(Sorry for the low review)
Like I said, sorry for the low score on the review. I just didn't really like this submission too much. Again, not to be rude, but it sounds like what my roommate use to do on his guitar when he was drunk and just randomly strummed on the guitar.
It basically sounded like it didn't have any structure to it whatsoever. Just like you picked up the guitar and you didn't know what you were going to play, but you played it anyway. That isn't always a bad thing, but I don't think it was too good this time around.
I do think one thing could have made this submission pretty good though and that would be lyrics. I know you've heard this already in your other reviews, but it's what really would make this submission good. (Sorry I'm not good with coming up lyrics so I can't help you there too much)
When I hear this song I think of something like Sublime or some other band who usually have relaxing songs. Perhaps add a little bit of drums to the song or another instrument if you can too.
Overall - I personally didn't like it, but it doesn't really mean that it was bad. Just kind of empty and plain for my tastes. Keep working hard though.
~ Review Request Club ~