, 2021

After winning all of my lightweight strongman competitions last year. (Under 200 pounds weight class) I decided I wanted to push myself this year and move up to middle weight. (Under 231 pounds)

The athlete list that's come out for my February comp is really stacked in my new weight class. In fact, there are multiple professional athletes attending. (Aka, they get paid to be there, unlike me who's paying to compete, hint hint if you want to help me pay)

The lightweight class is almost empty. A few people I've beaten before, ready for me to win again. I would just have to fast for a day to make weight for that class and mop up with another trophy, but that wasn't the point. The point was to lose.


Yes, I know. Usually we don't strive to lose, but I don't really see it as losing. I'm going to be going up against some of the best athletes that have blessed this world. If I can find the podium in the top 3 by chasing these studs around all day then that's saying something about my ability. That's a huge win in my books. Even if I don't place well, learning and competing with people stronger than me will only in return make me stronger.

Maybe I place at the bottom of the field, maybe with some luck (and a lot of hard work) I pop into the top 3. All I know is that I'm by far faster and stronger now at 205 pounds than I was at 195. It's going to take some time losing before I'm strong enough to win. That was the whole point. Push myself to a new level that I wouldn't have been able to obtain before.

Recent Personal Records:

A 500 pound back squat that was so easy I could have taken it for multiple reps. Believe my new personal best is probably closer to 520 pounds. Currently a 25 pound PR, possibly a lot more in there.

A 385 pound bench press. Up 20 pounds from my last personal record. I've become a bit stronger since then too and think I can finally cross the 400 pound bench mark. A long term goal of mine.

The most impressive, 265 pound strict overhead press. I know that sounds like the lightest lift, but you are considered to be a world class elite at that lift if you press 260 at 210 pounds. I pressed 265 at 205 pounds! That's by far my best lift.

Obligatory me getting chubby picture


Posted by Fro - October 29th, 2021

Hey everyone.

I competed in my 3rd strongman competition this week and produced my 3rd 1st place trophy. That is the end of my strongman career...

for this year...

and as a lightweight...

I have marked off 6 total competitions for next year (plus a 7th because I was invited to the national championship for 2022 as well) I also am going to move up a weight class. I was competing as a 90kg (under 198 pound), but would like to compete as a 105 kg (under 231 pound) competitor next year.

My reasoning? Even though I would perform better at the lower weight class, I just want to be bigger and stronger. So I'm slowly going to gain weight this year and start participating in the next weight class. I fully expect to not take any 1st place trophies for a bit, but still have a goal of coming in the top 3 whenever I compete. Of course, I'll go for a win if I can.

Third Comp Results:

1st Place


Log Press 250 pounds

Deadlift 600 pounds

Top 40 in the world

Don't get hurt

Actual results:

Log Pressed 230

Deadlifted 600 pounds (picture below!)

41st in the world

Only hurt my ego


This was a globally ranked competition. For my weight class I was top 11 in the United States and top 41 in the world. If I would have performed towards my goals those numbers would have been 8/36. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

On my first log press attempt I blacked out. It was a routine lift, but something just didn't agree with me. I went dark and it threw me off for a solid 30 minutes. Sadly instead of going 210, 230, 250 I actually ended up going 210 (black out), 220, 230.

The deadlift went exactly as planned, 505, 555, 600. A 10 pound personal best. Also a vein PR. (again, picture below)


Now I eat, lift, sleep, and get big for the next year + until I'm around 225 pounds. Slow and steady wins the race with this one and insures that I build mostly muscle. It's going to be heck of a year.



Posted by Fro - October 15th, 2021

Here it comes. I weigh in on the 22nd and compete on the 23rd. It would be nice to take a first place in my weight division, but this competition is more about setting PR's. It'll rank me worldwide in my weight division. (Under 198 pounds/90 kg)

Won my first competition in May, won my second comp. in August, can I do it again in October?

The competition is two lifts, 3 attempts each.

1) Max Log Press - Video of me pressing a log as an example

2) Max Wagon Wheel Deadlift - (No Video on file. It's basically a deadlift that starts at a higher position because of some "wagon wheel" attachments that bring the bar higher off the ground. Uses less legs and is mostly a back pull)


Make weight at 197 on the 22nd.

Press 250 pounds

Deadlift 600 pounds

Have fun, don't get injured

Make smart decisions that lead me to a first place trophy if possible. (For example, I rather fail to reach the 600 deadlift if 580 would have me win the competition. Forget about my pride, take the 580 for the win and save the 600 for another day. On the other side of things, if I'm not going to win no matter what I lift, I'm just going to go for the personal records and have fun!)

I do have a chance to win though as it's a pretty small showing. There are 4 weight classes across both men and women. (8 classes total) This local venue only has 35 people signed up. If they were evened out that would be 4-5 in each class. Including me, that means I have 3-4 competitors to worry about!


I hit a 250 log press in training, but couldn't get the down command because my legs wouldn't stop wobbling. I think I can hit it on the day of. After my 2nd attempt at a lower weight I'll judge how I feel and then move it down if I'm not feeling it.

I hit 590 on the deadlift after a very long training day. I could have potentially done 600, but decided to save it for comp day.

If I hit my 250/600 goals I would have placed in the top 38 worldwide last year. Which is kind of cool to be in the top 50 of anything in the world! That was also during the first outbreak of Covid and also this event takes place a week after the national championships. I know because of that there are some really strong people not showing up so I remain humble that I'm not truly ranked that. Still cool nonetheless.)


Posted by Fro - September 8th, 2021

Super quick summary: Competed in my 2nd competition. 9 competitors in my division, took 1st in 3 out of the 4th event. Took 3rd in the last event for a 1st overall. With this victory I defeated some nationally ranked competitors and have myself in return been invited to the national championships.


Weight class: Under 200 pounds (176-199)

Age: 32

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 198 (Weighed in at 198, was sitting at 193-194 the weeks before the comp. Ate big the last 2 weeks going in)

Other important elements: It was 102 degrees. (39 degrees C for the majority of the world) The air index was over 270 because of local fires. Everything was a lot more exhausting because of these things. We carried on!



Result: 1st - 11 reps

Summary: Did 11 reps, but would have done much more if I needed to. 2nd place had only managed 5 reps. One of the competitors could have turned this into a rep fest easily, but sadly he hurt his back on the 2nd rep. Overall I was happy that I didn't have to take this for 20+ reps because I've done that before and it kicked my ass. I was excited to keep a bunch of reps in reserve for the other events.

Event 2: Overhead Pressing Medley


Result: 1st - I don't want to count the reps

Summary: Press an axle, press a log, viking press for reps. I felt all of the weights were pretty light and knew this was going to be about conditioning. Hit the axle super easy, took my time on the log, and went ham on the viking. I'm a pretty good presser so I knew I wanted to perform well on this event. I was the only competitor to press the log and other than 2nd place, most people tapped out under 15 reps on the viking.

You were allowed to skip an implement if you gave a solid effort on the press. Axle and log were worth 2 points each, viking presses were worth 1. I tied for the amount of reps on the viking as 2nd place, but 2nd place slipped on his split jerk and wasn't able to complete the log, putting me ahead by 2 points on this one. Power over technique won this time.



Result: 1st

Summary: Took first by .03 seconds. I suffered in carrying technique, but made up for it with a good pace. I conditioned a lot with sandbags to prepare for this event. Everything was 100-200 pounds. Nothing was terrible to carry. I have a lot to learn about proper carrying though. I could have done better on some items, but taking 1st on an event that I was hoping for top 3 at best on was a huge win.

Event 4: Truck Push/Tire Flip (Push truck 60 feet/flip tire back 60 feet)


Result: 3rd

Summary: I believe if I would have went full effort I would have gotten 2nd on this event. After knowing that I just needed 4th to win overall and that enough guys couldn't finish the course in the required time I changed my attitude towards the event a bit. I was tired and ready to go rest at this point so I aimed for just finishing the course in the time, knowing that would secure the win.

I took it easy on the truck to save a bit of energy and then even got lucky on the tire, finishing it in one less flip then the others. The others were ending just inches from the finish line, but I got a super lucky bounce that finished it for me. I trained a lot for this event going in, but it was nice to take an event easy towards the end of a tiring day.

Overall results: 1st place


A lot to learn on carrying/moving heavy objects from point A to B. I'm happy I focused on high rep low rest times and conditioning for this competition. Some of the guys that I beat have competed or earned their national invites so it was a nice motivation to know that I did well against some good competition. It was cool to get my invite to nationals as well.

I escaped with no injuries, just minor cuts and bruises. Other than that, the high has worn off. I'm tired, my neck is sore and I'm ready for a deload week. I'll be right back at it planning for my next comp in October.


Thanks to everyone who donated to me to make this possible. It paid for a bunch of the hotel, travel, entry fees, and training equipment!

I have a new competition in October that I'm going to start training for. Two events, max log press, max deadlift. Super simple, super heavy, lot's to do in not a lot of time to prepare.


Posted by Fro - July 2nd, 2021

And by let's (let us) I actually mean me, let's help Fro get a world record. :P

As a lot of my older news posts tell about, I've competed in and won my first strongman competition. Sporting a Newgrounds T-Shirt as I competed and accepted my trophy!


I still have a few strongman competitions this year, but also have my sites on a new goal. Some bench press records, including a world record!

The bench press records are super technical and hard to explain. Here's the basic summary:

  • Bench only record (You only compete in the bench press and no other lift)
  • Raw Full Power (You compete in bench, squat, and deadlift with no supportive gear)
  • Raw Classic Full Power (You compete in bench, squat, and deadlift with some knee wraps if you choose so)

So oddly enough, a bench record in one doesn't give you a bench record in another category. So all of the bench records are different. Throw in body weight classes and drug tested/not drug tested divisions and there are a ton of records.

The ones I'm wanting to go for are all in the under 198 pound (90kg) weight class in the drug tested division. Because I'm all natural Fro.

Here's the records I'd like to beat:

State Record:

  • Raw Class Full Power: 165 kg / 363.9 pounds (I can currently beat this now)
  • Raw Bench: 180.5 kg / 397.9 pounds (Well within range within a year, maybe less!)

National Record:

  • Raw Classic Full Power: 182.5 kg / 402.30 pounds (this will just be another month or two of training after the 397.9 bench)

World Record:

  • Raw Classic Full Power: 170 kg / 374.80 pounds (I THINK I CAN DO THIS NOW!!!!)

Wait... so why is the world record lower than the state and national record?!?!

Apparently you have to go to very specific events. Each meet costs $$$ and world record meets cost even more $$$$. It's an actual cost to get the paper work proving you're a world record holder and I'm sure that's loops some people don't care to go through.

Basically if I go to a world record event, I can in theory break my state record, national record, and the world record all in one go if I bench over 402.30.

Also in theory I could hold the world record and the state record, but not have the national record if I came in and benched just above 374.80.

ALSO in theory I could break the other records with a huge bench press, but not have the world record because it wasn't a world record event.

So yeah, lot's of rigging of how and when to do it.

So am I asking for $$$ again? Well, yes, but only if you want to. I'm going to go for these records either way, but with some small donations you can speed up when I can do this. I'm looking at the following costs:

$100 a meet

$100 for membership

$100 for singlet

$100-$200 for new competition regulated equipment (wrist supports, elbow sleeves, etc...)

The plan is to just go grab the low hanging fruit. Go grab the one I can beat now, Raw Class Full Power: 165 kg / 363.9 pounds state record. That being said, I'll be $500 in just going to get this one.

So if you'd like to help me break a world record then here's a donation page I have set up! Thanks in advance!



Posted by Fro - May 24th, 2021

May 22nd, many a warrior gathered to see who was the strongest man. The strongest lightweight man below 200 pounds of body weight that is. As did much larger warriors in higher weight classes and women warriors as well.

6 men entered the lightweight battle, but only one could be victorious.

They battled among 4 events of strength.

The picking up of a log and putting it above ones head, before returning log to the ground and repeating this for 60 seconds. (No video, my recorder took a picture by accident instead of a video)


Result: 1st place with 10 repetitions. (2nd did 8)

The walking of the Conan Wheel. A deadly device used to crush peoples hopes, dreams, and diaphragms.

Result: 3rd place

3) The lifting of a car as many times as possible in 60 seconds.

Results: 1st, with a crazy 24 reps. I was in the zone. I believe 2nd had 15 reps.

4) The lifting of a stone and placing on ones shoulder. Removing one arm to show control.

Result: Tied for 1st with 7 reps.

Final victor: Fro

Coach, dad, newgrounds forum moderator, but also the title of "Lightweight Beast of the Bay."

First place trophy: A bear, fitting for his manly physique.


Thank you everyone for the support. Thank you everyone who donated to me for equipment and other fees. I couldn't have done this without you.

I do it again in August. A different competition, new competitors, but the same goal. Be the strongest Newgrounds moderator to ever exist.


Posted by Fro - April 27th, 2021

Go here to read about it if you want: https://fro.newgrounds.com/news/post/1147746

I link to another newspost in that one. Maybe I'll just keep linking these forever so people have to go back 10+ newsposts to see what I'm talking about.

Anyways... topics for this newspost:

1) Strongman

2) Coaching

3) Modding


Competition is May 22nd, it's coming fast! I haven't been able to go to actual strongman training because of the coaching season I just went through, but that's over and every Saturday I'll be making the hour drive to train for the day, eat something fast food like, and make the hour drive home.

Here's some small highlights. The rest are on my twitter account. Follow me there if you'd like to watch my butt a lot in the camera. It's mostly my butt. I barely even get the weights in there sometimes.

Bench Press PR: (355 pounds)

The guy spotting me (ready for this mouthful) is the Junior Super Heavy Weight Bench Press World Record Holder. There's 2 Junior bench press record holders in my gym. Kind of cool. Maybe someday I'll be as big and as strong as him. Probably not lmao.

OHP PR: (240 pounds)

My pressing motions are getting much stronger. Each week I get a little bit better. My lower body lifts are moving a lot slower. I'm content with the progress. I'm just more upper body than lower body at this point. I'll work on it. I am working on it...


Got through two seasons of coaching forced into one. Track and Field and Football (American/Hand Egg)

Covid had me coaching both sports in a condensed manner. It was difficult and I often felt stretched too thin, but hopefully that's the last time that has to happen. Hand Egg starts again in just 2 months. The seasons are all messed up right now.

The school also asked me to be the weight room coach. Woo, there's no off season for that, but that includes something that I'm already doing. I'll get paid to workout and teach people how to workout and not have to pay for the local gym.


Nothing much to add here. Things are clearing up. I missed banning people. Tom said I could be a mod again.


Posted by Fro - March 5th, 2021

Doing some training for upcoming competitions that you can read about and donate to here:


I deadlift a car: (heavy)

I lift a log: (210 pounds)

Simple, but complex lifts for a simple, but complex man.